African sports are compared to the African culture and are as ancient as the beginning of humankind. Since the dawn of time, several cultural and native sports have existed in Africa as an aspect of culture or way of life. Wrestling, racing, fighting with sticks, hunting with spears and arrows. Bullfights, dances, and board games are just a few of the indigenous sports activities that have been in Africa since antiquity and are still popular today. On the other hand, modern sports have grown in popularity and are now practiced for both recreational and professional purposes. Football, also referred to as soccer is the most popular sport in majority of African countries. This essay will focus on African sports and the role of Christianity in their development.
Christianity Trends in African Sports
While history roots the relationship between religion and sports, it continues to play a profound role in shaping present-day society. The article of makes a significant addition to the religious, social scientific, and theological study of sport by providing an inter-disciplinary analysis of this connection from a worldwide viewpoint. It examines the dialectical relationship between sport and Christianity in various civilizations, ranging from Africa to South America to Asia, as well as Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It focuses on significant subjects such as race, gender, and sexuality and includes comments from prominent experts in the area. It also examines violent sports such as boxing and reflects on disability sports theology and sporting celebrity as a cult. Overall, worldwide Perspectives on Christianity and sports is exciting reading everyone interested in sport study, religion, and sociology.
Role of Christianity Trends in African Sports
Religion has always been a component of sports, but its presence in the modern day is difficult to deny. ‘Global Perspectives on Sports and Christianity’ journal argues that the emergence of conservative Christianity in politics has empowered sportspeople and coaches to speak out, as it has become commonplace to debate religious ideas (Parker & Watson, 2017). Both sides of the preaching and not preaching debate compete for attention in sports. The more we observe players’ vulnerability and sports corruption, the more each side feels compelled to speak out in favor of or against religion in sports. Due to the Popularity of conservative Christianity in politics, discussion holdings on religious opinions concerning sports have become common. Football programs in most African colleges and universities have chaplains in their teams who assist in helping counseling players (Weir, 2016). Additionally, the Bible also speaks about sports by noting that athletes cannot win unless they abide by the rules of their sport. (King James Bible, Tim.2.2.5). The general emphasis of this verse is on rewarding the winner in sports, particularly racing.
In conclusion, Sports are a crucial source of knowledge of life. In addition, it has been discovered that human beings support a shared interest in both sports and religion. Through sports and religion, a community is built, relationships are formed, and everyone’s behaviors are changed as a result of their religious or team’s beliefs. Athletes and supporters may become united and identified by having the same ideas and ideals, all while adhering to traditions that have been passed down through the decades. Whether a person has played a sport or practiced religion for a long time, the sport or religion has become an essential part of their lives.
Parker, A., & Watson, N. J. (2017). Sport, celebrity and religion. Global Perspectives on Sports and Christianity, 195-208. Web.
King James Version Bible. (2017). Oxford University Press. (Original work published 1611)
Weir, J.S. (2016). Sports chaplaincy: A global overview (1st ed.). Routledge.