Cable TV vs. Streaming Services Essay

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Switching to streaming services is becoming increasingly popular primarily due to economic and convenience benefits. In terms of subscription cost, streaming platforms in the United States generally provide much cheaper options than the cable TV providers. Netflix monthly subscription cost range between $7.99 and $19.99, while Hulu provides a $7.99 ad-supported subscription or a $14.99 no-ad plan. At the same time, cable TV plans in the United States run between $20 and $250 monthly, averaging around $87 per month, and do not present no-ad options. With more and more movie franchises, companies, and directors bringing their work to streaming services, it is natural for consumers, especially young people, to turn their attention in the same direction. Considering the ever-growing amount of visual media content and the social limitations of the recent pandemic, the possibility of removing distracting advertisements while significantly cutting costs becomes increasingly attractive. One disadvantage of streaming services is that they focus primarily on entertainment and rarely feature content like documentaries, news, and live streaming.

Another benefit of switching to streaming services is the ease of access. A subscription to a streaming service allows the user to connect the account to all their devices, including smart TVs, smartphones, laptops, and tablets. The services can be accessed almost anytime and anywhere with a stable Internet connection. The format of streaming service subscription does not limit the user to a single plan allowing for subscription to multiple streaming platforms simultaneously, further broadening the amount of accessible content. The possibility to cancel subscriptions at any time allows for easy switching between different platforms. However, it means that the user has to either decide on which content they wish for or subscribe to multiple platforms for essentially the same price as cable TV. Nevertheless, high convenience, lower costs, and fewer distractions were the primary reasons for me to switch to streaming services long ago.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 28). Cable TV vs. Streaming Services.

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"Cable TV vs. Streaming Services." IvyPanda, 28 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Cable TV vs. Streaming Services'. 28 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Cable TV vs. Streaming Services." May 28, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Cable TV vs. Streaming Services." May 28, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Cable TV vs. Streaming Services." May 28, 2024.

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