Adolescent romantic relationships represent a rather peculiar phenomenon. As a rule, they are mostly considered for granted and are rarely taken seriously by those around them. At the same time, being formative experiences in the lives of young people, adolescent romantic relationships gain particularly strong importance. Implying the development of skills and perceptions needed for an individual to enter adulthood and function in the adult world, adolescent romantic relationships are a vital stage of personal development.
Building adolescent romantic relationships also allows one to pass a vital stage of personal and psychological development. For instance, Connolly and McIsaac (2014) explain that adolescent romantic relationships serve to minimize the threat of mental health issues developing. Being influenced by peers and family, adolescent romantic relationships become the landmark stage in personal development and a critical maturity stage. Similarly, the promotion of adolescent romantic relationships is believed to contribute to developing the attachment state of mind and, as a result, the opportunity to acquire a more effective conflict management strategy based on a different attitude and perspective, particularly, more peaceful ones (Tan et al., 2016). Overall, adolescent romantic relationships should be seen as a critical stage of personal development that must be encouraged actively.
Representing an opportunity for young people to acquire essential communicational and social skills needed to operate in the world of adults, adolescent romantic relationships represent the training and the opportunity that must be appreciated and encouraged. Therefore, adolescent romantic relationships should be seen as a vital stage of a young person’s development O. Although adolescent romantic relationships rarely lead to meaningful relationships that are sustained throughout the lives of those involved, they represent the attempt at being adults and living in the adult world. Thus, adolescent romantic relationships should be regarded as a chance for young people to mature emotionally and explore the nuances of interpersonal relationships.
Connolly, J., McIsaac, C., Shulman, S., Wincentak, K., Joly, L., Heifetz, M., & Bravo, V. (2014). Development of romantic relationships in adolescence and emerging adulthood: Implications for community mental health. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 33(1), 7-19.
Tan, J. S., Hessel, E. T., Loeb, E. L., Schad, M. M., Allen, J. P., & Chango, J. M. (2016). Long‐term predictions from early adolescent attachment state of mind to romantic relationship behaviors. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 26(4), 1022-1035.