The movie “Imitation of Life” by John Stahl can be acclaimed as one of the most successful dramas released in 1934. This is no wonder as the film features outstanding play by actors, an interesting and thought-provoking layout, and good quality of its accomplishment. Overall, the film appears to be a great piece of film-making art representing the themes of real friendship between women, tackling racial issues, and solving family problems. The theme of tackling racial issues appears to be the central theme in this film.
The film “Imitation of Life” is based on the cognominal novel by Fannie Hurst. Similar to the novel, the film aims to address such complicated issues as racism and discrimination. Overall, the director’s work in this movie can be evaluated as very progressive because in several cases racial issues are addressed in a very sensitive way. The film’s plot shows racist issues from different angles. The audience may notice the situations when black people are approached without any bias and discrimination, and when racism is shown as an outrageous matter. For example, a black woman Delilah Johnson, who is one of the main protagonists in the movie, is shown as an industrious woman. Her unusual culinary talent enables her to become a successful businesswoman which is very remarkable for the period when the movie was shot because black people especially black women were subjected to severe discrimination. In addition, Delilah makes friends with a white woman Bea Pullman. This incredible friendship lasts for decades, and it is by no means affected by racist ideas. The other example is in reinforcing racism through the family conflict between Delilah and her daughter. Delilah’s daughter, who is of light skin color by chance, becomes greatly affected by the ideas of racism. She feels ashamed on the reason of her origin, and she rejects her mother. The actions of this girl may be evaluated as an outrageous case of racism.
Reflecting on the film’s value, it appears that this drama can be marked as a strong address to a number of critical issues such as racism and discrimination which are timely during the period when the film was shot and even nowadays. This film impels thinking about such important questions as what is to be done in order to preserve strong relationships between parents and children despite the ideas of discrimination spread in society. The film also encourages thinking of whether those people who broke their family bonds are right. “Imitation of Life” impresses greatly and can be evaluated as very engaging; it is mainly explained by the team of professionals busy in it; especially, the director’s cut and the incredible play by its cast including inimitable Claudette Colbert and Louise Beavers.
In conclusion, the film “Imitation of Life” can be mentioned among the most successful drama films of 1934. The film relates the themes of friendship between women, tackling racial issues, and solving family problems. One of the main themes in this film is the theme of racism and racial discrimination. The life of one of the main heroines Delilah Johnson is a life of contrasts. This black woman managed to occupy her own significant place in the world of business belonging to white people those days, but she lost her own daughter who rejected her mother being affected by the ideas of racism.