Website Review Criteria
When creating a website, it is necessary to follow many criteria to ensure its informativeness, attractiveness, and convenience. This aspect concerns both the design and the content and the grammatical correctness of the source. In particular, the apparent goal resolution, which the web page’s author wants to achieve, has value. Thus, within the framework of this review, an online source called “Renacimiento Holístico” on purpose, design, content, and grammar will be investigated to determine its usefulness to the audience.
Purpose of the Website
First, it is necessary to clearly identify the purpose of the online source chosen for research. This aspect is crucial because it helps users gain information that can assist them in their lives or work. Thus, when identifying this component, it is necessary to clearly understand the needs and desires of the target audience and what they want to achieve when searching and visiting an online source.
When searching for the web page “RenacimientoHolístico,” an assumption about its content may be highlighted. Users can whitewash that the name contains words such as Renaissance and holistic, which can lead to confusion due to differences in the areas of their use. When the site is first opened, people can see the main slogan of this source: “Empowering healing from our mind, body, and spirit” (“Renacimiento holístico,” n.d., para. 1). Based on this statement, it can be determined that the web page is dedicated to the treatment of the body through physical and mental practices.
Individuals can better understand the page’s primary purpose by further investigating the online source. The start page provides a photo of the founder and a statement about the motivation for creating the source. Hence, it is stated, “This is my own story of how I overcame cancer by following a comprehensive approach that included holistic methods and establishing a spiritual connection” (para. 2).
This data provides awareness of the use of “Renacimiento Holístico” as the name of the web page and the essential information that will be presented there. Thus, it can be emphasized that the primary intent with which individuals come to this web page is to find support and help when faced with a difficult life situation. In addition, they can look for ways that will help them better survive the disease and cope with its consequences.
The importance of the perception of information and the user’s desire to stay on the web page is represented by the design that the creators applied to the online source. It is worth noting that at first glance, the page seems quite pleasant and not overloaded with text and pictures. All the data provided is divided into semantic blocks highlighted in various layouts and colors. It is worth noting that a rather unusual font has been chosen for the text, which, for some people, may be difficult to read. Thus, one of the recommendations may be to change the font for the main text, which would facilitate the user’s reading process.
Another aspect worth paying attention to is the color scheme and background. The positive factor is the cohesion between these aspects; they work well together. The web page is dominated by colors such as pink, white, and purple, which gives it femininity, lightness, and attractiveness. An important characteristic is also the moderate use of images, which are basically photos of the web page’s creator.
On the site’s home page, there are sections such as Home, About, Resources, More, and Contacts. All of them provide direct access to the information provided. A button from the content pages back to the Home page and other links lead to specific content. The More page contains content about developers’ achievements and experiences, such as writing a book and testimonials. A recommendation regarding this aspect may be clarification regarding the text shown in the future.
Review of Content
The content provided to its users is particularly valuable when creating a web page. A positive aspect of the investigated online source is the correspondence of the content to the subject. This site’s primary audience is women looking for support in the fight against breast cancer. The web page did not note the presence of broken or disjointed sentences that do not make sense and words with missing letters.
This shows a good elaboration of the content and “allows users to find what they need, understand what they have found, and then use it to meet their needs” (“Writing for the Web,” n.d., para. 1). Moreover, all the content provided is written in an active voice. There is no use of slang expressions. Bullets and shorter sentences are also missing from the web page, which can be used to simplify the perception of information.
Renacimiento holístico. (n.d.). Renacimiento Holístico. Web.
Writing for the web. (n.d.). Web.