Building Business Intelligence Using SAS Essay

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Analysis of the Information

The analyses of questionnaires and interviews will contribute to better involvement in the issue and will consequently lead to evaluation of the research problem. The respondents were chosen to provide an answer on the questionnaire; the results of the answers are the following:

QuestionYes (number of people)No (number of people)Not sure (number of people)
Do you think that the system used by Traffic Department needs to be improved?910
Do you think that business intelligence will improve the work of the department?613
Do you think that business intelligence will solve the problem of the informational flood?802
Do you think that business intelligence will positively affect the work of the department?613
Do you think there are any other ways that can be implemented in the working process except business intelligence?082
Do you think that business intelligence should be implemented as soon as possible?802
Do you think that the implementation of the new system will consequently lead to the demand for education of the staff?1000

Building Business Intelligence Using SAS

Building Business Intelligence Using SAS

It is evident that the system used by Traffic Department should keep pace with the progress and needs to be improved and developed. The majority of the respondent are sure that business intelligence is beneficial, and that is, should be implemented. However, the fact that not all the respondents think so proves that people are afraid of changes, and human nature tends to reject everything new. The respondents think that the information flood can be managed with the help of a business intelligence model; however, two respondents are not sure. It is understandable as there are certain risks and employees take them into consideration. The majority of the employees are ready for changes and think that the implementation of the business intelligence model will beneficially affect their work. The questionnaire proved that people are not sure whether the model should be implemented as soon as possible.

According to the information obtained during the interview, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. The work of the Traffic Department will be positively affected by changes in the system, namely implementation of the business intelligence model;
  2. The implementation of the new system will influence the work of employees as they will need to adjust to the new system and undergo the process of education (Turban, 2013);
  3. The following aspects should be considered, namely the education of the staff, evaluation of the project plan, assessment of risks, development of the database, and improvement of the framework model;
  4. The desire of the staff to work with a new system may affect the implementation of the system (Loshin, 2013);
  5. Business intelligence model will facilitate the information flood and will organize and structure it;
  6. The obstacle to the implementation of the new system is related to the employees and to technological characteristics; however, the obstacles can be eliminated (Sabherwal & Becerra-Fernandez, 2011);
  7. The desired outcome is the improvement and facilitation of the work of the department;
  8. The working process should be adjusted to the newly implemented system;
  9. The employees should be flexible and adjust their working schedule to the needs of the system (Aanderud & Hall, 2012);
  10. The recommendations regarding the work of the Traffic Department involve the creation of the educational programs and implementation of the business intelligence model as soon as possible.

Interpretation of Findings

The provided above information obtained from the questionnaires and interview contributes to a better evaluation of the significance of business intelligence model implementation. According to the results of the questionnaire, the conclusion can be drawn that the implementation of the new system is seen as an advantage and current needs of the Traffic Department model. Impressive information flood stimulates the development and improvement of the system. The employees are sure that business intelligence is the right choice. Furthermore, the interview proved the hypothesis as well. According to the answers, it is evident that the Traffic Department should experience changes as business intelligence will significantly facilitate the working process and will contribute to better efficiency and productivity.

Ethical Awareness

Ethical issues were essential to be taken into consideration during the research (Wilson, 2014). The respondents and the interviewer were provided with the information that their answers will be anonymous and will not be used to harm the reputation.


The fundamental objective of the research, namely testing the hypothesis was met. Detailed analyses of the work of the Traffic Department, questionnaires, and interviews provided better involvement into the issue and allowed to test the hypothesis. The implementation of the business intelligence will significantly improve the work of the Traffic Department, will facilitate and help in managing the information flood.


Aanderud, T., & Hall, A. (2012). Building business intelligence using SAS: Content development examples. Cary, NC: SAS Institute.

Loshin, D. (2013). Business intelligence: The savvy manager’s guide. Waltham, MA: Morgan Kaufmann.

Sabherwal, R., & Becerra-Fernandez, I. (2011). Business intelligence: Practices, technologies, and management. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Turban, E. (2013). Business intelligence: A managerial approach. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Wilson, R. (2014). Accounting education research: Prize-winning contributions. New York, NY: Routledge.

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IvyPanda. (2021, April 10). Building Business Intelligence Using SAS.

Work Cited

"Building Business Intelligence Using SAS." IvyPanda, 10 Apr. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Building Business Intelligence Using SAS'. 10 April.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Building Business Intelligence Using SAS." April 10, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Building Business Intelligence Using SAS." April 10, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Building Business Intelligence Using SAS." April 10, 2021.

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