Many people are struggling with addiction, particularly that of drugs, which has made their lives very difficult. It takes a lot of effort to save oneself from the bondage of addiction, including self-discipline and religious values. This paper will discuss Mike and Julia Quarles’ story of addiction and freedom. However, it will additionally be essential to analyze the meanings of depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, narcotics, and intoxication and what they do to the body. As a result, one might see that addiction manifests not only in the physical deterioration of the body but also in the collapse of a family, which leads to the necessity of addiction recovery programs.
Mike and Julia’s Story of Addiction & Freedom
Overview of the Problem in the Case Study
Most Christians are bonded in a sequence of dependence, especially in drug and alcohol misuse. In a constructive, condemning manner, Anderson provides a specific form of healing and recovery from addiction issues, which entails faith and adherence to the messages of the Holy Scripture (Anderson et al., 1996). The book’s first part narrates the astonishing case of Julia and Mike Quarles and how Mike defeated an incapacitating dependence on alcohol.
Effects and Struggles the Family Had
Mike had been drinking alcohol for some time, which caused him to have a car accident while being in an inebriated condition. He was arrested and jailed but did not stop drinking even after his release. However, the man believes God miraculously protected him because no one was hurt in his drunken state. The male participant had been suffering from alcohol addiction, which led to his wife Julia leaving him (Anderson et al., 1996). As a result, the marital issues of the couple stemmed from addiction problems.
Strategies and Methodologies that Worked
Mike managed to free himself from addiction by using the values that constitute one of the Holy Scripture’s messages that God makes people free, and it is the responsibility of every individual to make their identity and follow the right path of a Christian. Mike and Julia acknowledged that there is a higher power (God) that is capable of helping him (Anderson et al., 1996). As it was mentioned in the Holy Scripture, in Thessalonians 5:8, “But since we are of the day, let’s be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation” (Bible, n.d.). Julia and Mike prayed that God might transform Mike and free him from addiction.
Why Addiction is a Coping Mechanism Psychologically
What is noteworthy is that addiction can be a coping mechanism for stress. Drugs such as alcohol work to slow the central nervous system, generating thoughts of repose. It also decreases embarrassment, memory, and judgment. Due to these qualities, alcohol addiction becomes a manner of avoiding stressors or problems a person might be having (Editorial Staff, 2022a). When a person feels stressed, changes happen in their brain, and the central nervous system usually responds with a fight-or-flight reaction. Regular high stress levels can lead someone to addiction because they would want to use drugs whenever they have stress.
The Connection between Chemical Addiction and Sexual Bondage
Chemical addiction may cause sexual bondage, especially when addicted to stimulants. Most stimulant addicts experience substantial aphrodisiac impacts from methamphetamine and cocaine use (Bapat, 2022). The combination of high sex drive and decreased inhibitions usually leads to compulsive, hypersexual behavior. This can encompass obsessive watching of pornography, paraphilias, compulsive masturbation, and HIV-risky sexual encounters with many partners (Washton, n.d.). Drug abuse can cause a relapse to hypersexual behavior, and it might be very difficult to get out of sexual bondage.
Medications and What They Do to the Body
Depressants are sedatives, hypnotics, and tranquilizers that slow brain action and assist in treating anxiety, sleep disorders, fright, and heightened stress responses (Cherry, 2022). Stimulants are substances such as cocaine, caffeine, amphetamines, and nicotine that increase the body’s levels of nervous or physiological activity (Bapat, 2022). They can make someone more awake, energetic, alert, or confident. Hallucinogens are drugs that can yield altered states of consciousness characterized by major alterations in thought, perception, and mood (Buddy, 2022b). Narcotics are drugs like codeine and morphine, used to treat moderate to adverse pain (Editorial Staff, 2022b). Lastly, intoxication is the level at which Alcohol depresses the central nervous system so that mood and psychological and physical capabilities are noticeably altered (Hartney, 2022). Thus, various medications are used to alleviate the external influences and calm the system, boosting serotonin.
The 12 Steps Program of Addiction Recovery
The 12-step program is a plan to counter pressures and addictions, which include:
- Acknowledging ability over the addiction.
- Accepting that a superior force (of whichever kind) can assist.
- Deciding to turn control over to a higher power.
- Taking a personal inventory.
- Recognize the superior power, another person, and oneself; the wrongs were done.
- Willingness to have superior power correct any faults in a person’s character.
- Asking the superior power to eliminate the faults.
- Listing wrongs done to others and being ready to make reparation for the wrongs done.
- Contacting those people who have been hurt, lest doing so would harm them (Buddy, 2022a).
- Continuing with the personal inventory and acknowledging when a person is mistaken.
- Seeking illumination and relation with the superior power through contemplation and prayer.
- Conveying the message of the 12 steps to others in need.
Fighting addiction can be very hard for most people. The story of Mike and Julia Quarles shows the role of religion in freeing one from addiction. Some people use addiction as a coping mechanism for stress because taking drugs makes them forget their problems and gives them relaxation. However, chemical addiction may lead to sexual bondage, especially for people who are addicted to stimulants. The 12-step program has proven to be effective in fighting addiction because it contains principles that guide one’s behavior, like acknowledging a higher power and admitting one’s wrongs.
Anderson, N. T., Quarles, M., & Quarles, J. (1996). Freedom from addiction: Breaking the bondage of addiction and finding freedom in Christ. Gospel Light Publications. Web.
Bapat, M. (2022). Stimulants: Understanding the uses and risks. Good RX Health. Web.
Bible. (n.d.). Thessalonians 5:8. Web.
Buddy, T. (2022a) What are the 12 Steps of Recovery? Very Well Mind. Web.
Buddy, T. (2022b). What are hallucinogens? Very Well Mind. Web.
Cherry, K. (2022). How depressants affect your body. Very Well Mind. Web.
Editorial Staff (2022a). Addiction as a coping mechanism and healthy alternatives. American Addiction Centers. Web.
Editorial Staff. (2022b). The big list of narcotic drugs. American Addiction Centers. Web.
Hartney, E. (2022). What is intoxication? Very Well Mind. Web.
Washton, A. M. (n.d.). Stimulant drugs and hypersexual behavior. Therapy Everywhere. Web.