Muslim is a religion which is headed by Mohamed who they believe is a prophet of God and His messenger. They believe that the testimony of faith is the most important pillar of Islam. It is a society that is bound by common believes and values whereby they see each other as belonging to the same family. They have their own morals, values, norms, and beliefs among others which are supposed to bind that in order for them to live in harmony.
Islam and culture
You find that Islam is represented all over the world. Each Muslim is supposed to abide by society’s norms and values in order to be in a position to enjoy their culture. The social cultures of the Muslims actually develop under the following factors which include the following, regional factors, industry, heritage, climatic factors, national tastes among others. They have also different ethnic groups which are surrounded and united under Islamic commonalities.
They are social to each other and do take each other as brothers and sisters of the same family. Despite the different values in the societies, they have a rich diversity. Also, despite their different social status, they help each other’s needs since they also see each as united by love. The muslin culture has different variations even though they actually remain accepted as long as they are not forbidden by the Muslim culture.
Marriage and purpose of marriage
Marriage by the Muslim is actually seen as an institution that bides two people the male and the female together in order to achieve a certain goal and purpose in life. It’s known to be undertaken after one gains an understanding of what God has prescribed us to do in terms of rights and obligations. You find that all people in their different societies practice marriage just like any other form of life like a business. For instance, Umar ibn al-Khattab in the market places, he used to send people away from these markets if they were not in a position to know the Islamic rules and regulations of buying and selling goods.
In order to engage in the issue of marriage, every Muslim is supposed to have an understanding of the marriage rights and obligations in order to be fit and qualified into the act. Muslims argue that one of the goals of marriage is to increase the Muslim community. They are supposed to obey God in order to be blessed since if they don’t, then they receive a course instead and this may lead to a corrupt community.
The goal was not to bring up children but to bring up righteous children who actually feared God, children who have respect and can serve other people in that community. In Muslim marriage, women are inclined towards men and men are inclined towards women and their marriage is supposed to fulfill this mission. Men’s and women’s desires are actually supposed to be fulfilled in their marriage. For this reason, the Gods messenger that is Allah, upon him be peace and blessings, and ordered men who meets these responsibilities of marriage to get married since when married, it lowers one gaze and helps guard his body against sin, so its through marriage that Muslims are in a position to stay holy and leave in a peaceful society.
Muslims’ purpose of life and the common belief
In order to have a purpose in life, we need to live a social life that is harmonious and peaceful. Need to love each other and see each other as a member of the same family. With Islam, they believe that God completed the religion He revealed and chose for humanity. It is known that Islam means “submission to God, peace, and salvation to all”. It is by submitting to God that Muslims are in a position to live a harmonious life. This is why the prophets came with the same doctrine of faith and they believe that it is the Islam religion that encompasses these doctrines. They also believe that all prophets came with Islam.
Muslim and discrimination
Muslims have a complaint so much about discrimination, especially by the American society. This is due to the evidence by Osama Bin Laden and terrorist bombing to the United States. This has actually led to much discrimination. Also, most Muslims are associated with bombing attacks which has led so much fear to many societies.