The airline business is the most sensitive in the transport industry. Many airlines often fail because they do not keep up with the market or critically examine the market and as a result, they end up not fulfilling the customer’s needs. Most of them focus on issues like excessive advertising using millions of dollars which end up not meeting their purpose because customers don’t just buy whatever is dished out to them. It is important to take a well-calculated move to ensure the product being offered will not only satisfy the buyer but will make the buyer want more. There are four factors to the buyer which are essential in marketing popularly known as the four P’s which include product, place (i.e. distribution), promotion, and finally pricing.
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According to the prevailing condition in air classic, there is a real need to cut costs as a way of stabilizing their income. A good way to do this can be through demarketing. This is a concept where the seller of a product discourages the use of a certain product or good in times when there is a likelihood of shortages (Kotler and Keller, 2007). There is no shortage in the Classic situation in the real sense because it is not a good being sold it is a service but the important factor to consider is that the demand is exceeding supply whereby the commissions being given are not sustainable.
These commissions are not quite relevant to the extent that they can affect sales and are interfering with the revenues collected. These perks some passengers do not even care about these as one passenger said “I don’t need the perks, just get me there on time” as noted in the notes from customer conservations. The key issue in this sort of business can be very simple things that are at times disregarded like punctuality and courtesy which matter as the customer is stressed.
Mega marketing is another concept that can be useful in improving the situation. This is a concept where marketing is taken a notch higher so that the crucial elements in a business’s external environment can be properly managed. A lot of attention is given to public relations and power (Kotler and Keller, 2006). The classic airline can use this concept to create an attractive image that will increase the customers and most importantly the revenues.
Public relation is one of the most effective ways to capture customers these days. This is because it is forever in movement. In a pool of marketing, everyone will want to know the next person, and everyone wants to make a mark in whatever business they are doing. Every time you listen to the radio or watch the television, there is always someone trying to persuade you in a way. Not everything they are saying is true, it’s up to the customer to decide on what to believe but the ordinary customer does not have time, vigor, or information to know what is best(Newsom and Kruckeberg, 2004 ).
Thus Classic airline needs good public relations to increase its customer base. By having an effective public relations office, their customer base will increase hence more revenues. It is important to note that publicity especially in the airline business can make or break the business. The focus should be shifted to ensuring the right materials are utilized, there are good interviews, and most importantly there is an excellent spokesperson for the company.
Kotler, P. & Keller, K. (2007). A Framework for Marketing Management (3rd ed). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Kotler, P. & Keller, K. (2006). Marketing Management (12th ed). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Newsom, D. & Kruckeberg, D. (2004). This is PR: The Realities of Public Relations (8th ed). Belmont, CA: Thomson-Wadsworth.