Scholarly Research on Children at Risk Essay

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Summary of the Thesis

Statistics show that one point two billion children globally below the age of eighteen are at risk. This can be translated to about fifty percent of the children population in countries that are developing. It further states that one in every five people in the globe is a child at risk. A lot of families live below a dollar a day (Dryfoos & Barkin, 2005).).

Therefore tremendous poverty, chronic illnesses such as AIDS also lead to this fact. There are approximately one hundred and forty five million children who are without parents. These families are found mostly in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean (Stand4Kids, 2010).

An “at risk” child is a term used to refer to a child who is faced with many issues that could stem from several sources. These sources can be society oriented, family related or peer relations related. These matters normally have lasting impact on the overall health; physical, social, mental and emotional balance of the child. They bear greater concern from all sectors of life both family and society.

This is because such children are at a position of failing to be fruitful in the society (Stand4Kids, 2010). Other children who fall in this category lack basic needs, proper education and healthcare all which are vital for typical development at childhood. This can be attributed to poverty in its worst extremes.

Paucity is more than meets the eye. It is going without food for several days, lacking a roof over one’s head, it is illnesses brought about by consumption of dirty water, it is falling sick and not being able to access treatment due to lack of money, it is lack of education and illiteracy, it is failure of means to provide support for the family, it is hopelessness and fear of the future, it is sheer incapacitation (Dryfoos & Barkin, 2005).

Such children have a great likelihood of engaging in social evils. The sources of such ill behavior could be said to be how they relate with other members of their community. They could be for instance, drug abuse, violence and prostitution. From family could be through maltreatment in the physical or emotion for instance beatings, sexual exploitation and child labor.

Lack of support from loved ones such as parents and guardians make this even worse. The main reason for these children’s engagement in such vices could be due to their desire to make ends meet. As such they can go to every extent to satisfy their needs. As a result, they suffer exploitation from every quarter.

The traits of children at risk are that they tend to be aloof, poor performers in class if at all they have access to education and get no encouragement and even extracurricular activities. However, there should be a disclaimer that this is not always the case as many of them normally have innate talents that need harnessing (Stand4Kids, 2010).

In terms of temperament, some of those children tend to fly with rage at the slightest provocation making their relationship with other children almost impossible. Moreover, those who have gone to the extremes of killing for survival at wars or for money lose their feelings for humanity and become less sensitive to others.

It should be noted that such children may suffer not only long term implications but they might be irremediable. But all hope is not lost for such children and their loved ones since they can be assisted through being positive and encouraging them with failure for reprimand. A lot of love does it all.

Strengths of the Reading

This research serves to highlight a need for social intervention. Extreme poverty is a disaster. It renders children hopeless and without a future since dreams is shattered. It leads people to directions that are unfavorable and to actions that are morally unacceptable. It exposes children to exploitation.

Dr. Volpe in his research in the year 2000 noted that fifteen to thirty per centum who have had a difficult childhood were not able to sail smoothly to the adult life and contribute to the society more effectively.

He therefore suggested a need for integration of interaction between the schools and the children service providers. In overall, this all boils down to a need for equal participation of all parties in order to come up with a productive child. Children at risk need to be supported. To make the world a better place, they must be shown and experience love. This is the only way that will help them get inner motivation (Stand4Kids, 2010).

In addition to this, the government and the relevant ministries concerned should develop policies that favor children especially preventing them from exploitation. Moreover, they should come up with means and ways of supporting families that are strained financially so that they do not have to send children out to work.

The impact of education can never be underrated. Bodies concerned should also partner with more developed countries to acquire solutions to such problems. There is also a need for carrying out advocacy on such issues.

This provides a voice for the vulnerable. It is only when the needs of children are sorted out that the economy of any country would thrive. Children are the leaders of tomorrow and should therefore be cared. Success is measured by how a young generation is nurtured and this cannot be overemphasized.


The text failed to realize the fact that the world is developing so fast and the economy is depreciating the world over. The prices of everything tend to be skyrocketing too. Matter of fact, the research brings out the fact that sexual exploitation is on the rampant.

However, they fail to point out the fact that these children can become pregnant thereby rendering them children- parents. It can also on the extreme affect the health of such children either through practices such as abortions. This is traumatizing to the child that makes them lose their self-esteem and kill their dreams of becoming parents one day (Dryfoos & Barkin, 2005).


There is a need to bring parents and the adults on board. Suggest economic ways that they can adopt to support their children and also provide education on the importance of bearing children that one can support.

There is a need to have a forum that focuses on community engagements especially in the remote areas where people may be least informed of the rights of the children. Other stakeholders such as the government and children social workers should come together to the aid of such children.


Dryfoos, J.G. & Barkin C. (2005). Adolescence: Growing up in America Today. New York: Oxford University Press.

Stand4Kids. (2010). Children at Risk. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 19). Scholarly Research on Children at Risk.

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"Scholarly Research on Children at Risk." IvyPanda, 19 June 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'Scholarly Research on Children at Risk'. 19 June.


IvyPanda. 2019. "Scholarly Research on Children at Risk." June 19, 2019.

1. IvyPanda. "Scholarly Research on Children at Risk." June 19, 2019.


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