Amazon Company’s Headquarters in Denver Essay

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The news is overwhelmed with the fact that the American company called Amazon is choosing one of the country’s most popular and prosperous cities to establish its second headquarters there. At the present moment, the corporation is choosing from the list of only 20 cities, including Denver, Seattle, Chicago, Indianapolis, and some others. The following text will present a list addressed to the HR department of Amazon that will represent Denver and consider some advantages and disadvantages that can occur if the Amazon’s second headquarters will be organized in the city.

To begin with, it is necessary to mention that the city of Denver that is situated in Colorado has beneficial tax incentives that Amazon is currently wanting. Indeed, this state is considered to be one of the most referable environments for business as local rules and laws do not obligate people to pay tremendous labor taxes as in several other regions of the USA.

As Amazon remains one of the most profitable American corporations for an extended period, politicians from the suggested state might be dissatisfied with the opportunity to host the second headquarters of the company. It appears that many local citizens will be attracted by the opportunity to work for Amazon, which means that the government will not receive as much financial means in taxes as it does at the present moment.

Despite all the drawbacks states in the previous paragraph, there is a positive side of considering Denver as the future location for the Amazon Company’s second headquarters’ establishment. For instance, the economic growth of the state has been increasing rapidly in recent years because it employs a tremendous number of people in such spheres as marketing, travel services, and small business.

Therefore, local inhabitants have enough financial means to support transnational corporations by buying their products and using their offers. Due to the growth in economics, the city has been developing as well. However, a significant disadvantage of the Denver city is the fact that it is overwhelmed with bureaucracy and businesses that specialize in this area. Unfortunately, this significantly slows the process of development as people are obliged to waste their valuable time to sign different documents or papers that are intended to allow them to do some work or other profitable activities.

It would be proper to mention that many famous companies already have their headquarters in the city of Denver, including Catalyst, Northstar, and others. The region has one of the lowest crime rates in the United States of America. Moreover, there are many high-quality outdoor facilities and spaces available here. The climate is warm which stimulates local workers to enjoy their professional activities and be satisfied with their jobs as they do not have any weather problems on their way home or to work.

Also, the state will support the company’s strategy as to its confidentiality of bidding processes. People do not have to share their personal information to purchase some items from Amazon. In conclusion, it is necessary to state that Denver is one of the most beneficial places for Amazon to locate its second headquarters. As another advantage of this city, skyscraper buildings situated in the center of Denver that would meet the company’s requests perfectly do not cost as much as their analogs in Chicago, Seattle, Toronto, and several other places that the corporation is currently evaluating.

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IvyPanda. (2020, October 26). Amazon Company's Headquarters in Denver.

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"Amazon Company's Headquarters in Denver." IvyPanda, 26 Oct. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Amazon Company's Headquarters in Denver'. 26 October.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Amazon Company's Headquarters in Denver." October 26, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Amazon Company's Headquarters in Denver." October 26, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Amazon Company's Headquarters in Denver." October 26, 2020.

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