CIA Triad refers to the principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. In business, confidentiality can be implemented by educating employees about security measures and introducing multi-factor authentication. The first example protects information from unintentional violations and breaches due to weak protections, such as weak passwords. Such threats can confuse at best and result in significant violations at worst. The second measure ensures that an unauthorized person cannot gain access to information even if they have a password. As in the first case, its benefit is protecting information against security breaches.
Two ways to implement integrity are regularly revising different mechanisms and ensuring sufficient recovery strategies. By revising data processing and storage mechanisms, businesses ensure their proper work and protect themselves from unexpected accidents that could make data vulnerable. Recovery strategies allow quickly correct mistakes and protect data from being breached or tampered with.
Finally, storing data in “clouds” and regular software upgrades can ensure availability. Cloud storage allows data to be available during a platform downtime, which may result in loss of money, for example. Software updates protect information and improve performance, saving the company money and reducing the risk of lost critical data.