The science of behavior developed the same rate as science and technology. Skinner viewed that science of behavior was significant since it helped to resolve human concerns like warfare and over-population. Nearly all the main challenges occurred due to human behavior. Science and technology alone could not solve all challenges caused by human behavior. Human beings required the science of behavior to support in solving problems. Science of behavior helped to solve the challenges facing humanity. Human culture invented science and technology to save humanity. Science and technology offered exciting possibilities for improving human lives. Scientific development enabled the possibility of prediction of human events and behaviors.
Although knowing such predictable events through science and technology is vital, human beings ignored taking appropriate actions to avoid major problems. Despite understanding what people need to do to save the world, they ignore carried out their responsibility. Human beings evolved propensities, which work against both their well-being and the environment. People engaged in malpractice activities that ruined their lives and environment yet they developed science and technology to alleviate the challenges facing human lives. The science of behavior was an alternative discipline that aimed to show human beings how to resolve the challenges such as dangers of nuclear war, poverty, overpopulation, pollution, which confront people. Science of behavior ensured that people improved their environment and behavior.
An autonomous man or inner man is responsible for guiding the behaviors and actions of the outer man. The action or behavior of the autonomous man is the explanation, the cause, and the reason for the behavior, which the outer man expresses. Human beings behave the manner the inner man behaves. For instance, an aggressive child behaves violently because he acts as his aggressive nature (inner man). The aggressive child disturbs others because he is a violent child. Skinner claims that it is vital to enhance human behavior. For instance, improving the autonomous man is a better way of changing the aggressive nature of the child.
Parents need to convince the aggressive child that aggressive behavior is bad. Teaching people to change their undesired behaviors is an effective strategy to adopt. Society expects people to behave in a better way since behaviors have an impact on the environment. The autonomous man influences the child to behave aggressively. The social environment plays an important role to influence people’s behaviors. The corrupt social environment influences children to behave aggressively. Society has the responsibility of improving the inner man to enable people to become better individuals. Creating a favorable environment that nurtures appropriate behaviors is a vital strategy. The society aims to change or enhance the inner man of people while respecting their freedom or free will.
Skinner understood that the useful approach to know the human act (behavior) was to look at the outcomes and the causes of such actions. Skinner developed the reinforcement theory that was an approach of explaining behavior and understanding why people behaved in certain ways. The theory views that the behavior of a person is a function of its outcomes. Skinner does not concentrate on knowing the objectives or intentions of an individual to identify why the person behaves the manner he acts. Skinner focuses on the environment and outward behaviors to develop possible interventions for improving behaviors.
Reinforcement theory gives attention to environmental factors as well as observable behaviors that concern with shaping behaviors. Using stimuli such as negative and positive reinforcements are important to shape behaviors. Positive reinforcement is a reward system that encourages people to continue behaving appropriately. The reward system aims to motivate people to develop desired behaviors. The reinforcer motivates people to behave appropriately. Negative reinforcement removes undesired behaviors to discourage people not to involve in bad behaviors. Negative reinforcement uses advice and counseling as a way of motivating people to avoid undesired behaviors.