The name of the proposed business is Smartex Clothing Ltd. The word “Smartex” is derived from the essence of engaging in sustainable practices. The name is a trademark for the company to enlighten our clients concerning the competitive advantage against our competitors. Sustainability is a vital factor that optimally enhances retention of natural resources’ aesthetic value while promoting the significant acquisition of products. Our physical address will be as follows:
Smartex Clothing Ltd.
123 Main Street, New York, NY 10030.
+1 (123) 456-7890
Fashion and clothing are constituents of a framework that fosters social equality under the spectrum of individualism. Lushch (2018) addresses the complex approach and phenomenon through an overview of the changes. The author argues that “there is a dualism across each individual expressed through creativity and any shortcoming renders the dissatisfaction about life” (Lushch, 2018). The primary objective of style entails incorporating a dynamic and distinctive innovation between the various social classes. The researcher stipulates that although it is important to utilize creativity, it is a phenomenon that renders the optimal marginalization of personnel from varying segments associated with financial endowments (Lushch, 2018). Trends in clothing and design foster the ultimate platform for identity with the vast community while determining the eloquence in taste. Therefore, it is a ritual that separates the diverse societies based on the subjective perception of wealthiness.
The key sociological pairs in fashion enshrine imitation and distinction through the spectral insight of diversity. In this case, Whyte (2018) postulates that the replication is a demonstration of cheap products due to establishing the setting and expected quality within the marketplace. Therefore, it is crucial to address the major issue underlying the impact of simulations on society to foster unity. On the one hand, it is an initiative that renders the association across the global community. On the other hand, it is an illusion that draws the margin between the dynamic classes within a region. Whyte (2018) provides a profound discernment based on the paramount aspect of eradicating mimicry and enhancing authenticity for alliances and actualization.
The other part of the sociological pair in fashion is the distinction based on the importance of enhancing authenticity and creativity. According to Whyte (2018), the optimal value in designing and style encompasses the relevance of creating a new trend for the elite social class that supersedes the previous layers. Therefore, the difference depends on the developers’ level of innovation, hence cultivating the margin across the demographic population. There is an interplay between diversity and imitation due to the impact on the quality of life and the determination of the social identity. The optimal approach that elevates the union across the global community is the establishment of common variables in vogue.
Dualism emerges from the interplay of the sociological pair due to the concept of heredity and variation. Whyte (2018) indicates that the conflict between socialism and individualism establishes the essence of engaging the individuals in the constantly changing society. It is vital to determine the core framework of ensuring optimal exploitation of solutions during evolution to harmonize the variety. The marginal outliers of balance and performance in engagements identify the biformity. In this case, people engage in various relations based on integrating the ambivalence with the appropriate features in the fashion industry.
Smartex Clothing Ltd is a company established to engage in supplying sustainable materials to other organizations. As a key player in the supply chain, the directors seek to implement practices and initiatives elevating optimal productivity while promoting preservation and protection of the environment. Apart from the motivation to promote ethical entrepreneurial endeavors, the members developed the firm as an avenue to exploit the expertise from attained knowledge and skills. The individuals take passion in smart wear and dressing among people and the fashion trend. Primarily, the enterprise will consist of 3 employees, namely, the director, operations manager, and accountant. The director’s main role engulfs ensuring ethical adherence of business practice in the U.S. The duty of the operations manager entails focusing on procurement and supply of products to other institutions. The accountant’s responsibility is ensuring proper retention of the financial records and investigating malpractices. The workers will outsource marketing agents to reduce the initial start-up capital costs.
The management team forecasts high sales volume due to the focus on wholesale and retail enterprise. Therefore, it is projected that with a start-up capital of at least $5000, the employees will generate sales ranging between $1000 and $2000 in the first quarter of the financial year. It is an initiative based on maximizing online transactions and operations. In this case, the firm incurs minimal operational costs at approximately $500, with workers paid on a commission basis. The director’s main goal entails optimizing operations at a scaled sustainable financial capacity.
The company will primarily operate from the physical location in New York, but the staff will have the liberty to work from home. It is an initiative that enhances the determination of key stakeholders and the consideration of dynamic operationalization. In this case, the standard skill set among the employees includes proficiency in using a computer and online platforms for sales and marketing. Additionally, the laborers should have expertise in customer service and teamwork. The main reason for the set quotient entails the development of a competent organizational culture. It is important that all members share information and participate in decision-making to ensure sufficient productivity within the corporation. Below is a diagram of an organogram that demonstrates the hierarchical state of the employees and the duties and responsibilities.

The company will incorporate the hierarchical governance structure upon the vertical orientation. However, upon the horizontal approach, the employees coordinate under the spectral view of teamwork to enhance sharing of information. The core operating policies engulf reporting to the superior entity for optimal decision-making. The core working conditions involve teamwork effort and accountability to the assigned tasks. The CEO plays a significant role in the management of the organization to elevate competence. The distinctive duties and responsibilities include the delegation of responsibilities to management team, assessing the profitability scale and future of the institution, managing the organizational structure, incorporation of strategic initiatives to enhance competitive advantages. Further, the executive member will share in-depth details of the performance with the board of directors for optimal decision-making.
The management team will comprise of two major entities, that is, the operations manager and the accountant. The two entities will dynamically focus on adherence of the company’s goals to enhance attainment of the set goals and objectives. The distinct duties of an operations manager encompass supervising, hiring, and training the workers, participating in the management of quality assurance programs, and incorporating strategic measures improving the processes inbound and outbound. Additionally, the profession will contribute in monitoring the sales volumes and the change in the consumer market, develop and implement policies and procedures, and observe the coherent legal guidelines.
The necessary skills for an operations manager enshrine the comprehension of the planning, strategy, and policy making, leadership, identifying the challenges within the organization, and identifying the opportunities for growth and competence in the marketplace.
Additionally, the profession fosters the ability to build relationships and partnerships with competitors and other suppliers. The key duties and responsibilities of an accountant include the preparation of the accounts and tax returns to the government, the monitoring of expenditure and adherence to budget, and auditing of the financially-based performance. Moreover, the accountant fostered the forecasting of the finances and analysis of risks, and determination of approaches to reduce costs and optimize on profitability margin.
The skill set of an accountant in Smartex Clothing Ltd enshrine critical thinking, time management, written and oral communication, system analysis, analytical skills, and mathematical reasoning and organizational learning. The duties and responsibilities of a sales and marketing officer engulf engaging in customer service with potential clients and developing company’s marketing portfolio, and developing a report for management team concerning consumption and competition pattern. Other tasks encompass intensifying online presence of products and services through different social media outlets, offering demonstrations to clients to enhance the purchasing confidence index, and providing feedback to customers’ queries and scheduling appointments. The vital skills for the sales and marketing officer entail numerical, communication, planning, creative skills, and excellent teamwork expertise.
The duties and responsibilities of the procurement officer include developing cost parameters for the purchases, creating excellent relationships with suppliers and purchasers, and coordinating with the marketing officer in the development of company’s online portfolio. Other tasks of the procurement profession involve assisting in making decisions during the procurement of materials and production process, and maintaining the purchase and pricing records. The different skill set for procurement officer enshrine analytical skills, relationship management expertise, negotiation, project management, technological proficiency, and strategic management professionalism.
The management team will ensure the employees are content and motivated through the incorporation of a performance indicator index. In this case, the workers will attain bonus for an improvement in performance, such as increase in sales volume. Apart from the bonuses, the executive will develop team-building program that elevates the coordination among the laborers in the organization. The main goal encompasses promoting sustainability. As a result, the management will participate in the development of an initiative that boosts productivity by integrating technological resources. The automation of processes enhances the minimization of errors during the manufacturing and transactions. Therefore, the accuracy quotient renders proficiency in the determination of reduced costs and increased profit margin.
Smartex Clothing Ltd seeks to engage in supplying clothing materials to other manufacturing and processing firms. The key aspect entails observing sustainability essence within the supply chain. Although the company will experience the vital challenge of fast fashion, it is important to establish inherent solutions to the dynamic trade-off of products. It is the responsibility of all workers to establish major initiatives that assist in reducing operational costs and negative impacts on the environment. Therefore, employees at Smartex Clothing Ltd focus on accessing sustainable materials for wear and intensifying the distribution channel. The core strategic management initiative is the provision of high-quality goods for the clients at a friendly pricing aspect.
In conclusion, the management at Smartex Clothing Ltd will ensure optimal productivity and motivation among the staff through dynamic strategic aspects. One of the concepts to enhance engagement of employees is the incorporation of training programs that advance skills portfolio. In a different spectrum, workers’ participation in decision-making outlier enhances the proficiency in production process due to comprehension of the company’s goals and objectives. The laborers will attain significant commissions and bonuses for optimal sales volume on a monthly basis. However, the performance indicator will encompass the increase in revenue and customer satisfaction quotient.
Lushch, U. I. (2018). The self in the world: Overcoming classical dualism and shaping new landmarks.Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research, (13). Web.
Whyte, C. (2018). Crossing the digital divide: Monism, dualism and the reason collective action is critical for cyber theory production.Politics and Governance, 6(2), 73. Web.