Building a Better Future: A Letter from the Past Essay

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Welcome to the new world, you will live in. I am writing to you from the past, from a world full of problems we tried to solve. A world is full of wars, crime, violence, inequality, poverty, and many other problems we have yet to solve. I hope you have overcome all these difficulties and reached a world of peace and understanding. Hoping that you have created a better world.

I want to warn you of potential problems that may arise in the future. Even if you solve all the current problems, we must be prepared for new ones. Problems such as poverty, inequality, abuse of power, and climate change may appear in the future, and we must be prepared to solve them. We must abide by our rules and principles to create a safe and prosperous society.

The challenges that we face in the world today are multifarious and complex. Nevertheless, we can take solace in the fact that these challenges can be surmounted if we band together in unity. Unity, indeed, is the linchpin of the solution to the problems that plague us. Only by setting aside our differences and coalescing into a unified whole can we achieve a state of enduring peace, prosperity, and sustainability.

The world we aspire to bequeath to you, the future generations, is characterized by a palpable sense of collective responsibility, compassion, and empathy. We yearn for you to inherit a world that exalts the value of human life above all else and safeguards each individual’s rights, irrespective of race, gender, religion, or socio-economic background. We want you to inherit a world that cherishes and preserves the natural resources that sustain life and acknowledges the significance of biodiversity and ecological equilibrium (Linehan & Lawrence, 2021). Above all, we want you to inherit a world where education, healthcare, and basic amenities are accessible to every person.

To actualize this vision, we must tackle the root causes of the problems that confront us. We must strive to eradicate the systemic injustices that engender poverty and inequality. We must channel our efforts toward developing renewable energy sources and sustainable infrastructure, reducing our carbon footprint, and assuaging the impact of climate change (Linehan & Lawrence, 2021). We must advocate for peace and diplomacy rather than resorting to the barbarity of war and violence.

The challenges that beset us are knotty and multifaceted. Nevertheless, we must not lose heart. We must persist in our endeavor to create a better world deserving of the coming generations. We must remain steadfast in our commitment to justice, peace, and sustainability. We must harness the potential of science and technology to engineer a safer, healthier, and more equitable world (Linehan and Lawrence 87).. We must remain vigilant of the ethical ramifications of new technologies, ensuring that they are formulated and deployed in an ethical, sustainable, and judicious manner.

Our planet is facing many problems. These issues include climate change, environmental safety, sustainable development, and global inequality. We must work together to solve these problems and secure a safe and happy future for our planet. First and foremost, we need to work towards reducing the negative impact of human activities on the environment (Linehan and Lawrence 87). This includes the use of renewable sources of energy, reducing pollution levels, and increasing space for wildlife. We also need to think of strategies for sustainable development that will help provide accessible and environmentally safe food, water, energy, and healthcare to everyone on the planet. This will help reduce global inequality and create a more equitable and sustainable society (Linehan and Lawrence 136). Ultimately, I want to see a harmonious future where humans and nature coexist. Where everyone can exist in peace and prosperity, with our help, we can achieve this.

However, ecological problems are not the only ones. Today the world faces numerous social and political problems that need to be solved. Gender and racial inequality, corruption, political persecution, and more contribute to society’s complexity (Linehan and Lawrence 91). In the future, we will see a brighter future where people and countries work together to solve all the problems and achieve prosperity. I believe that your generation will be able to solve social and political problems and we all strive for a more just, sustainable, and friendly world.

As I write this letter to you, I am reminded of the sagacious words of Mahatma Gandhi, who implored us to “be the change you wish to see in the world.” We must all take ownership of the world we inhabit and play our part in fashioning the future we aspire to see (Linehan and Lawrence 102). We must endeavor to be compassionate, empathetic, and kind, treating every person and every living thing with the respect and dignity they deserve.

Finally, I want to thank you for all that you have done to prevent future problems. I hope that your actions have helped create a world without crime, violence, and poverty, where all people live in unity and harmony. I hope you will continue to practice these principles and rules and make decisions that will bring good and support justice. I believe that you can create a world where humanity will thrive.

Work Cited

Linehan, Jan, and Peter Lawrence. Giving Future Generations a Voice Normative Frameworks, Institutions and Practice. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 27). Building a Better Future: A Letter from the Past.

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"Building a Better Future: A Letter from the Past." IvyPanda, 27 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Building a Better Future: A Letter from the Past'. 27 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Building a Better Future: A Letter from the Past." May 27, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Building a Better Future: A Letter from the Past." May 27, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Building a Better Future: A Letter from the Past." May 27, 2024.

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