The first season of Big Bang Theory tells how Leonard first asked Penny out, initially lying to a girl that she was coming to a dinner with other guys. The guy was afraid of rejection, so he came up with a plan of action, and eventually, when Penny went to the meeting, he just said the other people weren’t coming. I see myself as Leonard Hofstadter because I see my personality traits in his behavior. The guy is loyal but dull and clumsy and always in awkward situations. As I said, I consider myself Leonard, and the main reason is a similarity in boredom, which adds clumsiness and devotion.
The most vivid illustration of Leonard’s tediousness is his hobbies, which may seem strange. He usually wears black glasses, shoes, brown pants, and a neutral jacket and studies seemingly unnecessary sciences (Shi, 2018). My clothing style is also quite dull and straightforward, which makes me look like a nerd. I am also a bit of an avid animal watcher, but people often find it strange and boring. However, despite Leonard’s tediousness, he is a dedicated man who will come to the rescue at the right time.
Leonard is a devoted and caring friend and partner, as evidenced by his relationship with Sheldon. For example, when a friend was robbed while traveling, Hofstadter immediately agreed to help and took him to the police station (Shi, 2018). I had a similar situation, but it was due to the financial difficulties of a friend whom I helped with the money during a difficult period. It certainly seems easy to be clumsy, but to be a faithful person, one needs to have a clear life stance.
Speaking of Leonard’s clumsiness, you can think of the dating situation. The guy tells Penny that he is sending a picture of her in a bikini to the guys from the chess club, and this moment is awkward enough for both of them (Shi, 2018). Interestingly, I had a similar story when I was on a date with a girl, and I was joking about how it would be fun to send pictures of her to my friends. This story shows that my character is the same as that of Leonard Hofstadter.
In conclusion, Leonard’s character is peculiar, and the guy is dull and clumsy but faithful. He is an excellent character to describe my behavior, and I see myself as the prototype. In the words of the show, my life, like that of Leonard, began with the Big Bang, so our characters and lifestyles are also similar.
Shi, T. (2018). An analysis of characteristics and relationships of the characters in the Big Bang Theory from the perspective of turn-taking mechanism. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 9(1), 147. Web.