The documentary Talking Black in America explores the extraordinary conditions of the descendants of enslaved Americans and their profound influence on culture and linguistics. It explores the ingenuity and resiliency of individuals who have endured persecution, segregation, and the battle for equality because of the speech variety of the African-American community. This article explores how theme and tone is the best thing I liked about the film.
The film’s central goal is to communicate how African-American speech variants demonstrate the impact of African linguistic systems. It explains well how individuals with non-American accents have been inventive and their tenacity to live amid exploitation, discrimination, and the battle for equality (The Language & Life Project,2020). I loved how the African-American language has evolved and how it can be an art and musical instrument.
In conclusion, African-American speech has transformed, and African-Americans want to speak the black language because they want an association with the language to embrace their culture. It is a fantastic film on how speech variants impacted individuals in America and how individuals have fought for identity and inclusion.
The Language & Life Project. (2020). Talking Black in America. [Video file]. Web.