The Problem of Homeless People Is a Social Essay

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Portland is the biggest and the most populated city in the region. In spite of great changes in social security policy and the support of people in need, homelessness is still a problem in this region. There are about 5,000 homeless people in Oregon deprived of social support and income. I know about this problem from the news stories and from the Internet databases discussing the evaluating this problem and its main causes. Thus, the entire discussion generates far more heat than light. These demonstration practices do not convey major new discoveries in combating homelessness and lack of employment opportunities.

The subject of homelessness allows me to understand that stable employment and control of financial accounts are the main things in the life of every person. Even if you lost your job and have some financial problems, a person should minimize his/her spending and change the spending plan. Many researchers confirm that the kinds of programs suspected to work with poverty actually do. For the most part, the service elements tested symbolize adaptations of well-known models. The homelessness strategy steadily favors other groups of homeless than the mentally ill by devoting much more funding to housing than to mental health interventions. I have no experience in working with homeless people but I meet most of them in the center of the city. it seems that some of them have mental illness imaginably served in such an environment, but not, past experience with both institutional and community care systems tells, in the deficiency of sustained oversight and political activism. I read the “Street Roots” newspaper and was impressed by facts and data about the life of homeless people and the causes of the problems. Most of them have steady jobs and families, but an incident has changed their life forever.

The reading of “street Roots” shows that the state and local authorities should pay more attention to homeless people and their problems. Another concern of the regulatory environment has to do with the ability of state governments to handle the problem of homelessness being assigned to them. Given the unexpected pace of social change, as well as the sophistication of today’s insurance industry, the regulatory challenges of social support are unprecedented. Among these is an expanding state role in the employment of people and financing, the pervasive influence of health care changes. If anyone contemporary process is central, it should be the movement toward social support of homeless people, in which all f these themes intersect powerfully (Jencks 43). In Portland, homelessness is a problem of local communities unable to support and protect low-class citizens from bankruptcy and degradation. For local and city authorities, it is easier to neglect and forget about this problem than to solve it.

The problem of homeless people is a social problem that cannot be solved by an indicial himself. Depression and illnesses are widespread among the homeless people in terrible countries; the joint result of inadequate development of community support and programs for homeless people proves that the problem of homelessness is easy to explain but is very difficult to eliminate. At the regional level of evaluation, it is easy to see that homelessness emanates not only from social, economic, and political conditions within a particular community, but also from economic displacement, class structure, and welfare state retrenchment.


Jencks, Ch. The Homeless. Harvard University Press, 2005.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 6). The Problem of Homeless People Is a Social.

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"The Problem of Homeless People Is a Social." IvyPanda, 6 Dec. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'The Problem of Homeless People Is a Social'. 6 December.


IvyPanda. 2021. "The Problem of Homeless People Is a Social." December 6, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "The Problem of Homeless People Is a Social." December 6, 2021.


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