Bank Failures in the United States Essay

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Bank failures have been a major concern for the financial industry worldwide. One of the biggest banks that collapsed in 2023 was Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), which declared its bankruptcy on March 10th (FDIC, 2023). Witnessing the banking sector collapse, people, as well as companies, panicked. As a result, while being in an unstable economic situation, it is necessary to determine measures for recession prevention, including proper risk management practices of transparency and accountability.

The first aspect to highlight is that there are several reasons for bank failures in 2023. Among the banks that did not survive in 2023 were SVB and Signature Bank, with the following unpleasant news about European bank Credit Suisse (FDIC, 2023). One of the main reasons why the banks failed was the economic downturn that affected many countries. The recession resulted in high default rates on loans, which led to the insolvency of many banks (Aldrich, 2023). Another reason is the lack of proper risk management practices by some banks (Aldrich, 2023). This negligence resulted in significant losses and ultimately led to the collapse of these banks.

The consequences of bank failures are far-reaching and affect various stakeholders. The failure of a bank can lead to the loss of savings for its customers. It can also affect the economy by causing a credit crunch, which in turn affects the growth of businesses. Additionally, bank failures can lead to the loss of jobs and the erosion of public confidence in the banking system. To avoid bank failures, it is essential to have proper risk management practices in place. Banks should adhere to regulations and ensure they have enough capital to withstand losses. Banking collapse can be avoided by enhancing accountability and transparency in the financial sector. Furthermore, regulators’ early action can assist in identifying and resolving possible problems before they worsen.

Hence, determining strategies for recession avoidance, such as good risk management techniques of transparency and responsibility, is vital while the economy is in an uncertain state. The reasons for bank failures were mainly economic downturns and poor risk management practices. The consequences of bank failures were far-reaching, affecting various stakeholders, including customers, businesses, and employees. Banks must adhere to rules, adopt correct risk management procedures, and maintain sufficient capital in order to prevent future bank collapses.


Aldrich, E. (2023). . Forbes. Web.

FDIC. (2023). . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 22). Bank Failures in the United States.

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"Bank Failures in the United States." IvyPanda, 22 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Bank Failures in the United States'. 22 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Bank Failures in the United States." May 22, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Bank Failures in the United States." May 22, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Bank Failures in the United States." May 22, 2024.

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