Cotton, Randall. “What’s Restoration Worth?” Old-House Journal 31.2 (2003): 152. Print.
This article discusses ways that are used by most owners of old houses to restore and devote their houses in order to make them new again. In the article, the author quotes that William Polk of Lincoln once said that old houses, which had been upgraded with paint as well as other decorations, fetched more money than the new houses. It should also be noted that despite the age of a house, restoration and improvement of the house increase the value of the house. Holding factors such as location, taxes, accessibility to social amenities among other factors that may influence the cost of a house constant, an old house is a better purchase than a new house. This is because the architecture of an old house is very different and unique from that of a new house. Old houses normally have historical overviews that make them have unique architectural styles, which are held as souvenirs by most people. Therefore, just as this article depicts concerning restoration, when an old house is restored it is better than a new house. This makes this article significant in this research.
Versaci, Russell, and Kvalsvik, Erik. Creating a New Old House: Yesterday’s Character for Today’s Home. Newtown: Taunton Press, 2007. Print.
This book talks about the high demand for new houses being constructed using the old houses’ designs in this century. The authors note that most people have been getting inspiration in old houses about the themes used and their authenticity when constructing new houses. This is therefore an indication that old houses are far much better than the new houses being constructed in modern society. This is attributable to the fact that having most people go back to the architectural designs of the old houses in a bid to try to build their houses similarly, is a clear indication that the old houses are more advantageous than the new ones. This book forms an important reference in this research since it supports the argument that an old house is far much better than a new house in many different aspects.
Weintraub, Elizabeth. Buying Newer or Older Home? 2012. Web.
The author of this article is a Broker-Associate in one of the Real Estate companies in California. In her article, she discusses the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing a new house as well as of buying an old house. She gives reasons that most buyers look at when deciding on purchasing a house. As such, she discusses both sides of the coin, leaving it upon the buyer of a house to make their own decisions based on which house to buy. In this, the writer tries to indicate that depending on the choice made, there are benefits and drawbacks of purchasing either house. The most interesting thing in this article is that the drawbacks of one option are the benefits of the other option. For instance, a new house has the benefit of little maintenance while an old house requires more maintenance, thus a drawback for the old house. This article is of significant contribution to this research as it gives much information concerning the same.