An Analysis of the Local Economy of Le Havre Essay

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The film Le Havre, directed by Aki Kaurismäki, depicts the local economy as one that depends on a few small-scale businesses. Locals work as shopkeepers, grocers, bakers, shoe shiners, and waiters. Arguably, the town gives opportunities to people from all backgrounds. However, they barely make enough to support a healthy lifestyle. The port is not busy, which also suggests a slow economy. This paper will argue that although Le Havre depicts an inclusive economy, it has certain negative qualities that lead to a sluggish economy.

First, the local economy in La Havre can be categorized as sluggish. The film shows a neighborhood with a few small-scale businesses, such as storefront groceries and bars (Honeycutt). Only bars are doing well in the town since they have many customers (Le Havre 00:08:10-00:10:01). Following the main character as he strolls along the streets, the movie shows a few working businesses. For example, a grocer sells to one customer but tries to close the shop when he sees Marcel approaching (Le Havre 00:05:04-00:03:31). The streets look deserted. Furthermore, Marcel arrives home and places every coin he has earned that day on the table. He has made so little money that it is hard to imagine how it will support him and his wife (Le Havre 00:06:19). Such little earnings indicate a slow-growing or stagnant economy.

Although the economy is slow, there are people who make plenty of money from it. The film juxtaposes the workers and the wealthy elite. The main character struggles a lot to do his shoe-shining business, while wealthy business people have large descent stores on busy streets. The disparity is evident when a businessman kicks the shoe shiner’s tools and takes a client away from him, even before the customer can pay for the services (Le Havre 00:03:19-00:03:31). The hostile treatment that Marcel gets shows the attitudes of the wealthy towards small business owners.

The local economy of the town is inclusive, which means that there is no discrimination in trade. The economy gives people opportunities irrespective of their ethnicity and social class. For example, the film shows two shoe shiners of different races waiting for customers (Le Havre 00:01:03). Marcel is a white shoe shiner, while the shorter man is of Asian descent. Their harmonious relationship suggests the local economy is inclusive. Furthermore, people in the town do not discriminate against anyone when offering their services. The two shoe shiners at the film’s beginning illustrate this by serving anyone, regardless of their social standing. Their first client is a fugitive since he has cuffs on the left hand, which suggests he is on the run (Le Havre 00:01:34-00:01:59). The two men who are after him allow the fugitive to finish getting shoe-shining services before gunning him down.

Although the film depicts an inclusive local economy, some people get away with failing to pay for goods and services. The shoe shiner’s reaction after the gunshots suggests that some people steal from others. The shoe shiner says it was luck that the client paid before his assailants gunned him down. In another incident, Marcel pops into a bakery, steals food, and tries to get away without paying (Le Havre 00:05:08-00:05:14). Such occurrences hurt the local economy and slow down any real growth.

In conclusion, the film Le Havre shows the town gives opportunities to all people despite its negative qualities that adversely affect its local economy. The film depicts a sluggish economy characterized by negative qualities, such as economic disparities and shoplifting. Small businesses rarely make sales, and the port is not busy. The sluggish economy makes it difficult for the locals to make enough money to support a healthy lifestyle.

Works Cited

Honeycutt, Kirk. “.” Holly Wood Reporter, 2011. Web.

Le Havre. Directed by Aki Kaurismäki. Sputnik, Pyramide Productions, and Pandora Film, 2011.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 26). An Analysis of the Local Economy of Le Havre.

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"An Analysis of the Local Economy of Le Havre." IvyPanda, 26 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'An Analysis of the Local Economy of Le Havre'. 26 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "An Analysis of the Local Economy of Le Havre." May 26, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "An Analysis of the Local Economy of Le Havre." May 26, 2024.


IvyPanda. "An Analysis of the Local Economy of Le Havre." May 26, 2024.

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