Change Management Communication and Confidentiality Essay

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Businesses have always been exposed to the constantly changing environment, in which each firm had to build its competitive advantage and change its operations and processes in order to survive and become more efficient and profitable. When it comes to change management, it is an integral part of any business and a driving force for innovation and transformation. However, in order to become successful in its transition attempts, change management communication must adhere to confidentiality in some areas, such as sensitive data.

Many companies employ a large number of people, and not every person must be as loyal as expected. As a result, many business entities have a strict hierarchical organization, which allows the dissemination of information among specific departments and teams, allowing the details to flow to some groups and remain confidential to others. The same is applicable to change management communication since the transition phase makes the company vulnerable, and the leakage of sensitive data might be damaging. In this scenario, confidentiality will be applicable to the stakeholders of the C-suite and the direct managers who will oversee the change process, and e-mail correspondence can be used to maintain confidentiality (Wiseman, 2019). For instance, in an e-commerce company, when optimizing the website platform for customer convenience, the information regarding the finances used might be kept confidential since personal and corporate data should be protected.

To summarize, change management communication must uphold secrecy in some areas, such as sensitive information, in order to be effective in its transitional efforts. The firm is susceptible at this time of transition, and a data breach might have negative effects. The C-suite stakeholders and the direct managers in charge of the transformation process will be subject to secrecy in this case.


Wiseman, C. (2019). Establishing the program management office: A key enabler for the digital supply chain. In E. Sabri (Ed.). Technology optimization and change management for successful digital supply chains (pp.107-128). IGI Global.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 19). Change Management Communication and Confidentiality.

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"Change Management Communication and Confidentiality." IvyPanda, 19 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Change Management Communication and Confidentiality'. 19 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Change Management Communication and Confidentiality." May 19, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Change Management Communication and Confidentiality." May 19, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Change Management Communication and Confidentiality." May 19, 2024.

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