The book of Esther is one of the two Bible books that are named after biblical women. It narrates the story of Jews who did not go back to Jerusalem after they were taken captives. This book is used to show the love of God upon Jews and how He delivered them from extinction. Persia overthrew Babylon and Esther is chosen to become the queen. While serving as the queen, Esther is able to save the Jews from imminent death proclaimed upon them.
Chapter 1 and 2
Esther was a woman of the Jewish origin. She is chosen by the Persian king, Ahasuerus, to become his wife. The King rejected his former wife because she was disobedient. Therefore, a contest is organized for the king to pick his next wife. It is through the contest that Esther is chosen by the king to replace his wife. The banishment of the king’s wife due to disobedience was a blessing to Esther. God was positioning her to be used as a savior to her people.
Esther’s uncle, Mordecai, learns of an evil plot, where people were planning to kill the king. Through her niece, Esther, the king is informed of this scheme. The two men who had plotted this evil against the king are killed. Mordecai’s act is important in teaching people that one’s actions have an impact on their lives. He chooses to do what is right and at the end, he receives a reward for his actions.
Chapter 3
In the same kingdom, there was a ruler known as Haman. Mordecai and Haman had personal differences because of an order that Mordecai had given. He demanded that all people bow down to him, but Mordecai refused. Therefore, Haman looked for a way to have Mordecai killed. He informs the king about a group of people who were rebellious to the laws that governed his kingdom. Consequently, Haman suggested to the king that this group was dangerous and deserved extinction. In so doing, Haman and the king were unaware that even queen Esther fell under this category that Haman wanted killed. Haman is depicted as a very evil man, who is proud and cares only about his interests. It the long run, his actions cost him dearly.
Chapter 4
Haman managed to influence the creation of the law that required the Jews to be killed. When Mordecai learnt about this, he talked to Esther about the possibility of requesting the king to reconsider his decision about the Jews. This shows how evil Haman was. Although the king loved Esther, she was not allowed to go before the king whenever she wanted. Mordecai tells her that she got the favor before the king to become the queen so that she can speak up for her people. Esther is confronted by two tough choices: to choose whether to be killed as a result of the law that was passed or to die in the hands of the king. She chooses not to remain silent and is determined to speak to the king about how the law would affect even her.
Chapter 5
Esther gathers courage and invites the king together with Haman to a meal. She does this without the king’s invitation into his chamber. She does not disclose to the king what she wants the first time they meet. Instead, she requests the king and Haman to return for a second meal. The king agrees to her request. Haman is very happy to be invited by the king and the queen to share a meal.
Later on, when Haman sees Mordecai, he is very furious. He is so sure that he would have the opportunity to kill Mordecai the following day. Therefore, he prepares for the execution of Mordecai the following day.
Chapter 6
This is a chapter in the book of Esther that is full of irony. The king is unable to fall asleep that night. He tells one of the people in the palace to remind him about the recent happenings in his kingdom. One of the things that are read to the king is the plot to kill him that was thwarted by Mordecai. The king recalls that he did not publicly acknowledge Mordecai’s role in stopping the killing. However, he decides to do so the following morning.
About the same time the king is thinking of honoring Mordecai, Haman comes in to inform the king of his intentions to hang Mordecai the following day. The king is happy to see Haman and asks him a question before Haman speaks out his thoughts to the king. The king asks Haman about the best thing to do to someone that he plans to honor in the public. Haman thinks that the person the king is talking about must be him. Therefore, he comes up with a very elaborate plan that the king should use to honor such a person. He tells the king that such a person should ride on the king’s horse around the streets. In addition, the man should wear the king’s robe and also his crown. Immediately, the king tells Haman to do as he has said to Mordecai. The king says that the elaborate plan is a perfect way to honor Mordecai, a man who had saved his life.
Haman is not happy about the task that he is given by the king. He goes back home a sad man after the parade. However, he does not remain angry for long because he is supposed to go for a meal with the king and the queen for the second day. The king requests Esther to tell him what she wanted.
Chapter 7
Esther opens up to the king and tells him that there is a plot to kill her and her people. The king is angry and demands to know the person behind such a wicked plot. She points at Haman. The king is angry and goes outside to ponder about the news. In the meantime, Haman tries to plead with Esther to save his life because he knows that such an act would attract a death sentence. In the processes of pleading with Esther, he falls on her bed as a result of the fear and anxiety. King Ahasuerus becomes angry when he finds Haman in close proximity with his wife.
Haman is executed through hanging, just as he had planned for Mordecai.
Chapter 8-10
Esther also pleads with the king to reverse the proclamation that required all Jews to be killed. The law is rewritten and the Jews are spared. On the contrary, Haman’s family is destroyed.
After this reversal, there arises a Jews celebration known as Purim. Presently, when this celebration is observed, the book of Esther is read publicly.
Esther is a symbol of deliverance to the Jews. She is a young lady who was used by God to save the Jews. She is a Jew who had concealed her identity until Haman made the evil proclamation against her people. Her bravery and boldness in going against the conventions of the palace helps in saving the Jews. She had the choice of remaining silent and wait for her time to talk to the king but took the issue with urgency. This was a wise choice which saved her and her people from the wrath of Haman.
The book of Esther shows God’s love upon the Jews and how He came to their aid when Haman wanted to destroy them. Esther is used to deliver the Jews from this evil scheme. She acts courageously, risking her life by going before the king without any invitation. The king grants her request. Every evil that Haman had planned is nullified and instead befalls him and his household. The book of Esther has numerous implications on my life and work. Through Esther’s boldness and courage, I learn that it is important to be bold and take the necessary action whenever I am confronted with a difficult decision like Esther. Through Haman’s wickedness, I learn that it is not good to plot evil against another person, just because they do not agree with what I tell them to do. What you plan for someone else might end up befalling you. Mordecai does something good by informing the king about plans to kill him. This act seems to have been forgotten until the king is reminded of it and decides to honor him in public. This shows that good deeds have their rewards. Therefore, we should choose our actions carefully knowing that whatever one sows, they will reap.