🏆 Best Tartuffe Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
- “Tartuffe” by Moliere as an Attack on Religious HypocrisyIn the main character of the play Tartuffe the author embodied the basest traits of humanity concealed under the mask of a holy man.
- Social and Political Issues in Moliere’s “Tartuffe” and Voltaire’s “Candide”Candide is a story set from a social perspectives as pointed out by the themes and the plot of the story, which remain hinged on the day-to-day interactions and relationships of people.
- Religion in Moliere’s Tartuffe: True Faith Versus HypocrisyNotably, he uses religion as the major instrument of his influence as it is easy to become a mentor and guide through the hazards of the world.
- Moliere’s Tartuffe Play: An Analytical JournalThe events of Tartuffe transpire over the course of one day, originating in the early morning and concluding in the late evening, with most of the situations happening at the house of the protagonist.
- “Tartuffe” by Molière and “The Metamorphosis” by Franz KafkaOne of the leading roles that the author of the work himself highlights is the role of the maid Dorine. Moreover, with her speeches, she urged people to listen to the voice of mind and […]
- Religiousness and Piety in Moliere’s “Tartuffe”In the preface to “Tartuffe”, the author argues that the main task of comedy or art in general is to eradicate the vices of the society, including hypocrisy.
- “Tartuffe” and J. Swift’s “Gulliver’s Journey” AnalysisIn their works, Tartuffe and Gulliver’s Travel, Moliere and Swift depict social and political situations and ridicules the governmental system and false values existing in the society.
- Rules in Moliere’s “Tartuffe” and Racine’s “Phaedra”This bore a neoclassic model of writing plays, which prescribed strict rules of verisimilitude: the unity of place, action and time, five-play act, and strict classification of the dramas in certain genres.
- The Play “Tartuffe”: Intro to DramaThe main idea of the play is the importance of trust in the family and the value of critical thinking as well as common sense.
- Religious Gullibility in Molière’s TartuffeThe cunning behavior of Tartuffe, the credulous nature of Orgon, and the rational perspective of Cleante represent different sides of the author’s argument against hypocrisy and blind trust.
- Tartuffe and the MisanthropeIn the beginning of the play he openly complains to his friend Philinte about the level of corruption in the French society.
- Tartuffe vs CandideIn his endeavor to address the situation, as it stood on the ground, Moliere employed the motif of social masking as a strategic style that brought out the concerns of religious hypocrisy before the eyes […]
- “Tartuffe” by MoliereDorine is being in cahoots with Elmire to expose Tartuffe to Orgon as to what he really is a truly despicable individual, who turned milking gullible Christians for money into the permanent source of his […]
🥇 Most Interesting Tartuffe Topics to Write about
- Controversy in French Drama: Molière’s “Tartuffe” and “The Struggle for Influence”
- Molière and “Tartuffe”: Law and Order in the Seventeenth Century
- The King’s Play: Censorship and the Politics of Performance in Moliere’s “Tartuffe”
- Molière’s “Tartuffe” and the Traditions of Roman Satire
- Analysis of Dramatic Justice in “Tartuffe”
- Moliere’s “Poststructuralism”: Demolition of Transcendentalist Discourse in “Tartuffe”
- “Le Misanthrope” and “Tartuffe”: Two Critiques of Verbal Portraiture
- Elmire and the Erotics of the Ménage à Trois in Molière’s “Tartuffe”
- The Poet and the Prince: Revising Molière and “Tartuffe” in the French Revolution
- Triumphant Tartuffification: Liz Lochhead’s Translation of Molière’s “Tartuffe”
- Sign Functioning in Performance: Ingmar Bergman’s Production of “Tartuffe”
- Extreme and Moderate Characters in Moliére’s “Tartuffe”
- Family Conflicts and Duty in “The London Merchant” and “Tartuffe”
- Desjardins’ “Le Favori” and Moliere’s “Tartuffe”: Dissimulators and Dupes
- How Does Molière Use Irony as a Tool of Satire in “Tartuffe”?
- On Experimental Economics and the Comparison Between the Last Two Versions of Moliere’s “Tartuffe”
- Literature Reviews About Religion and Faith in the Play “Tartuffe”
- Translation of Proper Nouns During Periods of Interwar and Soviet Lithuania: “Tartuffe” by Molière
- The Itinerary of Desire in Moliere’s “Tartuffe”
- Moliere’s “Tartuffe” and the Religious Hypocrisy
📌 Simple & Easy Tartuffe Essay Titles
- Modern and Post-Modern Interpretations of “Tartuffe”
- The “Tartuffe” Effect or a Theatre of Ethics
- Like Father, Like Son: “Oedipus”, “Tartuffe” and the Patriarchal Paradox
- “Tartuffe”: A Translation Into Scots From the Original by Molière
- The Relationship of Tartuffe and Orgon in Moliere’s “Tartuffe”: The Problem Posed by Its Symmetry
- The Timeless Moods, Themes, and Characters in “Tartuffe” by Moliere
- On Aumann’s Conjecture and the Riddle of the First “Tartuffe”
- Approaches to Teaching Molière’s “Tartuffe” and Other Plays
- Moliere’s “Tartuffe” and Its Role in the World Literature
- Molière’s “Tartuffe” and French National Identity: Reconfiguring the King, the People, and the Church
- Is the Ending to Your Taste? Dissonant Dénouements and Audience Reception in Molière’s “Tartuffe”
- Moliere’s “Tartuffe” and the Problem of Religious Fanaticism
- The Significance of Dorine in Revealing Moral Messages in Moliere’s “Tartuffe”
- Molière Nationalised: “Tartuffe” on the British Stage From the Restoration to the Present
- Directing “Tartuffe” or Why People Should See This Play Today?
- Oh, the Hypocrisy! A Dramaturgical Analysis of Moliere’s “Tartuffe”
- Doubleness, Duplicity, and Ambiguity: Moliere’s “Tartuffe” and the Evolution of the Revolution
- Petitions for Justice: Molière’s “Tartuffe” Viewed in the Mirror of Pierre de Lancre’s “Witches”
- “Tartuffe” and the Comic Principle in Molière
- Molière’s “Tartuffe”: A Comparison of Two Translations by Richard Wilbur and Roger McGough
❓ Tartuffe Questions
- Why Was Molière’s “Tartuffe” So Controversial?
- How Does “Tartuffe” Critique Religious Hypocrisy?
- What Social Issues Did Molière Highlight in “Tartuffe”?
- How Does Molière’s Play “Tartuffe” Show People About Flaws in Their Lives?
- What Behaviors and Beliefs Are Being Satirized in “Tartuffe”?
- How Does the Concept of Honor Manifest Itself in the Drama “Tartuffe”?
- Who Is the Most Virtuous Character in “Tartuffe”?
- How Did the Catholic Church Respond to “Tartuffe”?
- Was “Tartuffe” Denounced by the Roman Catholic Church?
- How Do Molière’s Characters Play Against Expected Gender Roles in “Tartuffe”?
- What Elements of the Enlightenment Come Through in “Tartuffe”?
- How Is Tartuffe Able to Ingratiate Himself So Deeply in Orgon’s Household?
- What Sort of Religious Individual Is Molière Actually Criticizing in “Tartuffe”?
- How Does Dramatic Irony Work in the Play “Tartuffe”?
- What Controversial Issue Was Molière Suggesting in the Play “Tartuffe”?
- Who Were the Biggest Critics of the Play “Tartuffe” at the Time It Was First Performed?
- In What Ways Does the Play “Tartuffe” Resemble a Modern Half-Hour Television Situation Comedy?
- Why Does Madame Pernelle Want to Leave the House at the Top of the Play “Tartuffe”?
- Is Tartuffe an Ignorant Charlatan in Molière’s “Tartuffe”?
- What Factors Account for Orgon’s Devotion to Tartuffe?
- Would the Play “Tartuffe” Have Any Appeal to Modern Audiences?
- How Do the Characters Reflect Major Themes of “Tartuffe”?
- Which Character in “Tartuffe” Best Represents the “Voice of Reason”?
- How Does Molière Dramatize the Relationship Between Convention and Morality in “Tartuffe”?
- Why Are Questions of Morality So Prominent in Molière’s “Tartuffe”?
- What Similarities Are There Between the Hypocrisy Evident in “Tartuffe” and Contemporary Society?
- Why Does Molière Write “Tartuffe” in Rhyming Couplets?
- In What Ways Do the Conventions of French Society Play Out in “Tartuffe”?
- How Does Molière Depict the Monarchy in “Tartuffe”?
- What Are the Characteristics of Tartuffe That Allow Him to Deceive Orgon So Successfully?