Violation of Inclusion Rights at the Workplace Essay

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The company has been sued for discrimination and failure to comply with U.S. laws and policies associated with diversity in the workplace. In this lawsuit, a disabled man has been denied an opportunity to work in the organization. The position in the organization qualifies the candidate involves lifting large files. The company cannot afford to hire an assistant to help this candidate raise heavy files as it would add to the operational budget. These concerns were shared with the candidate before issuing the dismissal letter. However, the candidate claims he has been discriminated against and sued the organization on the same matter. The candidate claims that he can equally work on the files if his working desk is modified.

The primary role of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in the lawsuit is to enforce employees’ civil rights. The job applicant has filed a complaint with this commission, which sent agents to investigate. The EEOC commissioner has drafted a report indicating that the company is aware of the modifications that could enable the disabled applicant to work (Blanck, 2019). The commissioner also reviews financial statements to ascertain that the company can afford the desk modifications to accommodate the disabled applicant. At the end of the report, the commission will help the disabled applicant file a suit in court and represent him.

A diversity and inclusion statement in most companies demonstrates the commitment revealed when constructing a varied workplace that welcomes people of all backgrounds. Ideally, more of the inclusion and diversity statement is just a market exercise like a mission where reports are valued. It mainly helps in hiring new employees in a factory as it guides the employer on the right workers to have as per as their skills are concerned (Blanck, 2019). The employer can identify the employees’ benefits in his firm as demonstrated by how the customers are served regarding their workplace culture. As a result, the diversity and inclusion statement is essential when starting a small business as it helps employers seek the most experienced employees to deal with the customers appropriately.

One should understand the document’s importance and what it accomplishes in approaching the diversity and inclusion statement. Most executive leaders coach individuals that authenticity must be at the foundation of their information. Authenticity directs and creates a path for everyone where they anchor and connect with the possible leverages (Blanck, 2019). As an agreement spreads worldwide on how the diversity and inclusion statement should be improved, an individual is directed to use various strategies to efficiently deliver his services and the promises made to the client.

Most CEOs and brand ambassadors face a lot of pressure from investors when delivering their D&I promises. The pressure has forced their managers to ask for cooperation from the New York City employees’ retirement system. Therefore leaders have infused diversity and inclusive (D&I) statements throughout their organizations. Some strategies are developed to improve the employees’ experience to be more advantageous to the enterprise. The CEO should be ensured that they have positioned themselves as the top champions for diversity and inclusion efforts. As the CEOs need to take a public stance, this will help them embed the D&I in the organization to take all the responsibilities of the progressing goal. They should be out front even though the CDO requires them to be a team. The board members should be given an essential role to play in the D&I governance. By doing so, they can change the actions their employees see and feel.

Another strategy to be used is centering diversity and inclusion in the business. It is a core ingredient in the design and execution of the business strategy since the D&I is more than an HR issue (Blanck, 2019). It will help in embedding the day in day organization activities hence increasing the number of non-white individuals in the organization. The number involved will develop the core purpose better to reflect the employee and broader group of customers.

To comply with the issue, most employers must implement employment opportunity responsibilities. These responsibilities will ensure that an individual does not discriminate against the employees’ statuses. One of the policies is that the employment decision should be made fair (Blanck, 2019). The employment decision will help the employees to be treated equally despite their religion, sex, color, age, nationality, and other genetic information. Also, equal treatment will apply in all aspects of employment, including when promoting, hiring, and firing employees. Secondly, one should implement a good compliance practice policy when making employment decisions. The best compliance practice will restrict employers from discriminating against the employees in the organization. As it was well documented and stored when the employer discriminates against them, the documentation will explain how to deal with such issues in the firm.

The compliance issue, in this case, is that the job applicant was not given equal opportunity as other people. In a larger social context, the company is guilty of discriminating against all disabled people. The lawsuit is a sour face for the company as it portrays as a negative its negative view toward disabled people. Society is less likely to buy goods and services from this organization due to its discriminative nature, which can only be changed through inclusivity.


Blanck, P. (2019). Why America is better off because of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Touro Law Review., 35,(1) 22. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 7). Violation of Inclusion Rights at the Workplace.

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"Violation of Inclusion Rights at the Workplace." IvyPanda, 7 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Violation of Inclusion Rights at the Workplace'. 7 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Violation of Inclusion Rights at the Workplace." May 7, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Violation of Inclusion Rights at the Workplace." May 7, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Violation of Inclusion Rights at the Workplace." May 7, 2024.

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