The human brain is the most complex organ and system in existence, which has a highly limited regenerative characteristic making aging a major factor in its deterioration. The proposed research aims to assess how neural stem cells replace and differentiate into neurons and other cells of the brain to use them for therapeutic purposes. Working thesis: neural stem cells must be used as a therapeutic measure to slow or halt the aging process due to their rejuvenation and differentiation capabilities.
Galiakberova, A. A., & Dashinimaev, E. B. (2020). Neural stem cells and methods for their generation from induced pluripotent stem cells in vitro. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 8, 1-20.
The study explores how neural stem cells differentiate into different forms of mature neural cells, including neurons themselves. Pluripotent stem cells, or PSCs, are the best candidates for in vitro generation and cultivation of neural stem cells. There is a wide range of phenotypes when it comes to the differentiation process, which is why a strict condition setting is critical. The source will be useful for exploring and discussing how neural stem cells can be used in practice since the study focuses on in vitro mechanisms.
Lazutkin, A., Podgorny, O., & Enikolopov, G. (2019). Modes of division and differentiation of neural stem cells. Behavioral Brain Research, 374, 1-9.
The research analyzes the process of hippocampal neurogenesis, where the emphasis is put on the neural stem cell lifecycle. The proposed neural stem cell maintenance, division, and differentiation models can occur in symmetric and asymmetric ways. Astrocytes play a central role in maintaining neural stem cells, such as quiescent ones. The source will be highly useful in providing information on the intricate process of stem cell pool preservation.
Navarro Negredo, P., Yeo, R. W., & Brunet, A. (2020). Aging and rejuvenation of neural stem cells and their niches. Cell Stem Cell, 27(2), 202-223.
The study focuses on two key neural stem cell pools in the mammalian brain: the subventricular zone (SVZ) and dentate gyrus (DG). The location of SVZ is lateral ventricles, whereas DG is located in the hippocampus. The assessment of the literature reveals that neural stem cells are critical for brain rejuvenation, and health-promoting interventions slow brain aging. The source provides a mass of valuable knowledge and literature analysis; thus, it will be used as comprehensive evidence.
Obernier, K., & Alvarez-Buylla, A. (2019). Neural stem cells: Origin, heterogeneity and regulation in the adult mammalian brain. Development, 146(4), 1-15.
The study focuses on the process of cell specialization and differentiation in the rodent brain. The key elements include molecular control, heterogeneity, and regional specification. It is stated that neighboring cells use neurotransmitters to signal the pattern of neural stem cell self-renewal. The source provides insightful data on how neural stem cell pools are maintained throughout brain development and maturity.
Petrik, D., Jorgensen, S., Eftychidis, V., & Siebzehnrubl, F. A. (2022). Singular adult neural stem cells do not exist. Cells, 11(722), 1-22.
The study specifically focuses on adult neural stem cells because they produce new neurons throughout one’s life. The authors address the recent findings in regard to progenitor cells being able to undergo self-renewal. The factor of heterogeneity plays a central role in long-term brain health through cell replacement. The source is useful for illustrating the relationship between neural stem cells and other cells.
Tang, Y., Yu, P., & Cheng, L. (2017). Current progress in the derivation and therapeutic application of neural stem cells. Cell Death and Disease, 8(10), 1-12.
The source provides a summative overview of transplantation procedures in regard to neural stem cells. The current state of progress in the field is faced with an array of issues. It is indicated that novel derivation methods, such as trans-differentiation from somatic cells, are developed. The source is highly useful for the practical aspects of implementing neural stem cells’ antiaging properties in the human brain.