Traffic Congestion and Hindi FM Essay

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Hindi FM

With the population of Indians in Oman growing steadily over the past decades, it is clear that there is an urgent need for an FM radio station playing exclusively Hindi songs to satisfy their desires. When asked for their opinions about the need for a Hindi FM channel, several respondents gave their opinions as described in this paper.

One of the respondents who gave out his opinion concerning the issue is Faiq Raz Ansari. Faiq believes that the need for a Hindi FM station Is overdue considering that many of the people are forced to listen to Hindi songs from a radio stations based in one of the neighboring countries.

The need for a Hindi Fm station in Oman is not only confined to the need to listen to the music but is important also for listening to news updates, as well as traffic jams and sports in the Hindi tongue. According to Faiq, a Hindi Fm will also enable the listeners be updated business wise according to the story he gives of a friend who is kept updated by a station based in one of the countries neighboring Oman.

Anu Shaikh of wadi Kabir also gives praises to the elegance and beauty of the Indian music. In his opinion, Indian music’s appeal has crossed borders, and in fact, the music is being listened to by people from a variety of ethnicities.

To sheikh, a Hindi radio station in Oman or Muscat is long overdue considering that even the local population is in favor of the Indian music.

Both recent and old Indian music has a good appeal among the people and, therefore, it is only when there is a FM station playing the music that listeners can be satisfied. To Shaikh, the Hindi language is gaining international stature and the opening up of a Hindi FM station in Oman will satisfy many anxious people.

Rannesh Rahman who is an administrator of projects in Oman claims that the many Indians living in Oman will be delighted to have a Hindi Fm station at their disposal.

Hindi music is enjoyed by all in Oman according to Rahman as it is played in the local restaurants, taxis and even on national television. A Hindi Fm station in Oman can also serve as a good medium of diplomatic communication for the dignitaries from India, Pakistani and even Bangladesh considering that they make the majority of the expatriates in Oman.

Ramachandran Nair is excited about the possibility of having a Hindi Fm station in Oman. He believes that the move is set to expand the popularity of the Indian entertainment that had lagged until the introduction of satellite channels.

Many expatriates living in Oman and especially from the south of Asia favor the Indian entertainment and mostly the Hindi songs. The move to open an FM station playing Hindi music is welcome considering that Hindi music and entertainment in general brings forth a good sense of entertainment to all regardless of age and ethnicity.

There is a large number of Indians in the Sultanate. Nair believes that they will find great comfort in listening to the station if it uses several regional Indian languages.

According to Sanjana who is a coordinator in charge of co-curricular activities in an Indian school in Muscat, many fans will be delighted if a Hindi FM station is opened in Oman. To him, Oman is a cosmopolitan state just like UAE and the delay to open such a radio station has been restrictive to many enthusiasts.

He suggests that even FM stations using regional Indian languages should be introduced in Oman, as it is the case in the UAE. The radio stations that exist in Oman such as Oman Fm and Hi FM do try in keeping people informed according to Sanjana , but they are not entirely successful as most of the people turn on their private music systems to listen.

A Hindi channel will be welcomed by the majority of the Indians, Pakistanis and people from Bangladesh who reside in Oman. The FM station will not only entertain the people but also inform them accordingly according to Sanjana.

Himanshu V. Mandalia of Darsait believes that the Hindi music lovers’ cries will be answered by the opening of at least one Hindi FM channel in Muscat. Music becomes effective a remedy to drivers especially in traffic jams.

Therefore, with the opening of a Hindi FM channel, drivers and other people at home will be saved from boredom by listening to a variety of melodies such as Bollywood songs, ghazals, and bhajans among others.

Most of the lovers of Hindi music are forced to listen to them in mp3 players or their phones according to Mandalia but then they are not satisfied considering that their collections are limited a gap that can be effectively filled by the introduction of a Hindi FM channel in the Sultanate.

Thulasdoss Ramachandran of Al Khuwair in Muscat believes that it is a good initiative to have a Hindi Fm station in Muscat. Even though the thought is striking late, Ramachandran views it as the crucial time to have a Hindi station in Oman considering that the habit of listening to Hindi FM radio in Oman is widespread even to the locals who not only listen to the music but also the news updates.

As Ramachandran claims, a big number of the local drivers in Oman understand and speak the Hindi language. For him, a Hindi Fm station introduced in Oman will be a definite hit to both the local populations and the expatriates from India, Pakistani and Bangladesh.

C. C. Ramachandran Nambiar of Ruwi also believes that the opening a Hindi Fm station will be a great gift to the Indians and other people from the South Asian nations.

He suggests that, upon the opening of the station, more sots be given for the broadcasting of old Indian melodies by singers such as Mohammed Rafi, Kishore Kumar among others. This is because according to him, the recent music is lacking in the soothing effect that oldies have on both the mind and the body and instead appear like dialogues.

Sachin a senior project architect at Al Khuwair is confident that, since Hindi songs’ popularity cuts across Oman and other sections of the globe, the implementation of a Hindi Fm channel in Oman will be welcomed by not only the Indians and related communities but also the locals.

The station according to Sachin will also help in strengthening the bilateral ties between the Oman and the Indian states. The popularity of the Hindi language is also increasing, and Sachin is certain that the Hindi FM station will be well received in Oman. This will help in the filling of the vacancy left in the entertainment in Oman.

Suddapali Bhaskara Rao of Ruwi posits that there is a need to have a multi- lingual channel in the Sultanate. Rao is eager to experience the satisfaction that will come along with the opening of the station to both locals and the foreign expatriates.

Hindi- Urdu music will be well received considering that many people already appreciate it in Oman. Taxi operators are among the people that Rao believes will benefit a lot with the opening of the channel as well as their passengers.

The effort should also aim at the opening of similar stations in the future that will use the regional languages as most of the expatriates are from the southern Indian states. Rao maintains that the pleasure of listening to music has not faded with time as people claim.

According to Arshiya Adbul Khader of Al Khuwair, FM stations have increased allover including the Sultanate. Oman has experienced steady growth, which has resulted to regional expansion, forces people to travel to different places for work.

FM stations can take advantage of the travel time that most people have at their disposal. Khader alludes to the success of the Hindi FM station in the neighboring emirates like Abu Dhabi and Dubai as proof that a similar effort will succeed in Oman.

Sukumar who works as a General Manager in Muscat is optimistic that a Hindi FM station, which is a long-standing aspiration of the people in Oman- both local and foreign expatriates, will be well received. The large number of expatriates who are mostly from South Asian nations will view it as a treat.

Listening to Hindi songs, jokes etc will be a treat to the Indians and others who understand the languages and will definitely refresh their minds. The local people of Oman also love the Indian music. As a result, the Hindi Fm channel will be well received in the country.

Traffic congestion

Traffic congestion is a major problem in Muscat. Here, are some of the opinions of the City residents on what measures they believe can help deal with the traffic chaos. M. V. Sajeev a senior Executive at Tuwi agrees that while the deployment of traffic officers at the Sheraton intersection can help in controlling traffic, it is not a good idea considering that they are also humans.

Traffic bottleneck to him is caused by the irresponsible motorists and not the concerned authorities or failure in the infrastructure. Motorists often ignore the traffic rules.

This causes the traffic nightmare in Muscat. What can save the situation according to Sajeev is only when the traffic department commits itself in a campaign aimed at educating motorists on the necessity of obeying these rules and care for each other.

Mohammed Sajeer, a Senior Sales Executive in Muscat, believes that the deployment of traffic police officers will help ease the traffic turmoil at the Sheraton crossing. Carelessness and ignorance among motorists is majorly responsible for the problem. This even results in accidents as that lead to further traffic delays according to Sajeer.

P.K Ashraf laments that despite the traffic lights being the simplest instructions for motorists to follow; they are often ignored by motorists who speed according to their wishes.

According to Ashraf, deployment of traffic police officers at the Sheraton crossing will ensure that traffic is managed at the intersection where most of the traffic problems and delays are experienced mostly during the morning hours and the evening hours. The presence of traffic offers at the intersection will definitely ease the situation, as motorists will not ignore the traffic rules anyhow.

Ajith Mathew of Al Ghubra states that the Sheraton intersection is the most problematic signal points in the city of Muscat. Having traffic police officers monitoring the crossing will ensure that the motorists who violate traffic rules at the crossing resulting to traffic snarls will be brought to book.

Ajith Mathew, however, claims that the problem is not solely at the Sheraton but on the entire stretch (From Darsait to wadi Kabir). He urges the authorities to come up with a long lasting solution to ensure that the problem is dealt with finally. A corridor stretching from Wadi kabir to Al Mera roundabout will bring substantive relief to motorists according to Ajith Mathew.

Sakheer Hussain, a Chief Accountant at Ruwi, is one of the many people badly affected by the traffic snarl at the Sheraton crossing. Motorists are forced to sit in traffic jams for long hours, and otherwise productive time is wasted in the traffic jams.

Hussain suggests that the congestion at this point can be reduced by increasing the capacity of the road or by reducing the volume of traffic. Posting of traffic officers at the crossing, as well as the construction of flyovers and the widening of roads might help. The introduction of regulations barring some vehicles such as heavy vehicles from plying certain routes in the city will also help ease the traffic turmoil.

Sunaina Sema Ahluwalia who works as an Author and a communications Consultant in Muscat claims that the Sheraton intersection is one among several spots in the city that are known for creating nightmares to motorists.

The poor lighting in the city especially during the morning and night times often makes the situation worse. The stationing of cops at these strategic points can bring great relief to motorists according to Ahluwalia.

Moeen Qureshi, an advisor and amp; COO in Muscat claims that the experiences of the traffic bottlenecks makes him confident that the deployment of traffic police officers can help greatly. Qureshi alludes to studies taken in other major cities that confirm that the deployment of these officers in managing traffic works wonders especially in the knotty crossings.

He calls upon the authorities to come up with diversion routes that will assist in ensuring that many vehicles do not use the Sheraton crossing which a point of concern. The posting of traffic police officers will help as a more lasting solution is brewed according to Qureshi.

Anu Shaikh, a businessperson at Wadi Kabir, counts the traffic turmoil experienced at the Sheraton crossing, Ruwi Hugh Street, Honda road junction as among the major civic life problems of the time in Muscat. During normal hours, the roads are usually congested according to Shaikh, which intensifies during rush hour.

She admits that the Sheraton crossing is one of the most knotty intersections in the city where an immediate intercession is required. Manual support such as that offered by the traffic police officers will be of great help. However, the upgrading of the traffic signal system to cater for the future expectations will bring a permanent solution.

Mohammed Osama Rawat admits that the Sheraton crossing is a major point of concern as far as traffic problems are concerned for a number of years. The existing traffic signs such as the yellow demarcations are usually ignored by motorists.

As a result, they are ineffective when it comes to managing traffic at such spots. Rawat blames the authorities for not coming up with a supplementary plan after the initial one failed miserably. In his opinion, traffic police officers should be deployed at the junction and other similar spots in the city to control the snarl.

Thulasdidos Ramachandran of Al Khuwair is certain that the Sheraton crossing is the most challenging signal zone in Muscat. Motorists are forced to seat in their cars for long hours in the whole stretch according to him.

He posits that there is a necessity in posting traffic police officers at the crossing and at other crossings until Wadi Kabir roundabout. An alternative to that is if the Muscat Municipality comes up with a permanent traffic improvement plan such as road widening or even the construction of flyovers.

Ramachandran Nair of Ruwi is of the opinion that the deployment of traffic police officers will only bring about a temporary solution to the problem of traffic congestion in Muscat.

The distance between the traffic signals placed in the area may make it challenging and time consuming for the officers to manage the place. According to him, the movement of heavy vehicles in the CBD should be restricted more so during peak hours in an effort to control the snarl.

Lastly, Suddapalli Bhaskara Rao of Ruwi is quite certain that the posting of traffic police officers at the Sheraton crossing will ensure better management of traffic in Muscat.

The placement of traffic signals at close distances is also a problem that is responsible for the snarl according to Rao. Traffic officers will ensure the smooth flow of traffic as well as deal with those who neglect the traffic rules at the point.

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IvyPanda. (2019, March 29). Traffic Congestion and Hindi FM.

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IvyPanda. (2019) 'Traffic Congestion and Hindi FM'. 29 March.


IvyPanda. 2019. "Traffic Congestion and Hindi FM." March 29, 2019.

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