Adolf Hitler’s Biography and Achievements Essay

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Adolf Hitler was born in Austria in 1889; he became the ruler of Germany and one of the most reviled persons in history. When Hitler was three years old, his family relocated from Austria to Germany. Adolf constantly fought with his father; therefore, he grew alienated and reclusive. His father disapproved of his preference for fine art above business. Additionally, Hitler displayed an early passion for German nationalism, challenging the authority of Austria-Hungary, and subsequently, it became Hitler’s driving motive in life. Hitler participated in World War I; moreover, the pacification imposed on Germany after that conflict infuriated him; hence he spent the entire time attempting to restore the peace that had ridiculed his adoptive nation. Ideally, the denial of one to pursue their desired career choice can ultimately lead them to develop undesirable characters such as seclusion that will finally lure to them to be tyrants.

Adolf Hitler’s Career and Leadership

Hitler’s political career took shape during his participation in World War I; thence, he formed the National Socialist Workers’ Party in 1919. However, due to the catastrophic economic crisis which Hitler attributed to the Jews, and began a campaign to evacuate them from Germany. Using his movement to fuel his plan against the Jews, he further gained numerous representatives in the German parliament in 1930. Importantly, Hitler employed tactics to exercise his power effectively. For instance, simple and efficient propaganda accomplished the trick. A wide spectrum of individuals and their issues became the Nazis’ goal.

The propaganda is intended to manipulate people’s anxiety about the future. In particular, ‘Bread and Work’ targeted the middle class and the dread of joblessness, while ‘Mother and Child’ portrayed Nazi views about women. Nazi propaganda painted Jews and Communists as enemies of the German nation. Moreover, he used other personalities; Joseph Goebbels was instrumental in the Nazis’ use of propaganda. Hitler appointed Goebbels Gauleiter for Berlin in 1926. Goebbels exploited contemporary and traditional media to reach as many people as possible, including cinema and radio. Moreover, Hitler’s Nazi propaganda employed positive imagery to laud the administration’s officials and actions, creating a rosy picture of the “national community.”

Germans battled to comprehend their country’s unclear destiny in the wake of World War I. Unstable economic circumstances, soaring joblessness, political turmoil, and deep social transformation plagued the populace. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party promised easy answers to Germany’s challenges, capitalizing on fears and prejudices, frustrations, and ambitions to gain widespread support. Furthermore, Hitler was a charismatic and flamboyant leader; hence such attributes bolstered him to power. Adolf Hitler charmed his listeners with significantly convincing speeches, promising them that his empire would rule for a thousand years. Adolf Hitler did not rant against the judges until the Nazis took power in 1933. This was because the German legal system was both federal and profoundly rooted in an independent court’s western Art legal heritage.

However, Hitler’s leadership style was similar to Stalin’s; they were both dictators and killers who shared racial hate for Jews and other ethnic groups. Thus, both tyrants repressed dissent with brutal force and manipulated the press, the police, and the government to become ultimate rulers with complete control over their people. Their egotistical and psychopathic mindsets, combined with extreme paranoia, required absolute obedience from their subordinates. If there is one factor that added to their brief effectiveness as tyrants, it was the propagation of terror.


In summary, Hitler’s political agenda and ideologies, which belittled the Jewish, led to the Holocaust. Theence, it ravaged and impoverished Central, Eastern Europe, and Germany. His actions led to the death of approximately 40 million persons, including around 27 million in the Soviet State. Hitler’s downfall heralded the conclusion of a German-dominated period in European history and the triumph over fascism. Following World War II, a new theoretical global battle, the Cold War, developed.


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IvyPanda. (2023, April 15). Adolf Hitler’s Biography and Achievements.

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"Adolf Hitler’s Biography and Achievements." IvyPanda, 15 Apr. 2023,


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IvyPanda. 2023. "Adolf Hitler’s Biography and Achievements." April 15, 2023.

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