The film revolves around Tom Joad, characterized by Henry Fonda. Joad comes back home after serving a jail term. The plot of the story is set up in the great depression. It occurs on the farm known as a dust bowl found in Oklahoma. Joad gets back home to discover the astonishing effects of the depression on every person in the area. He gets to meet the aged preacher known as Casy, a character which was played by John Carradine. The preacher informs him of all that had occurred. The Preacher also goes with him to his left alone homestead. At home, they get one of the neighbors who have for long stayed at the neglected home. It is this neighbor that goes ahead to give more information concerning what has affected the town and all that was initially there. Because the dust winds spoilt the farms, individuals are unable to till the lands in a conservative way.
A new kind of technology is utilized to till the lands. The organization charged with these tasks appears to have put the lands on the mortgage for financing on the required modern farming styles. People have hence lost the land that belonged to them. Joad’s family has not been spared, either forcing them to go to their uncle’s land a short distance away. Her mother is happy about his return. Seemingly, the uncle’s land has suffered the same fate as their land, and they have to move out sooner or later.
The family chooses to head to California. Their grandfather is unwilling, and he even dies of a stroke during the journey. In California, they realize it is also noted the best place to be either according to the words of those living there. The great depression has had a bad effect even on those in California, and it is hard for the family to fend for themselves. The situation forces them to move to camp where Casey is killed after joining a workers union. Tom revenges his death and is forced to run away. Things become so difficult, but he manages to live with them in the camp without being discovered. Difficult situations later force the family to leave the camp in search of better prospects.