The situation that has formed in the company titled JP Morgan Chase, by which I am employed, demands urgent and effective measures to be taken to modify its human resource management policies and help the company establish greater and better equipped presence on the island of Kava. To propose the appropriate solution to the problems of JP Morgan Chase an effective decision making technique should be applied and critically analyzed so that its efficiency on the solution could be examined and measured. Accordingly, as a part of JP Morgan Chase I will recommend the use of the force field analysis technique as the most fitting one in the case under consideration.
Applying a Decision-Making Technique
Applying a decision making technique, one should be aware of their variety and complexity. According to Decision Making Techniques (2009), there are about ten major decision making practices, among which Pareto Analysis, Six Thinking Hats tool, Cost/Benefit Analysis, etc. are rather efficient. However, the force field analysis technique is of great use when it is necessary to demonstrate the contrast of the forces that facilitate change and that oppose it (Decision Making Techniques, 2009). Being the method of “weighing pros and cons” (Decision Making Techniques, 2009), the force field analysis technique can show what is the current position of JP Morgan Chase and how the change intended will influence the company.
The very change mentioned above is the necessary expansion of the company’s presence on the island of Kava and the improvement of working conditions for the employees of JP Morgan Chase on the island. These changes are placed into a wider scope of the obvious need to reform and improve the human resources policies adopted by JP Morgan Chase on the whole. Finally, this leads to the need of revising the company’s mission, which currently aims at providing the highest quality products to its customers and strengthening the company’s market positions. The solution I propose for this problem is to reeducate the HRM workers of the company and make Kava office the developmental priority for the next six months, which will allow allocating the bulk of the company’s costs to ensuring greater and more qualitative presence of JP Morgan Chase on the island.
Decision-Making Technique Analysis
The choice of the force field analysis technique for the above stipulated purposes is not accidental. This decision making technique allows the company to clearly see its strong and weak points and realize the need of the change proposed (Decision Making Techniques, 2009). The major stages of the force field analysis include the following activities:
- Identify the problem that demands solution;
- Clearly state the intended change that will serve as the problem solution;
- Create the map of the problem environment in whose graphical representation the very intended change is placed in the middle, the forces facilitating the change are listed to the left, and the opposing forces are listed to the right;
- Develop the scale of measurement for those forces (usually from 1 to 5 ranging from the least to the most serious force);
- Carry out the force field analysis as such using the outcomes of all previous activities;
- Analyze the results and make the decision about the necessity (or its absence) of making the proposed change (Decision Making Techniques, 2009).
The following map will illustrate the force field analysis procedure in detail (Fig. 1):

Decision-Making Technique through Critical Thinking Perspective and Conclusions
Thus, the force field analysis technique will be an effective decision making tool to solve the HRM issues at JP Morgan Chase, and consideration of this tool from the viewpoint of critical thinking proves this statement. As defined by Michael Scriven, “critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action” (Defining Critical Thinking, 2009). Drawing from this definition, the link between critical thinking and the field force analysis is obvious as both stress the importance of analyzing the data as a guide for further activities.
Accordingly, the use of the force field analysis will allow implementing the proposed solution with the greater probability of success. It is well known that problems are easier to solve when identified and disseminated into the smallest elements. The force field analysis allows such a dissemination and analyzing of all the factors influencing the potential solution. Being not only a decision making tool, but also a critical thinking instrument, the force field analysis will allow JP Morgan Chase to address its HRM problems in a proper way and solve them at the lowest cost possible for its market positions.
Defining Critical Thinking. (2009). Web.
Decision Making Techniques. (2009).