Aspects of Home Health Care and Taking Care of Elderly People Essay (Critical Writing)

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Certified Home Health Agency Benefits

Taking care of elderly people is a quite sophisticated process that requires patience, respect, and professional competence. For this reason, home health agencies and nursing homes have high expectations of their employees in terms of interaction with patients. The discussion provides exhaustive proof of the number of older people being abused by nurses or doctors. Thus, one of the major reasons for elderly abuse in nursing homes stems from the lack of employees (The Nursing Abuse Center Team, 2020). Being paid unreasonably low wages, caretakers often suffer from the amount of work they are to execute due to human resources shortage. Moreover, older patients are the ones who need help with some routine processes like dressing or bathing, which makes nurses even more irritated sometimes. In such a way, the patients receive unfair treatment along with passive aggression towards them.

Taking this argument into consideration, I agree with the discussion stated that the personal care sphere is now struggling with very few options in terms of staff. Receiving a salary lower than the average minimum estimated in the US does not attract professionals, leaving such a serious duty to people with poor competence in the field. With hourly pay varying between twelve and fifteen dollars, only 68% of the employees are presumably satisfied with their wages (“In-home personal care salaries in the United States,” 2020). The issue of the lack of financial aid from the government will not be resolved any time soon, so the only way to establish a proper staff is to provide nurses with extra pay. Another option would be to obtain either a public or a private grant to raise the salary for the employees. In such a way, the sphere of personal healthcare will attract more professionals and hence, will be generally improved and decrease the level of mental abuse of the elderly.

Demographic Aspect of Home Health Care

The United States, being a capitalistic country, varies greatly in terms of the financial situation of its residents. Hence, the demographic situation of the area highly impacts the number of money people is ready to pay for healthcare without insurance perks. In my opinion, one of the most vivid examples of such diversity can be estimated in the NYS. Being one of the centers of mass emigration, the state’s population ratio varies from Upper East Side nursing homes to the facilities in the suburbs. Their monthly cost is ranging from five to twenty thousand dollars (“Nursing homes in New York, New York,” 2020). For this reason, in my opinion, the government will not deal with this issue to the serious ratio of the country’s residents. One of the most appropriate options would be to develop a system of private home health agencies that could adapt to the average income rates of a certain area.

Another quite important concern discussed was the issue of Americans being unwilling to look after their older relatives. In many countries with expensive nursing homes or home health aid, family member tend to take responsibility for the caretaking. Americans, however, usually avoid the burden of paying much attention to someone but themselves (Larsen, 2016). Thus, I believe that a high level of individualism present in the culture will, by all means, have a severe impact on the development of the elderly care industry. However expensive it is sometimes maybe, people would still be eager to overpay to make sure their relatives are taken care of without their physical effort.


  1. . (2020). Web.
  2. Larsen, D. (2016). Web.
  3. (2020). Web.
  4. (2020). Elder abuse. Web.
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IvyPanda. (2022, February 17). Aspects of Home Health Care and Taking Care of Elderly People.

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"Aspects of Home Health Care and Taking Care of Elderly People." IvyPanda, 17 Feb. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Aspects of Home Health Care and Taking Care of Elderly People'. 17 February.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Aspects of Home Health Care and Taking Care of Elderly People." February 17, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Aspects of Home Health Care and Taking Care of Elderly People." February 17, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Aspects of Home Health Care and Taking Care of Elderly People." February 17, 2022.

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