Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory Applied to Urgent Care Department Essay

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The aim of this assignment is to assess the workplace culture on the hospital ICU floor by completing the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory questionnaire. The assessment will be accompanied by relevant theoretical concepts, ideas for their application, and a discussion section with a real-life instance of workplace incivility. Overall, the assignment will strive to present the extent to which the hospital ICU floor is healthy and civil in a measured way, and to consider the implications of the findings.

Results of Work Environment Assessment

As per the instructions, scores were assigned to the statements in the assessment form. Afterwards, the score total was calculated in order to determine the civility of the hospital ICU floor. The overall civility score is 72, which falls within the range of 70 to 79, indicating a mildly healthy workplace (Clark, 2015, p. 20). Therefore, based on the results, it appears that the hospital ICU floor can be characterized as mildly healthy in terms of civility.

Surprising and Confirmed Ideas

Certain results of the assignment have proven to be surprising. For instance, this can be said regarding the unanticipated impact of the communication culture that is present in the workplace. Similarly, another idea that has been surprising is the importance of such workplace conditions as the presence of a mentoring program. In hindsight, these factors do seem to influence the overall civility of the hospital ICU floor.

On the other hand, other ideas have been confirmed based on the assessment results. Namely, this can be said regarding the assumption that the hospital ICU floor values its employees and is willing to invest in them. The confirmation can be seen in the statements that “the organization provides competitive salaries, benefits, compensations, and other rewards” and that there are “sufficient opportunities for promotion and career advancement” (Clark, 2015, p. 20). Both of these statements received high scores, therefore serving in favor of the initial idea.


The results posit several implications regarding the health and civility of the hospital ICU floor that are worth considering. As the workplace has been deemed mildly healthy, there are several areas of concern. The main issues seem to be the lack of transparency and respect in communication and the failure to celebrate and recognize individual and collective achievements. However, certain positive aspects of the workplace are remarkable: the high level of employee satisfaction and the emphasis on teamwork and collaboration.

Relevant Concepts and Potential Application

For the purposes of this assignment, cognitive rehearsal (CR) has been applied in order to better comprehend the incivility in the workplace. CR is an evidence-based method used to teach students how to deal with workplace disrespect. (Clark, 2019). The theory relates to the results of the assessment in that the assessment earlier identified several areas of concern in terms of civility on the hospital ICU floor. These issues could potentially be addressed through the use of techniques like CR, which can help learners practice addressing incivility in a safe and supportive environment.

To apply the theory of cognitive rehearsal to improve organizational health and create stronger work teams, the hospital ICU floor could consider implementing CR training for all employees. This could involve using simulation, evidence-based scripting, and deliberate practice to help employees practice addressing incivility in the workplace (Clark, 2019). For example, the hospital ICU floor could hold workshops or training sessions where employees role-play scenarios in which they must address uncivil behavior, such as disrespectful communication or exclusion from meetings (Clark, 2019). These simulations could be facilitated by skilled trainers who can provide feedback and support to help employees develop their skills (Clark, 2019). Additionally, the organization could consider incorporating debriefing sessions into the training to help employees reflect on their experiences and identify areas for improvement (Clark, 2019). By providing employees with the skills and support they need to address incivility, the hospital ICU floor can help create a healthier and more civil work environment.


Overall, I have enjoyed my time at my organization and have felt supported by my colleagues and superiors. However, there have been a few instances where I have experienced mild incivility in the workplace. One such instance occurred about six months ago, when a colleague of mine and I had been assigned the same patient, and we had been working closely together for several days. I noticed that my colleague seemed to be getting more and more stressed. She would snap at me or other team members and seemed to be constantly on edge.

I was concerned about my colleague’s behavior, and I didn’t want our team dynamic to suffer because of it. So, I decided to speak with her privately, asking her if everything was okay. My colleague confided in me that she was feeling a lot of pressure. In response, I offered to help lighten her workload by taking on some additional tasks myself. As a result of this conversation, my colleague’s behavior improved significantly. She was still under a lot of pressure, but she was able to manage her stress more effectively. I was relieved that we were able to address the issue as team members and find a solution that worked for both of us.


It can be concluded that, as per the Work Environment Assessment, the hospital ICU floor can be considered a mildly healthy environment for its workers. This is an overall positive result; however, it points out areas for improvement. The main focus lies in developing a culture of transparent and respectful communication that is supportive and celebratory of the employees’ achievements. CR is a technique that could be potentially used for these purposes and is worth considering by the administration.


Clark, C. M. (2015). . American Nurse Today, 10(11), 18–23. Web.

Clark, C. M. (2019). . Nurse Educator, 44(2), 64–68. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, June 10). Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory Applied to Urgent Care Department.

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"Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory Applied to Urgent Care Department." IvyPanda, 10 June 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory Applied to Urgent Care Department'. 10 June.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory Applied to Urgent Care Department." June 10, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory Applied to Urgent Care Department." June 10, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory Applied to Urgent Care Department." June 10, 2024.

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