Life in society as a disabled person is a challenge due to various reasons which distinguish them from other population groups. They are connected to medical and sociological perspectives, each of which deals with specific aspects of the problem (Weitz 121). Therefore, the examination of these standpoints is beneficial for revealing the issues in this respect and the ways to eliminate them in the long run.
Summary of the Video
In the film clip, Judith Butler and Sunaura Taylor are walking and discussing the issue of disability in the present-day world. They talk about the accessibility of most public places in San Francisco for people regardless of their conditions, which is, nevertheless, complicated by the population’s attitudes and specific limitations (“Examined Life – Judith Butler & Sunaura Taylor 720p.avi”). Thus, for example, the social isolation and the lack of essential assistance bring discomfort and worsen the already limited options, such as housing or career opportunities (“Examined Life – Judith Butler & Sunaura Taylor 720p.avi”). In this way, the main point is the need for cultural acceptance and challenging traditional thinking about body ideals.
This video evokes significant concerns regarding the wellbeing of specific population groups as any differences between people can potentially lead to aggression. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that there are numerous intersecting factors, including gender and cultural background, which contribute to the lack of socialization in this context (“Examined Life – Judith Butler & Sunaura Taylor 720p.avi”). Hence, it is hard for individuals to cooperate for the benefit of all participants in societal processes, and political actions intended to eliminate the issues can be an optimal solution. This idea is supported by the evidence provided by Sunaura, and it contributes to the necessity to make a change collectively.
How Do the Medical and Sociological Models of Disability Differ?
The main difference between the medical and sociological models of disability is connected to the type of failure to meet the specific needs of the affected persons. Thus, from the former perspective, the problem is in the presence of conditions limiting physical movement. In other words, the impairments lead to the inability of individuals to fit in society and function the way others do (“Examined Life – Judith Butler & Sunaura Taylor 720p.avi”). In contrast to this stance, the sociological explanation refers to the inadequate organization of social affairs in which disabled people are neglected (Weitz 122). It means that this category of citizens is viewed either through the lens of health problems or their access to facilities.
Are People with Disabilities a Minority Group?
People with disabilities can be considered a minority group from various standpoints, which are related to discrimination. First, the impossibility of visiting coffee shops and other similar places determines this stance (“Examined Life – Judith Butler & Sunaura Taylor 720p.avi,” Weitz 122). Second, the problems connected to career and housing options add to this fact (Examined Life – Judith Butler & Sunaura Taylor 720p.avi”). Third, the challenge of receiving a better income alongside other personal characteristics, such as ethnicity, complements the above circumstances (Weitz 122). Thus, this population group clearly belongs to minorities due to the mentioned reasons.
To summarize, the evaluation of disability from the sociological and medical perspectives showed a number of factors attributed to them. Thus, the former includes exclusion from societal affairs alongside the complicated access to different facilities, whereas the latter is determined as conditions limiting physical functioning in the first place. In this case, an optimal solution is a combination of political measures and the promotion of cultural acceptance.
Works Cited
“Examined Life – Judith Butler & Sunaura Taylor 720p.avi.”YouTube, uploaded by 黃小竹, 2010.
Weitz, Rose. The Sociology of Health, Illness, and Health Care: A Critical Approach. 8th ed., Cengage Learning, 2019.