Types of Assignment

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Essay (informative, analytical, persuasive)


An Informative/Expository Essay aims at exposing a specific aspect of a subject to inform the reader. The author performs an accurate search for exhaustive information and produces a piece of writing that thoroughly describes and defines the topic, compares and contrasts different perspectives, and analyzes and explains causes and effects.

An Analytical Essay revolves around a specific idea or problem. An initial observation offers the starting point for critical investigation, analysis, and interpretation to define a thesis. Adequate examples and evidence support the assumption, and a conclusion reiterates the crucial concepts.

A Persuasive Essay is an academic paper aimed at persuading the reader that a given point of view is more desirable than any other. This kind of writing does not contrast or compare different positions; it is limited to the exposition of sound argumentation, supporting evidence, and strict logic. A Persuasive Essay uses ethos, pathos, and logos to convince the reader.


  1. Introduction: General information about the topic, a reason for a reader to be interested, the context in which it is to be discussed, and a thesis statement.
  2. Body:
    • Paragraph 1:
      • Topic sentence that supports the thesis statement.
      • Evidence #1 supporting the claim (fact, example, statistics, quote, etc.) and comment on it.
      • Evidence #2 supporting the claim and comment on it.
      • Evidence #… supporting the claim and comment on it.
      • Concluding sentence.
    • Paragraph 2 with the same elements.
    • Paragraph 3 with the same elements.
  3. Conclusion: Restatement of the thesis statement and a summary of the main points


  • Factual
  • Concise
  • Active voice

Argumentative Essay


In an Argumentative Essay, a writer analyzes both sides of a debated issue. Depending on the aim of the essay and on the position of the author, the piece of writing might be balanced or more supportive of one side. However, most argumentative essays present one side more meticulously to persuade readers to adopt a particular thesis/position rather than the opposite one.


  1. Introduction: General information about the topic, a reason for a reader to be interested, the context in which it is to be discussed, and a thesis statement.
  2. Body:
    • Paragraph 1:
      • Topic sentence that supports the thesis statement.
      • Evidence #1 supporting the claim (fact, example, statistics, quote, etc.) and comment on it.
      • Evidence #2 supporting the claim and comment on it.
      • Evidence #… supporting the claim and comment on it.
      • Concluding sentence.
    • Paragraph 2 with the same elements.
    • Paragraph 3 with the same elements.
    • Paragraph 4 with opposing views:
      • Arguments that the opponents might have.
      • Explanation of their position.
      • REFUTATION, i.e., proof that they are wrong.
  3. Conclusion: Restatement of the thesis statement and a summary of the main points

You can familiarize yourself with the examples of argumentative essays here.


  • Factual
  • Concise
  • Active voice
  • Persuasive

Comparison & Contrast Essay


A Compare and Contrast Essay is an academic piece of writing that discusses how two subjects are similar and different. Comparison and contrast can relate to almost every topic, including ideas, locations, people, and jobs, among others. Similarities and differences should be relevant to provide the essay with adequate weight.


  1. Introduction: General information about the topic, a hook to grab a reader’s attention, and a thesis statement. The latter should indicate a writer’s position regarding the two subjects, where one is better than the other; both are great; both are poor.
  2. Body can be organized in either of two ways:
Point-by-Point Approach Block Approach
  • Paragraph 1: Aspect #1 of discussed for both subjects.
  • Paragraph 2: Aspect #2 of discussed for both subjects.
  • Paragraph 3: Aspect #3 of discussed for both subjects.
  • Paragraph 1: Aspect #1 is discussed with regard to Subject 1.
  • Paragraph 2: Aspect #2 is discussed with regard to Subject 1.
  • Paragraph 3: Aspect #3 is discussed with regard to Subject 1.
  • Paragraph 4: Aspect #1 is discussed with regard to Subject 2 and comment on similarities/differences with Subject 1.
  • Paragraph 5: Aspect #2 is discussed with regard to Subject 2 and comment on similarities/differences with Subject 1.
  • Paragraph 6: Aspect # 3 is discussed with regard to Subject 2 and comment on similarities/differences with Subject 1.
  1. Conclusion: Restatement of the thesis statement and a summary of the main points.

You can familiarize yourself with the examples of compare and contrast essays here.


  • Factual
  • Concise
  • Active voice.

Scholarship Essay


In most cases, applying for a scholarship includes writing a Scholarship Essay, where the applicant exposes personal motivations and experiences. The goal is to persuade an educational committee to assign the author a scholarship.


  1. Introduction: General information about the topic, a reason for a reader to be interested, explanation of choosing career or major, and a thesis statement.
  2. Body:
    • Obstacle:
      • Life challenges and their overcoming.
    • Educational and professional goals:
      • Major and present educational goals.
      • Long-standing career goals/future plans.
    • Community participation:
      • Volunteer work, hobbies, and other activities.
      • The influence of education on a local community.
  3. Conclusion: Restatement of how a scholarship will help make a difference and a summary of the main points


  • Can use “I”

Research Paper


The term Simple Research Paper refers to an academic text that searches, collects, and organizes information, data, and evidence on a particular topic. This kind of paper is limited to the research and reading of primary and secondary sources.

An Extended Research Paper is a comprehensive academic paper revolving around a relevant subject. According to the purposes of the research, the author makes a thesis statement, collects data, reviews the literature, and gives a personal perspective on the topic.


Simple Research Paper Extended Research Paper
  1. Introduction: General information about the topic, a reason for a reader to be interested, the context in which it is to be discussed, and a thesis statement.
  2. Body:
    • Section 1/Subheading: One of the relevant aspects discussed.
    • Section 2/Subheading: One of the relevant aspects discussed.
    • Section 3/Subheading: One of the relevant aspects discussed.
    • Section…/Subheading: One of the relevant aspects discussed.
  3. Conclusion: Restatement of the thesis statement and a summary of the main points.
  1. Abstract (see Abstract)
  2. Introduction:
    • A problem under discussion.
    • Purpose of the study.
    • Significance/Gap in knowledge that is to be filled in.
    • Research questions.
    • Hypothesis.
    • Thesis presenting the structure of the paper.
  3. Literature Review: (See Literature Review).
  4. Methodology:
    • Research design.
    • Sample/Population.
    • Procedure.
    • Method of analyzing the results.
  5. Results: It implies telling about the most important findings of the research. No interpretation/discussion of the result should be provided. Figures and tables are advisable in this part.
  6. Discussion/Conclusion:
    • Findings in the context of what is already known about the topic.
    • The importance of findings.
    • Implication of the findings.
    • Potential ways to continue research.


  • Factual
  • Past tense (for work completed)
  • Future tense for proposed work
  • Present tense to describe current situation



An Outline is an essential tool to organize a piece of writing. Besides displaying the main points developed in the paper, it allows the writer to manage the research logically and efficiently, preventing roadblocks during the drafting of the text. Outlines can display the headings and subheadings of the paper or a series of short sentences for a more precise overview.


Simple outline

    • Choose subheading (if needed)
    • Choose subheading (if needed)
    • Write subheading
      • Include Level 3 subheading (if needed)
      • Include Level 3 subheading (if needed)
    • Write subheading
      • Include Level 3 subheading (if needed)
      • Include Level 3 subheading (if needed)
    • Write subheading
      • Include Level 3 subheading (if needed)
      • Include Level 3 subheading (if needed)
    • Choose subheading (if needed)
    • Choose subheading (if needed)

Extended outline

  1. Introduction
    • Create a strong opening statement(s) for your paper that generates interest and engages the reader.
    • The Thesis Statement (TS) will be the last 1–3 sentences of the introduction.
  2. Body Paragraph #1—Topic Sentence #1
    • Supporting Evidence (full sentence)
      • Name of and information from source Supporting Evidence (full sentence)
      • Name of and information from source #2 (if applicable) (full sentence)
    • Explanation (Explain how this evidence supports your topic sentence. Try to develop your explanation in 2–4 sentences.)
      • Explanation of source (full sentence)
      • Explanation of source #2 (if applicable) (full sentence)
    • So What? (What is significant or important about the ideas (topic sentence + evidence + explanation) in this paragraph? Remind your reader how all this information connects back to the TS.)
  3. Body Paragraph #2—Topic Sentence #2
    • Supporting Evidence (full sentence)
      • (full sentence)
      • (full sentence)
    • Explanation (full sentence)
      • (full sentence)
      • (full sentence)
    • So What? (full sentence)
  4. Body Paragraph #3—Topic Sentence #3
    • Supporting Evidence (full sentence)
    • Explanation (full sentence)
    • So What?
  5. Conclusion
    • The TS should be rephrased, rather than repeated verbatim, in the first 1–3 sentences of the conclusion
    • Avoid simply summarizing the main points in the conclusion: synthesize them. Then create closure for your paper.


  • Factual
  • Concise
  • Logical flow
  • Clear structure



A brief summary (150-250 words) of a research paper/proposal/thesis/dissertation that discloses the main points and results of the research. It should not be another introduction or a list of sections present in a research paper. It is a summary of the essence of a research, the findings.


It should be one paragraph that contains:

  • Problem statement.
  • Purpose of the research.
  • Methods used.
  • Results/Findings.
  • Conclusion/Recommendation.


  • Depends on the assignment.

Executive Summary


A Brief Summary of an academic piece of writing (thesis, dissertation, paper, or proposal) is a short text of 150–250 words that offers a clear and concise description of the main facts, ideas, and findings of the research paper. A summary is not a mere list of the main points of the writing, and neither is it an introduction.

A Brief Summary of a business paper, such as a report or a business plan, is a short piece of writing of around 300 words that presents the main facts, recommendations, and points. The summary should be neither a repetition of the introduction nor a list of the parts of the paper. It should be a concise text that contains the core of the document.


  • Background (1-2 opening sentences to place the paper in context)
  • Problem statement.
  • Purpose of the paper.
  • Scope of the paper.
  • Methods used.
  • Results/Findings.
  • Conclusions/Recommendations.


  • Depends on the assignment.

Literature Review


A Literature Review aims at discussing published information on the subject of research. It implies searching the sources within a set period, summarizing and offering a synthesis of the content. A literary review can provide hints on the scope of research, outline the progress in a specific field, link old research outcomes to more recent materials, and in some cases, evaluate the appropriateness of the sources. Depending on the purpose, a literary review can be argumentative, historical, integrative, methodological, systematic, or theoretical. It comprises a blueprint of an extended research paper.


  1. Introduction:
    • A problem under discussion.
    • Purpose of the study.
    • Explanation of the structure.
    • Scope of the review/Explanation of what sources will be covered.
  2. Body: It implies making an overview of sources that concern the topic under discussion. The sources should be discussed in sections distinguished according to common themes, not just one by one.
  3. Conclusion:
    • Summary of main points.
    • Evaluation of the current state of literature in relation to the topic.
    • Flaws or gaps in existing knowledge.
    • Ideas for future study.


  • Formal
  • Objective
  • Tentative opinions based on text

Research Proposal/Thesis Proposal


Research Proposal or Thesis Proposal is a piece of writing aimed at showing the interest in a specific problem, reasons why it should be studied, and methods, which a researcher is to adopt to approach the issue under consideration. In other words, it is a draft/plan of an extended research paper.


  1. Abstract (see Abstract)
  2. Introduction:
    • A problem under discussion.
    • Purpose of the study.
    • Significance/Gap in knowledge that is to be filled in.
    • Research questions.
    • Hypothesis.
    • Objectives.
    • Thesis presenting the structure of the paper.
  3. Literature Review: (See Literature Review).
  4. Methodology:
    • Research design.
    • Variables.
    • Sample/Population.
    • Instruments/Materials.
    • Procedure.
    • Method of analyzing the results.
    • Limitations.
  5. Results (Rarely required): It implies explaining what findings are expected to be obtained, how they will be arranged and analyzed unless it is mentioned in the methodology part.
  6. Discussion/Conclusion (Rarely required).
    • Summary of main points.
    • Importance of the study.
    • Potential implications of the study.


  • Factual
  • Concise
  • Logical flow
  • Clear structure
  • Future tense



A Dissertation is a weighty academic paper on a particular subject, and it is usually done to obtain a doctorate. A dissertation is not a simple collection of sources and knowledge, but it is an original contribution to the specific topic. The writer uses both qualitative and quantitative approaches to collect evidence supporting the assertion and the related debate. In addition to offering a new perspective on the subject, a dissertation shows the candidate’s mastery in handling scholarly methods.


  1. Abstract (See Abstract)
  2. Introduction:
    • A problem under discussion.
    • Purpose of the study.
    • Significance/Gap in knowledge that is to be filled in.
    • Research questions.
    • Hypothesis.
    • Objectives.
    • Thesis presenting the structure of the paper.
  3. Literature Review: (See Literature Review).
  4. Methodology:
    • Research design.
    • Variables.
    • Sample/Population.
    • Instruments/Materials.
    • Procedure.
    • Method of analyzing the results.
    • Limitations.
  5. Results: It implies telling about the most important findings of the research. No interpretation of the result should be provided. Figures and tables are advisable in this part.
  6. Discussion/Conclusion:
    • Findings in the context of what is already known about the topic.
    • The importance of findings.
    • Implication of the findings.
    • Limitation of the research.
    • Potential ways to continue research.


  • Factual
  • Concise
  • Logical flow
  • Clear structure

Annotated Bibliography


An Annotated Bibliography is a piece of writing that provides a brief summary and an evaluation of the sources. It can be part of an academic paper or a standalone document. Content, weight, credibility of the author, and links to other reliable sources are some aspects to highlight. An Annotated Bibliography adds depth to a paper and provides a solid base for further research.


  1. Reference of the source formatted in style requested by the customer (= not included in the word count).
  2. A paragraph(s) that:
    • summarizes the main points of a book or article;
    • evaluates the authority or background of the author;
    • comments on the intended audience;
    • discusses the relevance of the source to the research;
    • compare or contrast this source with other sources, if applicable.


  • Formal
  • Objective



A Synopsis refers to an academic paper that provides a summarized version of a piece of writing. The original source can be a book, a chapter, an article, or another document. The writer reads the source and goes on to discuss the most crucial points.


  1. Introduction
    • Title and author.
    • Placing the piece of writing in the context.
    • Central conflict of the story.
    • Thesis statement.
  2. Body: Multiple paragraphs presenting the main events/characters in a chronological order, as they happen/appear in the book/chapter.
  3. Conclusion: Restatement of the thesis statement and explanation of how the conflict has been resolved.
  1. Introduction:
    • Title and author.
    • The topic under discussion.
    • Thesis statement.
  2. Body:
    • Research Problem.
    • Research Theory.
    • Methodology.
    • Hypotheses.
    • Instruments.
    • Sample.
    • Findings.
    • Implications.
  3. Conclusion: A summary of the main points and the ideas for future research


  • Present tense.

Book Report


A descriptive/informative piece of writing. In it, a writer should tell about the plot, characters, main themes (fiction books) or main topics discussed, thesis, arguments, conclusions (non-fiction books). It is an objective piece of writing that does not require opinion or evaluation of the author’s ideas.


For a fiction book: For a non-fiction book:
  1. Introduction
    • Title/Author.
    • Genre.
    • A brief introduction of the book.
    • Thesis allowing a reader envisage how the report will be organized.
  2. Body:
    • Setting.
    • Who narrates the story.
    • Comments on the tone and mood of the story.
    • Protagonist and other characters.
    • Plot summary (major events, climax, resolution).
  3. Conclusion: Restatement of the thesis statement and a summary of the main points.
  1. Introduction
    • Title/Author.
    • Genre.
    • A brief introduction of the book.
    • Thesis allowing a reader envisage how the report will be organized.
  2. Body:
    • General topic of the book.
    • Intended audience.
    • Purpose.
    • The author’s thesis.
    • Mains points and arguments.
    • Conclusions the author arrives at.
  3. Conclusion: Restatement of the thesis statement and a summary of the main points.


  • Formal
  • Objective
  • Tentative opinions based on text

Article/Book Review


Book Report is both descriptive and informative piece of writing describing a text, which can be fiction or non-fiction. In the first case, the writing revolves around the plot, main characters, and central themes, while for non-fiction, the writer reports topics, theses, arguments, and counterarguments. The author is not supposed to take a judgmental position on the source but merely to describe the facts.



  1. Introduction:
    • Title and the author.
    • A brief introduction of the article.
    • Thesis statement with the stance outlined.
  2. Body:
    • Summary (1-2 paragraphs max.):
      • Issue discussed in the article.
      • Purpose of the article.
      • Intended audience.
      • The author’s thesis.
      • Brief summary of methods, sample, and main findings.
    • Analysis and Evaluation:
      • Credibility of the author/Background/Credentials.
      • Is evidence properly employed?
      • Is evidence adequate/accurate/convincing?
      • Is the methods used are appropriate?
      • Was something left out? Is any information missing?
      • Is the structure/tone/organization of ideas appropriate?
      • Is the author biased? Is language objective?
      • If illustrations or charts are used, are they effective in presenting information?
      • Is the author’s goal achieved? Why or why not?
      • Recommendation for improvement.
  3. Conclusion: Restatement of the thesis statement and a summary of the main points.


  1. Introduction:
    • Title and the author.
    • Genre.
    • A brief introduction of the book.
    • Thesis statement with the stance outlined.
  2. Body:
    • Summary (1-2 paragraphs max.):
      • General topic of the book.
      • Intended audience.
      • Purpose of the book.
      • The author’s thesis.
    • Analysis:
      • Credibility of the author/Background/Credentials.
      • Author’s principal claims and argument.
      • Conclusions the author arrives at.
      • Evidence the author employs.
      • Methods of analysis the author uses.
      • Contradiction with the alternative interpretations of the problem.
      • Information that was left out.
    • Evaluation:
      • Is the author’s goal achieved? Was the thesis proved? Why/why not?
      • Is the book convincing? Why/why not?
      • Is the author biased? Why/why not?
      • Is the usage of evidence adequate/accurate/convincing? Why/why not?
      • Is there distortion, exaggeration, or diminishing evidence?
      • Is the structure/tone/organization of ideas appropriate? Why/why not?
      • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the book?
      • Should the book be read? If yes, who should read it?
  3. Conclusion: Restatement of the thesis statement and a summary of the main points.


  • Analytical
  • Evaluative
  • Present tense
  • Active voice

Literary Analysis


Literary Analysis is a critical or evaluative discussion where the writer is required to develop a personal evaluation of a work of fiction, an article, a poem, or a non-fiction work. The author provides a brief and essential summary of the plot, the theme, or the topic, but the main task is to interpret the source, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, support the reasoning with adequate evidence, and take a position.


  1. Introduction:
    • Title and the author.
    • Genre.
    • A brief introduction of the literary work.
    • Thesis statement about what the author is trying to say with this literary work.
  2. Body:
    • Paragraph 1:
      • Topic sentence that contains a CLAIM supporting the thesis statement.
      • Evidence supporting the claim #1 (fact, example, statistics, quote) and comments on it.
      • Evidence supporting the claim #2 and comments on it.
      • Evidence supporting the claim #… and comments on it.
      • Concluding sentence.
    • Paragraph 2 with the same elements.
    • Paragraph … with the same elements.
  3. Conclusion: Restatement of the thesis statement and a summary of the main points.


  • Analytical
  • Evaluative
  • Present tense
  • Active voice

Article Critique


An Article Critique interprets and evaluates positive and negative aspects of an article. The critique can be either positive or negative, and it is essential that it stems from clear evidence rather than from an emotional stance.


  1. Introduction:
    • Title and the author.
    • A brief introduction of the article.
    • Thesis statement with the stance outlined.
  2. Body:
    • Identification:
      • Background of the article.
      • Purpose of the article.
      • The main idea/argument of the article.
    • Evaluation:
      • Is the argument convincing? Why/why not?
      • Is this article applicable/useful? Why/why not?
      • Comparison of the article with other current researches/theories.
    • Response:
      • What is your assessment of the article?
      • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article?
      • What issues does the article raise?
      • What issues does the article avoid?
  3. Conclusion: Restatement of the thesis statement and re-emphasis of opinion.


  • Analytical
  • Evaluative
  • Present tense
  • Active voice

Movie Review/Critique


A critical discussion of a movie is called a Review. As the adjective “critical” suggests, a review is not merely a summary of the plot but requires the use of analytical and critical skills to develop a personal and original opinion regarding the movie. A good critique offers some information about the plot but focuses on the aspects related to the development and the production of the film. In addition, it should entertain the readers and offer some suggestions on how the movie might have been more appealing.


Movie Review

  1. Introduction:
    • Name of the movie and the director.
    • Genre.
    • A brief introduction of the movie.
    • Thesis statement with the stance outlined.
  2. Body:
    • Summary (1-2 paragraphs max.):
      • Guleneral description of the movie.
      • Intended audience.
      • Purpose of the movie.
      • The director’s thesis.
    • Analysis:
      • Credibility of the director/Background/Credentials.
      • Director’s principal claims and argument.
      • Conclusions the director arrives at.
      • Evidence the director employs.
      • Methods of analysis the director uses.
      • Contradiction with the alternative interpretations of the problem.
      • Information that was left out.
    • Evaluation:
      • Is the director’s goal achieved? Was the thesis proved? Why/why not?
      • Is the movie convincing? Why/why not?
      • Is the movie entertaining or not? Why/why not?
      • Is the usage of evidence adequate/accurate/convincing? Why/why not?
      • Is there distortion, exaggeration, or diminishing evidence?
      • Is the structure/tone/organization of ideas appropriate? Why/why not?
      • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the movie?
      • Should the movie be watched? If yes, who should watch it?
  3. Conclusion: Restatement of the thesis statement and a summary of the main points.

Movie Critique

  1. Introduction:
    • Name of the movie and the director.
    • Genre.
    • A brief introduction of the movie.
    • Thesis statement with the stance outlined.
  2. Body:
    • Summary (1-2 paragraphs max.):
      • General description of the movie.
      • Intended audience.
      • Purpose of the movie.
      • The director’s thesis.
    • Analysis:
      • Credibility of the director/Background/Credentials.
      • Director’s principal claims and argument.
      • Conclusions the director arrives at.
      • Evidence the director employs.
      • Methods of analysis the director uses.
      • Contradiction with the alternative interpretations of the problem.
      • Information that was left out.
    • Evaluation:
      • Is the director’s goal achieved? Was the thesis proved? Why/why not?
      • Is the movie convincing? Why/why not?
      • What could have been done in order to attract a wider audience?
      • Is the usage of evidence adequate/accurate/convincing? Why/why not?
      • Is there distortion, exaggeration, or diminishing evidence?
      • Is the structure/tone/organization of ideas appropriate? Why/why not?
      • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the movie?
      • Should the movie be watched? If yes, who should watch it?
  3. Conclusion: Restatement of the thesis statement and a summary of the main points. Offers a final appraisal of the movie.


  • Analytical
  • Evaluative
  • Present tense
  • Active voice
  • Not necessarily formal, but still clear (for critique)

Questions-Answers (Q-A)


Question-Answer writings are designed to answer questions provided by a customer or an educational authority. In these papers, there is no need to write an introduction or a conclusion. Answers are written as paragraphs, and their length depends on the instructions for the paper.


Introduction and conclusion are not needed. Even though a Q-A is not an essay, paragraphs in it still must have topic and concluding sentences while ideas should be supported with evidence from sources.


  • Factual
  • Authoritative
  • Concise
  • Easy to follow

Discussion Board Post


Straight-to-the-point Discussion refers to a piece of writing that answers a given question directly. If the answer relates to a post of a peer student, it is called a Discussion Board Post (DBP) and stems from the discussion. The writer may oppose or agree with the ideas of other students, as long as he or she offers adequate argumentation. A DBP implies taking a personal stance in a debate.


Introduction and conclusion are not needed. Even though a DBP is not an essay, paragraphs in it still must have topic and concluding sentences while ideas should be supported with evidence from sources.


  • Can use “I”
  • Not necessarily formal, but still clear

Case Study


A Case Study Assignment is a paper written about a specific case. According to the requirements, it can be developed following two different formats: answering a series of questions in a Q-A format or writing research on the case. The latter is similar to a typical research paper, but the focus is narrowed to the given case.


Q-A format

Introduction and conclusion are not needed. Even though a Q-A is not an essay, paragraphs in it still must have topic and concluding sentences while ideas should be supported with evidence from sources.

  1. Introduction:
    • Presentation of a problem.
    • Importance of studying this problem.
    • Research question/Main argument
    • Thesis statement allowing to predict how the problem will be discussed.
  2. Literature Review: It implies making an overview of sources that concern the topic under discussion. The sources should be discussed in sections distinguished according to the common themes, not just one by one (See Literature Review).
  3. Methodology:
    • Research design and rationale for using it.
    • Participants, if any.
    • Procedure.
    • Limitations.
  4. Findings and Discussion:
    • Presentation of main findings.
    • Conclusions drawn from findings and their connection with the research question.
    • Importance of findings.
    • Connections of finding to similar studies.
  5. Conclusion:
    • Restatement of the main argument and indication whether it was supported or not.
    • Summary of main points.
    • Importance of the study.
    • Recommendations for future research.


  • Factual
  • Authoritative
  • Concise
  • Easy to follow

Case Brief


A Case Brief is a piece of writing that outlines a legal case and summarizes the legal opinion underpinning a judgment. A case brief is a formal methodology of taking notes to highlight the most crucial aspects of the judgment.


Usually, IRAC method is used to write a case brief. Other formats of case briefs are only slightly different. All the components mentioned below would have to be covered regardless of the format.

  1. Citation of the court case in Bluebook format.
  2. Facts of the case (if required)
  3. Issue in the form of a question.
  4. Rule of the court.
  5. Application.
  6. Conclusion.


  • Factual
  • Authoritative
  • Concise
  • Easy to follow

Case Study Analysis


A Case Study Analysis relates to a business or administrative subject, and it involves a thorough investigation of the case, the exploration of possible alternatives, and a proposition of the most desirable solution. A case study analysis requires the writer to apply theoretical knowledge to actual situations.


  1. Introduction:
    • Short presentation of a case.
    • Key problems.
    • Thesis statement representing the results of the analysis.
  2. Body:
    • Background:
      • Background information and relevant facts.
      • The major problem of the case.
    • Case:
      • Possible alternatives (not necessarily all of them).
      • Feasibility of alternatives.
      • Limitations of alternatives/Reasons for rejecting them.
    • Solution:
      • The presentation of one realistic solution.
      • Reasons for choosing this solution.
      • Support of the choice with evidence.
  3. Recommendations:
    • Strategies to apply the solution.
    • Recommendation for further actions.


  • Factual
  • Authoritative
  • Concise
  • Easy to follow

Reflection Paper


A piece of writing that requires writing own thoughts on a specific idea, topic, situation, or experience. Reflection papers usually should be connected to the concepts learned in class. So, materials from the customer should be requested.


  1. Introduction:
    • What is reflected on (own experience, a situation, etc.).
    • What course materials are relevant/contribute to the deeper understanding of experience/situation.
    • Main lessons learned from/conclusion made about the experience/situation. = thesis.
  2. Body: Several body paragraphs each supporting a thesis and containing one CLAIM regarding the lessons learned/conclusions made. The claims are supported with evidence from the experience/articles. The connection with course materials should be clearly visible.
  3. Conclusion:
    • Restatement of the thesis statement, i.e., lessons learned/conclusions made.
    • The importance of the experience/situation, etc., within the context of learning.
    • Reference to the future/opportunities to learn from the experiences/situations.

You can familiarize yourself with the examples of reflective essays here.


  • Can use “I”

Response/Reaction Paper


A Reflection Paper is an academic piece of writing where the author offers his or her own thoughts on a specific topic. It requires the ability to look at the subject from several perspectives, applying critical thinking and an analytical approach. In academic settings, reflection papers involve knowledge and understanding of concepts developed in class.

A Response/Reaction Paper replies or reacts to one or more texts using analytical skills. Having read the sources, the writer evaluates if and how they attain the intended goals and highlights possible connections between them.


  1. Introduction:
    • The author, title, and source of the text.
    • Brief presentation of the text.
    • Thesis statement including own reaction/response to the text.
  2. Summary of the text (1-2 paragraphs max.; optional).
  3. Body: Several body paragraphs each supporting a thesis statement and containing one CLAIM regarding the response/reaction to the paper. The claims are supported with evidence from the own experience or the text under consideration. Questions that might be answered in the body are:
    • How is the text related to problems in the present-day world?
    • How is the text related to your life, experiences, feelings, and ideas?
    • Did the text change your perspective/opinion regarding something?
    • How important are the points discussed in the text?
    • Does the text exhibit accuracy/completeness of ideas, appropriateness of tone/language?
    • Were your views challenged anyhow?
    • Do you agree/disagree with certain points of the text?
  4. Conclusion:
    • Restatement of the thesis statement.
    • Main points summarized.
    • Recommendation to read/not read the text.

You can familiarize yourself with the examples of response essays here.


  • Can use “I”



A Journal is a written composition where the author offers personal reflections on a course. It entails reflecting on lessons, readings, discussions, and main topics. It should constitute separate entries, each characterized by a date. A journal is supposed to improve the ability to reflect on a subject and to provide a useful source in interacting with the class, for example, replying to peer students’ posts.


Since writing a journal is a semi-formal task, there are no specific format requirements. The only demand is to separate entries with dates. The questions that might be covered in a journal entry are:

  • What are the insights gained from the experience/reading?
  • What are the possible interpretations of the experience/reading?
  • Are there any changes of perspectives/views on a specific subject?
  • How does the experience/reading relate to other things that are already known?
  • How will the insights gained be useful?


  • Conversational
  • Thinking aloud
  • Can use “I”
  • Not necessarily formal, but still clear

Memorandum (Memo)


A Memorandum or Memo refers to a short paper aimed at providing information about a particular subject to a person or a department within a company. A memo is written in an organized formal style and tries to persuade the reader diplomatically.


  1. Heading:
    TO: (reader’s names and job title)
    FROM: (writer’s name and job title)
    SUBJECT: (what the memo is about)
  2. Opening Part:
    • Context of the problem (Why did it arise?)
    • Task (What a writer does to solve the problem?)
    • Purpose (Why the memo is being written?) = thesis statement.
  3. Summary of the Problem (optional; included in long memos only).
    Recap of all the issues discussed in the memo and key recommendations reached.
  4. Discussion:
    Presentation of the findings/recommendations concerning the problem in question from the least to the most important.
  5. Closing statement:
    A polite formal ending stating what action a reader should take, e.g., “Should you need more information about this recommendation, do not hesitate to contact me.


  • Can use “I”

Business Report


A Business Report is a clear and essential piece of writing that relates to a specific issue by providing an analysis of the matter and offering recommendations to solve it. A business report is most likely to be requested by a senior executive of the company. It should be formal and focused on the subject. It may be attached to a memo.


  1. Executive Summary (See Executive Summary).
  2. Introduction:
    • The problem and its context (Why did it arise?)
    • Purpose (Why the report is being written?)
    • Structure of the paper = thesis statement.
  3. Methodology (optional).
    Explanation of the way the problem under consideration was investigated. The process of data collection should be described.
  4. Discussion/Findings:
    Structured presentation of the findings from the least to the most important. Characteristics, causes, and consequences of the problem might be discussed. The usage of descriptive headings is recommended.
  5. Conclusions:
    A summary of findings from the least to the most important in present tense. Bullet points might be used.
  6. Recommendations:
    A list of concise, clear, and realistic recommendations in future test. One recommendation should refer to one problem identified in the list of conclusions. The benefits of their implementation should be explained. Bullet points might be used.


  • Factual
  • Past tense (for work completed)
  • Future tense for proposed work
  • Present tense to describe current situation

Motivation Letter


A Motivation Letter is a piece of writing addressed to a scholarly authority to prove suitability for applying to an academic program. The letter should contain academic and professional backgrounds as well as other activities that are relevant to the program and the establishment.


  1. Introduction:
    • Name and short self-presentation of an applicant.
    • Name of the program of interest.
    • Name of the university offering the program.
    • Thesis statement including reasons for applicant’s suitability.
  2. Body:
    • Paragraph 1. Academic Background.
      • Knowledge and skills gathered previously in school/college/summer school, etc., that will be useful in this program.
    • Paragraph 2. Professional Background.
      • Knowledge and skills gathered in jobs/internships that will be useful in this program.
    • Paragraph 3. Other Activities.
      • Relevant experience gained as a member of some organization, for instance, students association, NGO, political party, or a volunteer service, etc.
      • The way the applicant may contribute to the student community and university in general.
  3. Conclusion:
    • Expression of the interest in the program.
    • Restatement of reasons for the applicant’s suitability, i.e., thesis statement.
    • Closing statements.


  • Can use “I”
  • Future tense

Personal Statement


A Personal Statement is a paper where an applicant presents him/herself to a committee to be admitted to a program. Rather than mentioning academic qualifications and professional experiences, a personal statement narrows the focus to the personal traits of the applicant, showing their suitability for the institution and the program.


  1. Introduction:
    • Expression of interest in the subject.
    • Explanation what this interest is grounded on.
    • Thesis statement, including explanation how previous experiences prepared the applicant for studying the subject.
  2. Body:
    It should consist of paragraphs presenting personal experiences and supporting the interest in the subject. Events should be presented either chronologically or from the least to the most important. Questions that might be answered:
    • What are the details of the applicant’s life (personal or family problems, people or events) that have shaped his/her goals?
    • When did the interest in the subject appear?
    • How did the applicant learn more about the field/subject? Classes, reading, work, or conversation with people involved in the field?
    • What personal traits and skills does the applicant possess? How can they be useful?
    • What personal traits and skills does the applicant possess? How can they be useful?
    • How is the applicant better than others? How can he/she contribute to the university?
  3. Conclusion:
    • Expression of the interest in the subject.
    • Restatement of how previous experiences prepared the applicant for studying the subject, thesis statement.
    • Closing statements.


  • Can use “I”
  • Past tense

Lab Report


A Lab Report is a paper related to a laboratory experiment. It describes and analyzes scientific hypotheses and outcomes. A literary review should also be included, and the details should be explained clearly to allow readers to replicate the experiment. Lab reports are a common practice in scientific and psychological settings.


  1. Abstract (See Abstract):
  2. Introduction:
    The main purpose of this section is to justify writer’s hypothesis:
    • Identify the experiment to be taken.
    • What are the objectives of the experiment?
    • What are the objectives of the experiment?
    • The importance and overall background of the experiment (theoretical predictions of the possible results).
  3. Methods/Procedures:
    This section is relatively formulaic. It usually consists of three sub-sections:
    • Participants.
    • Materials/Apparatus.
    • Procedure.
  4. Results and Discussion:
    Sometimes, “Results” and “Discussion” can appear as separate sections. A writer should analyze the results of the experiment/findings and discuss their implications. One should either support or disconfirm the hypothesis based on the results.
  5. Conclusions: (Optional)
    This section can appear in the longer laboratory reports. The section “Results and Discussions” covers the results individually. Here, the results should be considered in the context of the entire experiment. Was the hypothesis accepted or rejected? Why?
  6. Appendices
    This section includes graphs and figures.


  • Past tense
  • Step by step
  • Passive voice
  • Objective
  • Passive voice

Capstone Project


A Capstone Project is a complex academic experience representing the culmination and (usually) the final point of a learning path. Structurally, a capstone project is comparable to a thesis, but the research aims at producing a presentation, performance, or another practical outcome. Unlike a thesis, which focuses on broad subjects, capstone projects revolve around specific topics. Their length should be around 20–25 pages.


  1. Abstract (See Abstract)
  2. Introduction:
    • A problem under discussion.
    • Purpose of the study.
    • Significance/Gap in knowledge that is to be filled in.
    • Research questions.
    • Hypothesis.
    • Objectives.
    • Thesis presenting the structure of the paper.
  3. Literature Review: (See Literature Review).
  4. Methodology:
    • Research design.
    • Variables.
    • Sample/Population.
    • Instruments/Materials.
    • Procedure.
    • Method of analyzing the results.
    • Limitations.
  5. Results: It implies telling about the most important findings of the research. No interpretation of the result should be provided. Figures and tables are advisable in this part.
  6. Discussion/Conclusion:
    • Findings in the context of what is already known about the topic.
    • The importance of findings.
    • Implication of the findings.Limitation of the research.
    • Potential ways to continue research.


  • Factual
  • Past tense (for work completed)
  • Future tense for proposed work
  • Present tense to describe current situation



A Speech is a piece of writing intended to inform, instruct, entertain, persuade, or celebrate a special occasion. Written to be presented in front of an audience, a speech is tailored to the audience itself. Usually, it comprises an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.


  1. Introduction:
    • Opening statements
    • “Hook”
    • Thesis statement including the topic, stance and main points of a speech.
  2. Body – several main points about the central idea being presented:
    • Opening point – start with the strongest point to grab the listeners’ attention
    • Subsequent points – make a new paragraph for each of your following points, which are usually weaker than the opening and the closing ones.
    • Final point – come back with another strong point.
  3. Conclusion:
    • Restatement of the thesis statement.
    • Summary of the main points and ideas presented.
    • Compelling remark or call to action.


  • Use “I”
  • Conversational
  • Persuasive

Article Writing


Article Writing refers to a piece of writing meant to be published in a magazine, newspaper, or academic journal, therefore targeted at reaching a wide audience. It might be intended to disseminate information or debate or discuss a theoretical analysis or the outcome of research. An article should be written to capture the attention of the readers.


An article employs a heading and subheadings, and usually follows a 5-paragraph essay structure.


  • Conversational
  • Not necessarily formal, but still clear

White Paper


A White Paper is a document issued by a company or non-profit organization to provide information about a specific policy or topic, highlighting main features, technical knowledge, problems, and possible solutions. In some countries, the term white paper refers to documents published by the government.


  1. Title Page: Title has to convey the purpose of the paper and grasp the audience’s attention.
  2. Table of Contents.
  3. List of Figures (if applicable).
  4. Abstract: Information on the purpose of the paper, including the problem being discussed and the solution.
  5. Introduction: General background information on a particular issue, including enough evidence; pose only those problems to which you can provide solutions.
  6. Problem Statement:
    • Discussion of the problem.
    • Explanation of the problem’s importance.
    • Explanation of the solution’s effect on the audience.
  7. Proposed Solution:
    • Discussion of the solution/s.
    • Description of the ways to implement solution/s.
    • Information about the associated costs.
  8. Conclusion:
    • Summary of the major findings.
    • Recommended solution to the problem.


  • Formal
  • Objective

Business Letter


A Business Letter is a formal piece of writing between different subjects involved in business relationships: organizations, professionals, and customers. A business letter should be specific and professional, containing relevant information such as address, date, and recipient’s name and formatted following either the unblocked or the blocked style.


  1. Sender’s address:
    • Street address
    • City, state, zip
  2. Date:
    • Use the month, day, year format.
  3. Receiver’s address:
    • Addressee name
    • Addressee title
    • Company name
    • Street address
    • City, state, zip
  4. Salutation:
    • Address a specific person instead of Sir/Madam and put a comma at the end of the name.
  5. Body paragraphs:
    • Indicate the purpose of the letter.
    • State relevant information depending on the task.
    • Call to action.
  6. Signature
  7. Closure


  • Use “I” when expressing own opinion
  • Use “we” when formulating the organization’s policy.

Grant Proposal


A Grant Proposal is a formal paper addressed to public or private institutions to promote a project and obtain the funds necessary to implement it. It should be detailed and convincing, providing the purposes of the project, methodologies to be adopted, and intended development. A grant proposal should show that the proposed approach is the most suitable for a positive outcome.


  1. Abstract (See Abstract)
  2. Introduction:
    • A problem under discussion.
    • Purpose of the study.
    • Research goals/objectives.
    • Research significance.
    • Thesis statement.
  3. Needs assessment:
    • Analysis of the problem using the data.
    • Weaknesses and strengths.
  4. Theoretical framework/rationale. This section comprises professional experience and literature reviewed (See Literature Review), and states how the proposal addresses the needs mentioned in the previous section.
  5. Methodology:
    • Research design.
    • Sample/Population.
    • Procedure.
    • Method of analyzing the results.
  6. Work plan. It specifies objectives, how they will be met, and who will perform each task.
    Tables and a graphic timeline are advisable in this part.
  7. Evaluation plan: This section demonstrates how goals will be measured and estimated. It may comprise introductory text but is usually presented in a table.
  8. Conclusion (Rarely required):
    • Thesis restatement.
    • Summary of the main points.
    • Potential implications of the proposal.


  • Factual
  • Persuasive
  • Past tense (for work completed)
  • Future tense for proposed work
  • Present tense to describe current situation