A collaborative organization is best defined as the process by which the personnel within the firm work together to finish a job or achieve a common goal. Employees in a collaborative workplace are free to express themselves without fear of judgment and are given opportunities to be heard and engaged in crucial internal issues. In collaborative companies, the team learns to thoughtfully and openly accept their differences (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021). According to the video “What are Essential Collaborative Behaviors?” withholding behaviors “are huge barriers for creative collaboration” (IDEO U, 2019, 00:41-00:42). Encouragement of a system that allows the team to receive feedback, log their efforts, and explain how to assist and develop the business. Generally, creating a trusting and effective atmosphere for the team to learn what they know and explore the unknown fosters collaboration, allowing them to emerge and grow inside the firm, resulting in increased production.
The unifying commitment to a single objective is one of the essential concepts of a collaborative organization. A great organization is built on the foundation of a cohesive team working toward a common goal (Goman, 2019). Efficient and regular communication is another principle that governs this system. According to Goman (2019), how information is managed in any company influences whether it becomes a barrier or an accelerator of cooperation. Personnel must clarify their ideas and be heard clearly for a well-established firm. In essence, this can only be achieved through appropriate communication skills. Finally, collaboration only thrives in a setting of trust and transparency (Goman, 2019). Goman (2019) argues that it is preferable to encourage the team to appreciate one another to attain good cohesiveness. Members are invited to exchange knowledge and best practices in such an environment. Generally, this will enable them to work together to achieve their stated goals.
Goman, C. K. (2019). 8 ways leaders foster collaboration. Forbes.
IDEO U. (2019). What are essential collaborative behaviors? [Video]. YouTube.
Indeed Editorial Team. (2021). 9 steps to create a collaborative culture at work. Indeed Career Guide.