The Rise of the Mammals Documentary Essay

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Rise of the Mammals is a documentary about the history of mammals and their evolution. The film begins with a brief introduction to the history of life on Earth and the different animal groups that have existed. It then focuses on the rise of mammals, starting with the Mesozoic Era. The film discusses the different theories about why mammals were able to take over the world during this period. It also covers the different types of mammals that existed during this time and how they evolved. The film ends with a discussion of the future of mammals and their evolution.

The film explores how the rise of mammals reshaped the planet after the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. It tells the story of the evolution of mammals from the smallest of creatures to the largest land animals on Earth. It highlights the key innovations that allowed mammals to thrive, such as warm-bloodedness, fur, and the ability to give birth to live young. The film also discusses the impact of humans on the mammal population and the future of mammal evolution.

Three facts I learned from the film that I did not know before watching the film are;

  1. The film discusses how the rise of mammals occurred after the Permian-Triassic extinction event, which wiped out over 90% of all species on Earth. For this matter, the film argues that the rise of mammals occurred because they were the only creatures small enough to survive the event. The film also argues that the event was caused by a meteor that hit the Earth, causing a massive release of methane gas into the atmosphere.
  2. The film explains how the mammals were able to survive and thrive in the wake of this extinction event while other species perished. Many of the other species that perished could not adapt and change to the environment, and as a result, they were unable to survive. This led to the universe losing several species of animals that played a significant role in the ecosystem.
  3. The film details how the mammals eventually came to dominate the Earth, thanks to their adaptability and their ability to find new niches in the wake of the extinction event.

I think the film was very interesting and informative. I liked how it showed the different stages of evolution and how the animals adapt to their environment. I also found it fascinating how the different species of animals interact with each other. The specific scene that I found most interesting was the part where the film talked about how different species of animals adapt to their environment. I found it fascinating how the different species of animals interact with each other and how they familiarize themselves with their new environment.

My opinion about the movie as a whole is that I find the film to be very informative and well done. I liked how it focused on the history and evolution of mammals, and how they have adapted to changing environments over time. I think this film would be enjoyed by anyone interested in learning more about mammals and their place in the natural world.


PBS NOVA Rise of the Mammals. (2019). [Video]. Dailymotion. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, April 17). The Rise of the Mammals Documentary.

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"The Rise of the Mammals Documentary." IvyPanda, 17 Apr. 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The Rise of the Mammals Documentary'. 17 April.


IvyPanda. 2024. "The Rise of the Mammals Documentary." April 17, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "The Rise of the Mammals Documentary." April 17, 2024.


IvyPanda. "The Rise of the Mammals Documentary." April 17, 2024.

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