The University of Zan has made a great stride in commissioning the construction of the new stadium facility. Such a move will certainly enhance sports activities in the institution as it will accord the students an opportunity to venture into various sporting fields and explore their sports talents. Among the types of sports that will benefit directly from the construction of the new stadium are track and field, hockey, as well as soccer. Such a move is poised to greatly enhance the capacity of the institution as far as its ability to effectively compete with other institutions in sports activities is concerned; what is more, the stadium facility will be devoid of an athletic training facility. This decision has been made due to the fact that the institution already had a satellite athletic training facility at its disposal. Therefore, there was no need for one to be incorporated within the stadium. I do believe that this decision is wrong because of some of the benefits that will be accrued by having the athletics training facility incorporated within the given stadium.
First and foremost, the current athletics training facility is located away from the proposed stadium, which will be the institution’s main sporting facility. This implies that for athletes to train conveniently, they will have to spend a considerable amount of time getting to it. Timing is an important aspect when it comes to sports training. If the athletes are forced to sacrifice their time in accessing the athletic training facility, this implies that they will have less time available for their training. Such a reduced training time will definitely affect their sports achievements and might also impact significantly their performance on the track (Pfeiffer & Mangus, 2010). In addition to reducing the amount of time available for training, a satellite athletic training facility located away from the stadium might interfere with the morale of the athletes and students who might wish to take up some types of sports. A lot of time wasted on accessing the athletics training facility and the other facilities might cause lack of motivation. Consequently, a lot of people might end up engaging in other sporting activities as opposed to athletics.
Another important aspect that illustrates the importance of integrating the athletics training facility in the main stadium is the promotion of cohesion among students. This will be promoted through sporting activities. In addition to promoting physical fitness and exposing students to various sports activities, the purpose of sports within the institution is to promote cohesion among the students. Student cohesion is an important requirement for the success of any institution since it promotes an atmosphere of collaboration and team work (Sawyer, 2009). Locating the athletics training facilities away from the other main sporting facilities will be counter-productive as far as the promotion of this cohesion is concerned and, as a result, it will deprive the institution of the benefits that might be brought about by this cohesion (Sawyer, 2009). Therefore, in order for the institution to realise the benefits of a cohesive environment such as enhanced collaboration and team work in handling team related activities, an integrated sporting facility is an important requirement. This is exactly what will be realised by means of including the athletics training facility in the main stadium facility.
Pfeiffer, R.P., & Mangus, B. (2010). Concepts of Athletic Training. Michigan: Jones & Bartlett.
Sawyer, T. (Ed.). (2009). Facilities planning for health, fitness, physical activity, recreation and sports (12th ed.). USA: Sagamore Publishing.