Advanced business policy and strategy Research Paper

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Change in a working environment and organization can be effectuated through several means. The 4Cs and 5Ws offer effective approach to change. The 4Cs model was aimed at obtaining the consumer suitable marketing mix and putting efforts to enhance flow from mass marketing to focus marketing.

The four parts are: First, commodity it holds that a producer cannot come up with goods and sell them to the mass market, thus he needs to conduct survey on what the consumer wants and provide that.

Secondly, cost, it encompasses many factors affecting cost including the consumers cost of changing and implementing the new product and the opportunity cost of the consumer buying the competitor’s goods. Other costs include the cost of production, marketing, purchasing raw materials (Koichi 87).

These costs in turn are reflected in the final total cost of the final product or service. Thirdly, channel or convenience, they involve the ease of purchasing the products, sourcing for information and the product. Fourthly, the marketing communication it shows the wider scope than basically sales promotion.

Communication includes advertisement, public relation, face-to-face marketing and other modes of communication between the company and the customers. Knowledge of 4Cs can be of great importance in effectuating change and in decision making in an organization (Koichi 213).

Five Ws model is used in research and news styles and is considered as a basis in information gathering. It holds that for a report ought to address a list of five questions, these are: What happened? This question requires a task based approach and entailing seeking the problem which exists and the steps to be followed in attaining the objective.

Who was there? These are the audience or respondents of the study and in the case of a market research these are the current and potential consumers which the producer targets to impact on. Where? This involves identifying the locality of the implements to perform the “what” and also explaining the action in context of its application. When did it happen? This is basically an issue of chronology of conveying the actions that will complement the overall objective.

Why? It shows the necessity of every step the applicant should take to complete a function and the reason why the events follow a certain trend. Each question should bring out a factual answer and the questions should not be answered with words like “yes” or “no”. An organization can apply the 5Ws in doing its research work or implementing its policies, but these questions can applied in any order depending on the desired goals (Henry 421).

Job training is one of the methods that an organization can effect change in its working environment. Job training encompasses the process of equipping the employees within the work place with adequate skills and knowledge. The skills and knowledge imparted is directed on a specialized field and enables the employee to enhance efficiency and productivity.

There exists several approaches to employee training, employee on the job training allows workers to learn by apprenticeship through observation of how tasks are supposed to be accomplished. Workers are assigned a trainer while on the job.

Another approach to training is off the job training, in this particular dimension, new skills and competencies are imparted while the worker is not within the work environment, specific sessions are organized outside the working schedule and the employers sets aside either a seminar or workshop where new skills are taught to the workers.

The main advantage to this method is that the training is formalized around the employees’ weaknesses however, it is more expensive and time consuming because the worker is better off learning the skills while working to conceptualize the ideas taught.

Organization in the work place is also important in effecting change within the work environment. An entity should encourage this for a number of reasons, key among them being the fact that organization enhances efficiency in terms of retrieval of previously filed information.

The other benefit of an organized working surrounding is the fact that it enhances order and proper utilization of space. Disorganization takes up much space and increases the likelihood of loosing critical information and data. It is also important that synergy be maintained within the organization. Synergy encompasses unity of purpose and is achieved through effective collaboration; all workers should pull towards the same direction.

The open door policy empowers employees in an organization to be able to access help not from their immediate boss but from an administrator above the hierarchy of their immediate boss. This policy had availed other options through which an employee can communicate with the administrators directly without the bureaucracy of passing through their boss; hence they have total access to other managers including the company CEO.

Moreover, the employees are guaranteed total support by adopting this policy and hence they can never be subjected to and penalties or repercussions form any administrator who feels aggrieved. By incorporating this policy, supervisors are bound to uphold the company’ objectives since they can also be held responsible for any short comings in the company should any employee take up the issue with the organizations’ top administration.

Employees should also be encouraged to work while they are most productive as these results to increased profit margins for the company. Employees are bound to give their optimum best when their psychological state of mind and physique is at peace and not too fatigued. As a result, they will tend to enjoy their work and be more attentive and creative in their job resulting in a very productive job at the end.

On the other hand, employees who indulge in work under physiological and physical pressure and fatigue, give a very poor performance in their work which results in a negative outcome for the company. Therefore companies should ensure that they have programs within the organization that allows employees to relax and relieve any accumulated stress thus resulting in a healthy working environment for the employees (Don, Stanley, & Robert 102).

For a company to be successful, it must have within it a clear sense of direction. This means that the company should have a well cut out policy or program that caters for its objectives and how to achieve them. This program is known as strategic planning. By doing so an organization will be defining its business strategy and the direction to follow in order achieve a positive end result and be able to sustain its growth.

This means that wise decisions should be implemented by the directors on how to efficiently utilize both human and capital resources. There various polices that the company can adopt to make this possible for example, adoption of the SWOT analysis or the PEST analysis (Marra 85).

For an organization to efficiently benefit from its human resource, it must ensure that they undertake projects or jobs that are well suited for them and which they can do and deliver with much ease. This calls for organizations to identify various talents within their workforce and classify work with the abilities and talents of their employees.

However this process needs patience and a careful analysis of the employees as numerous errors are bound to be committed by the employees before they finally discover their strengths in the organization. In addition all stakeholders of a company should have clear responsibilities of which they should be made accountable for in the organization should they fail to deliver at the end of the period.

A cluttered workplace implies a disorganized work, which can undermine the confidence of a business’ clients, a perception that can be reflected in promotions, or increased customer base. In addition a cluttered workplace hampers an individual’s authentic creative mind from following through and keeping up. In decluttering a workplace the first step involves clearing all office unrelated items, filling on a day-to-day routine, and organizing the office in a way there is easy mobility (Jerome 50).

Works Cited

Don, Schullz, Stanley, Tannenbaum, & Robert Lauterborn. Integrated Marketing Communications. London: NTC Business Books, 1993. Print.

Henry Trumbull. Teaching and Teachers. Philadelphia: Learning, 1888. Print.

Jerome, McCarthy. Basic Marketing: A Managerial Approach. New York: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1975. Print.

Koichi, Shimizu. Advertising Theory and Strategies. Tokyo: Souseisha Book Company, 2009. Print.

Koichi, Shimizu. Symbiotic Marketing Strategy. Tokyo: Souseisha Book Company, 2003. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 20). Advanced business policy and strategy.

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"Advanced business policy and strategy." IvyPanda, 20 Apr. 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'Advanced business policy and strategy'. 20 April.


IvyPanda. 2019. "Advanced business policy and strategy." April 20, 2019.

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