Analyzing Themes in Andrew Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress” Essay

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“To his Coy Mistress” refers to a poem drafted by English novelist Marvel Andrew during military government of Cromwell Protector Oliver in England. Indeed, “To his Coy Mistress” was one of the best pretty and premium poems of Andrew, the greatest renowned Carpe Diem rhyme in the State.

The poem was composed in 1650s when Andrew served as a professor to a daughter of the Senior Officer of Cromwell Oliver‘s solider, Sir Fairfax Thomas. Thus, this reflective paper attempts to analyze themes of time, sex, morality, and captivity in the poem “To his Coy Mistress” by English novelist Marvel Andrew. Besides, the paper provides a brief reflection on critic of this literature.

According to Steedman, this poem described how Andrew Marvel spoke to a lady who has been sluggish to counter his sexual urge (23). In the first verse, Marvel Andrew expressed how he would be devoted to the lady by dedicating indefinite quantity of time to the woman. Indeed, Marvel would use much time to esteem every organ of the lady’s body. Actually, lady’s denial to conform Andrew’s request would not daunt him.

Moreover, Marvel recalled how short a person’s life was in the second verse (Ciecko 17). Indeed, once life has gone, the chance to make pleasure with one another person would have already gone since nobody would enjoy life in grave. Besides that, Marvel urged the lady to accept the request, explaining that such passionate affection would enable them to use the most little time they had to exist in the world.

Theme of Time was illustrated in the poem. Indeed, Marvel Andrew considered time as a marvelous nasty task (Steedman 25). Actually, Marvel intended to turn over features of time in order to command over time. Furthermore, Marvel was distressed with time; however, this was never a surprise to people.

In fact, time was a controversial debate in 1600s. Actually, Andrew Marvel lived when Sir Newton Isaac and Galileo Galilei transformed the manner people perceived time (Ciecko 20). Indeed, time was a mystery in life. Andrew’s poem, therefore investigated the mystery of time.

Theme of Sex also presented itself in the poem. In fact, if time was a marvelous nasty task to Andrew Marvel, then sex was a fantastic- power that he wanted to dominate over his adversary (Steedman 21). Indeed, sex idea was rarely discussed in public of the England society. However, with intelligence and braveness, Marvel Andrew talked about sex in an open, attractive and agitating language. Actually, sex comprised one of mysteries that many poets never dare to investigate upon.

Indeed, according to Ciecko, Marvel Andrew’s dedication possibly overlaid the approach for more public debate about sex matters (24). Furthermore, the conflict in the poetic narrative was due to sexual vision in the third verse that associated with time rather than the Mistress. Actually, Marvel explained that sexual relation would enable him to command over time; however such idea was sarcastically intended. Indeed, this was an eventual remark to the short feature of sexual pleasure in life.

Theme of morality that meant death was discussed in the Andrew’s poem. Actually, the poet described his apparition of death. Though, such apparition was decently perceived depending on what the poet conversed and wished, such hope was beyond and far from his dream. Actually, Ciecko viewed that Andrew Marvel believed that death came due to deficiency to control and command over time (29). Moreover, the poet was a humorous narrator who built an interesting and amusing poem.

Indeed, “by informing the lady what it would be like when the woman passed away, (a notion the lady was not able to justify), instead of informing the lady about actual life, the poet ruined his point of view” (Steedman 30). According to Marvel’s poem, death was associated with time.

Marvel also presented theme of captivity and liberation. Indeed, Marvel Andrew discussed how he was imprisoned and viewed ways he thought to liberate his situation. Actually, marvel’s poem called for freedom in human life. In fact, through attempting to convince the lady conform to what Andrew needed; Marvel struggled to deny the woman her freedom (Ciecko 25). Besides that, sex was just a metaphorical figure in the poem. In fact, what Marvel expected was adequate amount of time that would perpetually last beyond his hope.

“To his Coy Mistress” was a capturing poem to many people who got interested in the conference of Carpe Diem affection poetry. Nevertheless, critics viewed Andrew’s use of complicated and implied metaphors as a challenge to the recognized conception of the poem. Furthermore, the poem also elevated doubt of irony and actually misled readers with incorrect and strident imagery.

Moreover, certain critics perceived that the poem was a sarcastic declaration on sexual affection. Actually, such critics denied perception that the poem held a solemn disposition. In fact, Ciecko expressed that the poem’s first stanza “had we but world enough, and time/this coyness, lady, were no crime” appeared to imply a fair and unusual pitch of disappointment (19).

Actually, the second verse of the poem attempted to suggest a swift change of imagery which entailed Worms, marble vaults and grave (Steedman 35). Besides that, Andrew Marvel deliberated to use such metaphors to portray a practical and ruthless death which lies ahead of lovers. Actually, Andrew aimed to use such statement to frighten the woman in order to come into his compliance and interest.

Works Cited

Ciecko, Anne. “Sex, God, Television, Realism and the British Women Filmmakers Beeban Kidron and Antonia Bird.”Journal of Film and Video 51 (1999): 13- 20.Print.

Steedman, I. Consumption Takes Time: Implication for Economic Theory. New York: Routledge Publishers, 2001. Print.

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IvyPanda. 2018. "Analyzing Themes in Andrew Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress"." November 6, 2018.

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