People’s excellent environmental adaptations (like bipedalism) appear to have been carefully planned. It seems reasonable to state that this trait refers mostly to the biological dimension of human existence – anatomy, in particular. This field obeys the laws of nature and natural science that cannot be broken or questioned. The human body operates like a coherent mechanism, and there are opportunities to determine and prospect its functions’ manifestations. Such a perspective allows consider humankind as a predictable and quite understandable machinery.
On the other hand, there are many pieces of evidence that people created as improvised contraptions. However, given that these qualities were acquired at random by early human ancestors throughout time, they appear more random when one considers evolutionary background. Hence, in most cases, the mentioned pieces are related to the behavioral aspect of human beings and the evolutionary theory.
Instead of being like an elevator, evolution is more akin to a tree. Darwin envisioned evolution as creating distinct branches, similar to those of this tree, with living species at their tips. The evolutionary process is the mechanism through which the inherited characteristics of biological species change over time. An adaptation, also known as an adaptable characteristic, is a property that has been preserved and developed by natural selection and has a present functional purpose in the organism’s life cycle.
Another essential perspective within the scope given is the considerable differences between the way people behave in similar or identical situations. Despite the fact that from the biological point of view, humans are identical to each other – to an exact extent – there are no specific determinants of how people think and behave. Hence, at the current point of the state of scientific knowledge, there can be no unambiguous answer to the question addressed.