Executive Summary
This project will analyse findings of an investigation on how PGL, a freight company, employs deferent aspects of motivational aspects to maintain its efficacy in maintaining optimum organizational performance.
Organizational performance depends on the efficacy and competency of each employee of the organization who collectively form the organization. Employees depend on a right combination of stimuli to be effective.
Management is mandated with the task of motivating employees and this depends on the knowledge and execution method of the management practice. The main tasks of management include reducing employee turnover in the company to retain the organizational knowledge that is important for its competitiveness.
With this retrospection, managers seek to deploy the best stimuli strategy that will keep their employees motivated and committed to the organization for a long-term. The project will use the Decision Making Process as a methodology.
This approach has eight distinctive stages namely problem identification, identification of decision criteria, allocation of weights and criteria, development of alternatives, analysis of the alternatives, selection of alternatives, implementation of alternatives and evaluation of the decision process.
The project will have primary and secondary data categories. Primary data will comprise interview records. The interviews shall be in depth and will be complemented by questionnaires and personal observations.
Secondary data shall be obtained from a literature review study, company records, and theories on motivation available offline and online on the internet. This project will offer a definition and a discussion to aid the reader in understanding the motivational problem that is present in the PGL workspace.
Secondly, it shall offer a Specific, Measurable, Achievable and Timeliness (SMART) breakdown of PGL management objectives that relate to motivation and retention of staff.
This project deliberates the effectiveness of the stimuli used by Pacific Gate Logistics Ltd (PGL) management in motivating its employees. Pacific Gate Logistics Ltd is an international freight forwarding company located in Airport Oaks, Auckland.
It is a small company but has other offices in Australia, French Polynesia, and New Caledonia. This project focuses on the New Zealand office. The project is a research that will incorporate theories of Maslow and Herzberg among others to present the theoretical background of motivation and employee performance in organization.
The project aims to present a Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats (SWOT) analysis of the motivational strategy that is used by management at PGL. In addition, the project will provide a discussion on the SMART approach aspects that are incorporated into the motivational strategy of PGL.
Specifics involve actual training and development initiatives that PGL management uses as the stimuli for staff motivation. Measurability will highlight the instance of review of the management strategies and the parameters measured to evaluate the effect of the motivational strategy.
Achievability looks at the viability of the timeframe given for the implementation of motivational strategies. The aspect will also evaluate PGL managers understanding of limitation of their objectives. Realistic examines the pragmatisms of the objectives PGL motivational strategy in relation to the company’s resources.
Time-bound will look at the urgency of the instances of progress measurement as outlined in the PGL motivational strategy (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg, Coulter, 2006).
A theoretical background of the organizational motivation theory and its relation with employee effectiveness and commitment will be provided to link the findings of the study with the present literature on the subject. The review will also identify research gaps that will be focused on in this study.
This study is informed by the need to provide empirical evidence of the motivational theory as outline by Maslow and Herzberg, in addition the study findings of this project will confirm the hypothesis that there is a motivational strategy implemented by the management of PGL. The project will uncover factors that validate the hypothesis in the positive or negative.
Robbins, S. P., Bergman R., Stagg I. and Coulter M. (2009).Foundations of Management (3rd.ed.). Frenchs Forest: Pearson Education.