The Oxford Brewery Firm’s Customer Base Management Report

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For the most effective operation of any business, it is necessary to research and analyze the audience for which a particular product will be created. This is important within the brewing industry, especially for companies that value not only quality but also the history of production. Oxford Brewery is a great example of such a craft beer manufacturer. Therefore, this research will investigate the current customer base for Oxford Brewery and further potential customer base using segmentation variables.

Current Customer Base for Oxford Brewery

Segmentation Variables


The demographic traits of the current customer base for Oxford Breweries include adults over 21 of both genders, married and unmarried individuals, and intellectuals. The current customer base includes traditionalists who find beer aficionados more appealing. Since Oxford Breweries makes craft beers, most of the current customers are likely to be those who have attained a college or higher education to understand the storytelling of the products. Beers like ‘Bearded Men,’ ‘Let the Dragon See the Wolf,’ or ‘Matilda’s Tears’ by Oxford Breweries each tell a particular story as any other craft beer (Oxford Brewery, 2022). Additionally, the current customer base earns salaries ranging from $4000 to $7000 per month, which allows them to afford the company’s expensive beers (“Manager salaries in the United Kingdom,” n.d.). Most of the current customer base is made up of British people of all professions, as they are the most likely to relate to the endemic stories behind the taste of the beers.


The geographic customer base focuses on where most of the customers for Oxford Brewery are located. Oxford City is the current main customer base area for the brewery as it is based there, however, it ships products nationwide (FAQs, 2022). Additionally, the beers are shipped nationwide and therefore the entire United Kingdom can be considered as a geographic segmentation of the beer.


The geographic traits of current customers for Oxford relate to Oxford City as a place. The current customers like to associate themselves with the pride and high self-esteem associated with the city’s academic excellence and heritage (Oxford Brewery, 2021). It is evidenced by the fact that beers like Shotover Trinity, Prospect, and Hoptric tell stories of scholars and inculcate this in the taste they bring.


Oxford Breweries’ current customers are intellects that are more appealed to by the storytelling behind the quality of the type of beer they are consuming. Most of the beers produced by Oxford breweries tell a particular story that has been embodied in the taste and the design of the beer cover (“Delivering the Dreams,” 2022). Additionally, the current customer base is those that value quality rather than quantity.


The behavioristic segmentation criteria indicate the shift from quality to quantity. The customer base of beers has changed their mindset over time as they now value quality and favor authenticity (Spence et al., 2020). The current market is based on more adventurous drinkers, which is a major characteristic of the young population. The current customer can be traditionalistic as this has been considered the reason for sales decline before the rebrand.

Potential Customers for Oxford Brewery

Contextual Variables


The location of the brewery the customer, and accessibility can outline the potential clients of Oxford Brewery. For example, a customer who lives or works near a brewery might be more likely to visit due to convenience (Madsen et al., 2020). Conversely, a customer visiting a new city or area might be more interested in visiting a brewery that is a popular tourist destination or located in a trendy neighborhood.

Social Influences

Some contextual variables that might describe these customers based on social influences include the recommendations and experiences of their friends and family, their participation in group activities like brewery tours or beer tastings, and the brewery’s social media presence and marketing efforts (Spence et al., 2020). For example, a customer who has heard about a particular brewery from friends or has seen positive reviews on social media might be more likely to visit, as might a customer who is interested in participating in group activities like brewery tours or beer tastings. On the other hand, a customer who has had a negative experience at a brewery or has seen negative reviews online might be less likely to visit.

Segmentation Variables


Oxford City and its catchment area provide a potential location for Oxford Brewery. Some of the city’s catchment areas include London, Swindon, Banbury, and Cotswold. The entire U.K. can be considered the geographic location for potential customers as the beers can be delivered throughout the country (Jackson & Gouk, 2022). Generally, globalization has not left behind the brewery industry, and therefore Oxford can benefit from investing in worldwide supply.


Some of the geodemographics of the potential customers for Oxford Breweries include the high population of tourists and professionals. Oxford City is highly reputable and holds high self-esteem in terms of academic reputation and great heritage, which contributes to its geodemographics (Campbell, 2023). Most tourists visiting Oxford are likely to visit bars and are attracted by Manchester’s hospitality scenes. As times change, the environment around them changes, and this contributes to the preferences and wants of customers.


In conclusion, the customer base is one of the most important components of the company. It gives the manufacturer an idea of what audience it works for, what values it has, and what decisions can be made to retain it. For Oxford Breweries, which is based on the historical component, it is equally important to study the potential audience, as this will continue to maintain business productivity. In this case, the use of segmentation variables provides an opportunity to study customers in more detail.


Campbell, J. (2023). . Manchester Evening News. Web.

. (2022). WPA Pinfold. Web.

. (2022). Oxford brewery. Web.

Jackson, M., & Gouk, A. (2022). . Oxfordshire live. Web.

Madsen, E. S., Gammelgaard, J., & Hobdari, B. (Eds.). (2020). . Oxford University Press. Web.

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Oxford Brewery. (2021). . Oxford Brewery. Web.

Oxford Brewery. (2022). . Effective design. Web.

Spence, C., Velasco, C., Motoki, K., & Betancur, M. I. (2020). . ResearchGate; Elsevier. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, June 19). The Oxford Brewery Firm's Customer Base Management.

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"The Oxford Brewery Firm's Customer Base Management." IvyPanda, 19 June 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The Oxford Brewery Firm's Customer Base Management'. 19 June.


IvyPanda. 2024. "The Oxford Brewery Firm's Customer Base Management." June 19, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "The Oxford Brewery Firm's Customer Base Management." June 19, 2024.


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