The movie “The Lake House,” created by Alejandro Agresti, is a typical romantic drama. The lead actors, Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock present a mysterious love story. It is drenched in sentimentality and melancholy and does not seem to be fascinating from the very beginning. However, the situation changes when the viewer realizes the underpinning of the events and sees the riddle to be solved.
This movie is a story of two young people falling in love with each other. The characters meet by writing letters, but they live two years apart. The only means of communication they have is a magical mailbox by the lake house (“The Lake House”). Even though this piece is ordinary from the perspective of time traveling, it highlights the importance of hope in relationships.
This idea’s manifestation is explicitly seen in the lack of opportunities for the characters to meet. Alex and Kate can only write letters and wait for these two years to pass so that they could see each other in real life (“The Lake House”). Hence, the theme of hope is central to the movie, and it reflects the importance of this component in a relationship.
Another scene that adds to this notion is the favor Kate asks Alex. She wants him to bring the book she had left at the train station in the past (“The Lake House”). In this way, Kate demonstrates that she needs a more solid ground for her expectations. This episode means the necessity to make their connection more real, and it is related to their hope to meet.
In conclusion, the movie “Lake House” is a story not only about love but also about hope. As an essential element of relationships, it is oftentimes neglected, and this situation leads to people’s inability to resolve challenges. Meanwhile, love provides no guarantee of a successful outcome, and what one can do is only hope that the mutual efforts will be sufficient for a couple’s survival.
Work Cited
The Lake House. Directed by Alejandro Agresti, performance by Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock, Village Roadshow Pictures and Vertigo Entertainment, 2006.