What are some of the challenges and successes that authorities have had in prosecuting Australian’s and other child sex offenders using extraterritorial laws?
Child sex offenders are classified into two major categories; people who look for young ones and lure them for sexual activities. All these people are seen as criminals in the eye of law and justice. There are often pros and cons when an attempt is made to prosecute an Australian who happens to be a victim of such instances.
Filing a case that will stand up in a court of law is yet another big challenge that is experienced when prosecuting an Australian. This implies that there are difficulties in gathering evidences that can be used against the accused for the case to succeed. Regardless of the type of child sex criminal, it is difficult to identify such individuals and how to approach them to acknowledge for them their deeds.
Through government efforts, success can be achieved by prosecuting a paedophile as a way of offering security to children. The process of the prosecution is backed up the implementation of ECPAT Act that supports the protection of children’s rights to live a stress-free life. Another key benefit is that victims of such circumstances are eligible to local support that will ensure justice for their well-being. The state law that looks after children who fall prey for such victims also forms part of success in dealing with paedophile cases.
In what ways can tourism be a catalyst for change and a mechanism to end the exploitation of children worldwide?
In working out ways to help resolve cases of child exploitation across the world, tourism is seen to play a significant role in implementing this. Tourism activity involves movement of people from place to place. Considering this as a significant factor, it is ideal to use tourism as away to pass messages that will influence the decision of offenders to change in their conducts. Another way in which tourism may catalyse the move to limit cases of child sex tourism is through the formation and implementation of acts that will govern the activities of people. This will also outline the relationship with children and indicate limits of each tourist.
Through declarations and full support to eradicate child sex and internet pornography, tourism industry has played a crucial role in the implementation of such moves. The industry organizes groups that create awareness among people of different countries and offers various ways in which child protection can be conducted. This has catalysed the move to achieve a global mission of doing away with child sex tourism. Child Wise Tourism, as a project, also aims at protecting young ones from falling victims of opportunistic and paedophile sex offenders who aim at young ones across the globe. All these aim at creating awareness of predators that use young ones for sexual activities.