Reasons for Choosing the Study
The article was focused on the topic of pain management for children in Saudi Arabia. It detailed the factors that affect nurses and the potential solutions. The study was based on a review of literature from different databases. Therefore, it seeks to bring to attention the need for improvement in how nurses manage pain for children in Saudi Arabia.
The Main Purpose and Methodology
The main purpose of the article was to conduct a systematic review of literature on pain management in Saudi Arabia and provide advice on the need for an education program for nurses. To achieve this purpose, the study adopted a PICOS framework which assists in guiding the review of the literature. Keywords used when searching online databases were children, pediatric, postoperative, pain, self-efficacy, attitude, knowledge, belief, perception, barrier, education, and program.
The search strategy involved combining the above keywords using ‘AND’ or ‘OR.’ Studies published before 2000 and mixed-method research which did not differentiate the results from other aspects of the study were excluded (AlReshidi et al., 2018). A total of 499 papers were revealed by the database search, but after a review, 15 papers were retained for the study.
Results and how they can be Applied in Nursing Practice
I find the presence of gaps in the evidence base concerning the effects of lack of educational programs that enhance nurses’ attitudes, knowledge, beliefs, and perceptions on children’s pain management both interesting and concerning. These results can assist me in creating better strategies when handling children experiencing pain at the hospital. This is because pain management among children is an important part of health care and the nurses play a significant role. These results can also increase the need for more evidence-based research to provide strategies that can assist in eliminating inadequate pain management for children.
Overall Opinion
The article tackles an important topic that poses significant questions to nurses on the issue of pain management among children. The review of the literature reveals that inadequate pain management persists in Saudi Arabia, even with the creation of evidence-based strategies. The researchers provide evidence for the results of the literature analysis, which assists readers in counterchecking their claims. Other researchers can carry out studies on the topic and come up with strategies that can change the situation in the country based on the review of the literature provided.
AlReshidi, N., Long, T., & Darvill, A. (2018). A systematic review of the impact of educational programs on factors that affect nurses’ post-operative pain management for children. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 41(1), 9-24. Web.