The Americanization of Toyota Essay

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The article under consideration is called “Americanization of Toyota” and is dedicated to the improvement of Toyota’s design and providing a new style for the car which will be more Americanized. The article covers the main reasons for those changes and describes the impact of that change on the volume of sales.

Even though Toyota is considered to be the largest company in the world the main target audience is mostly concentrated in North America. That is why the managers of the company believe that the necessity to provide changes into the style of car in the American way is crucial. Consequently, the researchers believe that Toyota’s reliable setting should be encouraged by the new colors and greater creativity.

As was stipulated by the author, one of the senior managing directors Yochi Inaba believes that the Americanization of Toyota will contribute to the globalization of the company sales due to North America’s influence on the rest of the world. As a result, Inaba is intending to include some American elements into the company including English speaking skills.

Taking into consideration the vast influence of Western culture the introduction of a new Toyota not only increase sales rate in America but will widen the target market in the other parts of the world. Moreover, it makes Toyota a more competitive product in comparison with other famous marks such as Detroit, Nissan, and Previa.

However, the author states that the impetuous innovations introduced by the Japanese have shocked the Americans and were not supported by them for the reason that it was not available for an average buyer. Despite that fact, the company did not give up the idea of dynamic creating of the new markets segments relying on the younger target audience. The reason for focusing on the younger generation lies in the greater pursuit of innovations. As proof, the author gives a detailed description of force-coming innovations including parking assist and hybrid engines. Although the high-technology impact on Toyota’s car production prevails it doesn’t have positive feedback on the sales margins. Therefore the manufacturers are more oriented on the improving exterior of the car being the major concept for today.

In addition, the company’s main purpose also implies changing the image of the buyers who are still inclined to attribute the concept of conservatism to the trademark. That reveals in the company’s constant searching for undeveloped segments of the current market and attempting to meet the clients’ requirements

Statistical Concepts Discussed

As noted above, the introduction of the new strategy into Toyota’s industry entails serious changes that reveal in the results considered by the author of the article. To start with, the concept of the style change strengthened the competitiveness of the mark. The statistics show that Japan has sold more trucks to North America than in Japan that a persuasive argument for carrying out this strategy. Thus, the American stream of the company has contributed to the outselling of Fords and Chevys this year. Moreover, Fujio Cho has obtained considerable results by penetrating the American market. That revealed in launching a new model of Sienna that is much cheaper than its previous variant. In other words, the producers are doing their best to make the car more efficient and attractive. Moreover, it is one of the outstanding plants that have installed a simplified assembly line that attributed to more flexibility of the production process that presented the opportunity to faster manufacturing and the increase of the outcome volume rate and easier access to the international market. Besides, it has lessened the production costs by 50% thus increasing the net profit.

In the future, after that significant campaign, Toyota is going to increase its current 2% market to 10% by 2010. The future perspectives of Toyota development impress. It is worth mentioning that the figures the managers expect to receive are quite objective and are likely to come to fruition. It can be judged because the previous results were more than convincing and correspond to the previous volume rate of sales.


In conclusion, the author emphasizes the significant fact that, fortunately, Toyota is not going to betray its reliable reputation of high quality and endurance and is still working on the engineering and settings installing innovations.

Due to the consistent and logical reforming of the company’s policy, there is a strong probability that Toyota manufacturers will capture the world market and succeed in gaining the credibility of Americans and the rest of the world.

Consequently, the necessity for providing new philosophy into Toyota vehicles production is quite obvious since it is proved by many bright examples

It is worth saying, that the company has chosen the right direction of changing the style according to American standards on the ground that North America has an enormous impact on the world market and economy in general. In this case, the popularity of American culture and its economic stability serve as a significant instrument of their advertising campaign.

Reference List

Taylor III, Alex (2003). The Americanization of Toyota. Fortune 148(12). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, March 8). The Americanization of Toyota.

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"The Americanization of Toyota." IvyPanda, 8 Mar. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'The Americanization of Toyota'. 8 March.


IvyPanda. 2022. "The Americanization of Toyota." March 8, 2022.

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IvyPanda. "The Americanization of Toyota." March 8, 2022.

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