The Shawshank Redemption is a story written by Stephen King. Its film adaptation was directed by Frank Darabont. It is about prison life and the relationships between prisoners and their guards. Red, Andy Dufresne, and Samuel Norton are the main characters in this film. They engage in illegal activities to survive and even the tough prison guards are forced to collaborate with inmates to smuggle goods. Other prisoners die in this correctional facility, but Andy Dufresne escapes from prison and leaves everybody surprised while his long-term friend dies. Red was released and followed Andy in Mexico.
Red is the main character in the movie. He is an entrepreneur because he makes prison guards and inmates his closest friends to learn various issues from them (The Shawshank Redemption). In addition, he does not want to be controlled and believes that he should lead others; therefore, he did not give others chances to control his life because they would humiliate him no matter how good he tries to be. He was the key player in the smuggling business, he earned while in prison by supplying prisoners with almost everything they wanted. However, this was done at a fee that was used as a reward for his genius skills of smuggling goods into prison (The Shawshank Redemption). For instance, the hammer that Andy Dufresne used to break the prison wall and escape was smuggled by Red. This is a business skill that made sure he was paid for his services. He combined his hard work and good memory to locate the stone wall that hid an invitation letter to Mexico and money from Andy. Successful businessmen should be like Andy and have the ability to remember events, people, and places.
A good entrepreneur should be unpredictable and secretive and Andy Dufresne meets these requirements, and this makes the prison guards and other inmates believe that he is stupid. This skill is used by businessmen to develop strategies to compete with others. Nobody knew that one day Andy would escape from prison. In addition, his silence confused other inmates who thought that he was incapable of planning to smuggle goods into prison and then escaping without being noticed (The Shawshank Redemption). He was a banker, and his financial skills were his greatest tools to manipulate prison guards and other inmates. He offered Byron Hadley solutions that enabled him to evade taxation on his money. His expertise in economics helped Samuel Norton to conduct illegal businesses without being noticed. He used his skills as bait to make prison guards and inmates respect him and seek his services; therefore, this ensured nobody interfered with his plans to escape from prison. He knew how people evaded paying taxes by providing false information about the sources of their income. He offered his financial services at a fee that required the prison guards to protect and extend some favors to him (The Shawshank Redemption). He used his banking skills to manipulate prison guards and other inmates and hide his plans.
Prison guards are among the poorest paid civil servants in most nations, but this did not deter Samuel Norton from doing his job with enthusiasm. This character is a creative risk-taker and ensures his projects are implemented to satisfy his needs. He knew that a local construction company was getting a lot of money by repairing roads. Therefore, he established a program that forced prisoners to repair the local infrastructure to compel this company to negotiate with him (The Shawshank Redemption). He risked his job by accepting bribes to kill his program and this earned him a lot of money. In addition, the program enabled prisoners to interact with the public and smuggle goods into prison. Norton is a good entrepreneur because he is cunning and uses religion to deceive the prison administration, colleagues, and inmates that he led a righteous life (The Shawshank Redemption). In addition, he has his future crafted and invests in Andy’s prison life to continue hiding his illegal activities with the construction company.
Works Cited
The Shawshank Redemption. Dir. Frank Darabont. Castle Rock Entertainment, 1994. Film.