Victor decided to make a female partner for the Monster out of fear and guilt. He realized his fault in creating the Monster horrible. After listening to the Monster’s pleas, he agreed to create a being like him.
Detailed answer:
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein does not avoid the topic of love but expands on it. The events that led Victor Frankenstein to consider creating another Monster are complicated. He made up his mind when the Monster gave an account of his life. The first part of the story presented the creature as humane and peaceful. But the second part revealed his evil nature. No wonder the Monster’s request provoked an adverse reaction from Frankenstein. But the creature continued to rationalize his desire for a partner, and Victor began to change his mind.
The Monster’s appeals blamed Frankenstein for making him that way. He believed that a similarly hideous partner would be the solution. He also threatened to destroy Victor mentally in case of rejection. The threats influenced Victor’s decision, along with the Monster’s promise to disappear on another continent. Victor was skeptical of the Monster’s plans. But when the creature vowed and convinced him, Frankenstein finally agreed. Frankenstein swore to finish the female creature, with the Monster supervising the work. That was what he would do on his tour of England. Still, whether Victor managed to become a monster girl maker is another question.