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October 6, 2010
1 Apple Park Way Cupertino, California, U.S.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs
Operating system
Famous because of
Line of smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc. that use Apple's iOS mobile operating system
Interesting facts
On the first weekend the iPhone 6s and 6s plus launched, 50 devices were sold per second

Comparing the Prices of iPhone Research Paper

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The application of marketing strategies by companies in the real industry or in real life is indispensable. Marketing strategies accounts for the effective and efficient scanning of both internal and external environmental factors with respect to the SWOT Analysis results, or to an external.

However, to be specific, analysis of the marketing mix shall provide evaluated and enough details about the market and subsequent determination of the type of marketing strategy to go for, having closely put into consideration the performance analysis and strategic constraints (Kelly 1). Further, the external environmental factors of any market shall be the extensive and intensive analysis of the consumer behaviour, competitor’s strengths and weakness, the market segmentation and target analysis.

Saudi Arabia experincwes disparity in the cultural practice like clothing, food, religion, entertainment and the use of news media is under this context.

The clothing in Saudi Arabia is under the principles of hijab where the men put on the ankle-length shirt, thawb with a keffiyeh or ghutra (a plain white square made of finer cotton) while going to work, undertaking government activities and during celebrations.

The women also wear the traditional clothes called abaya or burqa whenever they appear at the public. In the United States, fashion rules the day as well as freedom of dressing where everybody wears whatever they like.

The information technology trends, global economic condition, sociocultural and political factors that shall greatly affect the market penetration are analysed in the external environment categorisation.

According to Baker (56) With all these weighed and scaled according to their importance and criticality, a market strategy is developed that is key to the businesses market penetration and increase in the market share. Thus, to have an always updated market strategy, it is essential that it should always bear the overarching company’s mission statement.

The benefits accruing from marketing strategies immense, it accounts for the concentration of the limited economic resources that utilise great opportunities to boost the sales revenue, increase the market share and maintain a sustainable competitive edge. IPhone Corporation is not an exception (Kazushi 64).

The most reputed New York based American Corporation; IPhone, headquartered in Tokyo Japan, has gained its popularity from the diverse products it offers the market across the globe ranging from IPhone Electronics, IPhone Entertainment, IPhone Pictures Entertainment, IPhone Music Entertainment, IPhone/ATV Music Publishing (50% ownership), IPhone Computer Entertainment LLC, and IPhone DADC Americas just to mention a few.

Actually, the Corporation has been in business for years, and today, it reserves the pride of being the leading producer of audio, video, communication and information technology goods globally for both consumers based used and professional markets, as well.

This notwithstanding, the company has evolved to have 3D motion pictures, the Bravia Television, PC entertainment, musical enhancement devices, and actively engages in eMarketing. In essence, the company has embraced currency with market trends and consumer tastes and preferences as an identity (Hadjicharalambous 24).

Today IPhone marks years of great business accruing from their consistent upgrading of their products to compliment the comprehensive entertainment and information technology musical and entertainment devices. This has significantly contributed to its increased sales in the 2010 financial year to over $ 78 billion.

Its size can only be compared with the massive number of employees that it contains in the globally, over 170,000 workforce. It is, therefore, evident that IPhone Corporation uses the best marketing strategies using the marketing tools like the marketing mix, SWOT Analysis etc.

In actuality, marketing strategy as a technique rotates around the adoption of a high deal of strategic planning, market analysis, business analysis, uncertainty and tight timescales (Hussey 31). Further, according to (Wedel & Pieters 187) the marketing strategies bring significant sustainability of marketing plans geared towards meeting he consumer tastes and preferences and reaching the set marketing objectives.

Any company’s goals, objectives and plans are in the overall designed for a measurable result. In most cases, the marketing strategies are designed to enhance a long term plan, with tactical plan releasing enough particular actions and tasks to be achieved in a particular financial year, and the remains part of the action plan to be pursued in the outstanding years of the long term plan.

Marketing plan are so sensitive to time since most opportunities that may crop up may be unexpected, but when approached and utilised with generate immense profits in the within the short time span (Kurtz & Snow 34). Time horizons are supposed to figure in the marketing plan which may influence other businesses within the market, and in the same physical region because of sharing the same market.

Hence, a marketing strategy efficiently comes in to tackle the competitive niche by developing effective plans that will see it sway to a higher competitive advantage over its customers. Marketing strategies are diverse and interactive because they are partly planned by different input methods and levels (Lee, Donthu & Yoo 376).

iPhone’s Marketing Strategy

IPhone is widely spread around the world, and the type of strategy used in a particular market segmentation is different from the other. Due to the diversity in the government regulation and different economic conditions the company has adopted different marketing strategies that fit effectiveness for each market. True to say, IPhone Corporation has worked effectively in their marketing strategy as reflected in their years of market share and customer loyalty.

This is because, the company is well endowed with enough capacity to effectively use the right strategy irrespective of the market, but with a goal of increasing sales and winning customer loyalty. For instance, IPhone is endowed with U.S. R & D and Engineering Facilities all the way from San Jose, San Diego, Boulder, Co to Park Ridge, NJ. Further the Major Manufacturing Sites in North America numerous, widely spread through Pitman, San Diego, Terre Haute, IN and Tijuana, Mexicali. According to the IPhone Corporation of America (2011) Marketing strategies vary depending on the kind of situation at hand for each company.

Because of this, IPhone Corporation has adopted various types of marketing strategies, which are Strategies based on industry dominance, Porter general approaches, Invention strategies, and the Growth strategies;

Market dominating strategies

IPhone has used the dominance in the industry over the years to set up its marketing strategy. IPhone has the highest market share in worldwide and in particular Japan and the United States. As the market leader, the company has advanced in advertising its products, which portray their superiority, thus, posing a higher challenge for its followers in the large niche.

Porter generic strategies

Theoretically, IPhone uses the porters generic marketing strategy, as reflected practically by the strategy on the extensiveness of the strategic opportunity usage and strategic advantage it accrues from large scale production of its products as well as the large market it covers.

Strategic scope, as implemented by the IPhone Company is reflected in the global market penetration envisaged by the business, which has attracted demand from Africa, Europe, Australia and America. As a result, the strategic market approach has made the company have a higher competitive advantage and achieve sustainable growth (Kotler 243).

Today, IPhone is proud of succeeding in the market penetration to all corners of the world through product differentiation, cost minimization through large scale production, and mastery of the market segmentation within Japan and North America as indicated above.

Innovation strategies

The company has portrayed its competency in having an innovative marketing strategy. A brief flashback, during the 2010 FIFA world cup the company officially launched the IPhone Bravia, as a satisfactory watch of the event during the period. Thus, the development model put in place by the company has led to the sales escalating especially in Africa. IPhone having been the pioneer and popular close vendor of the product got this advantage (Kapferer 123).

Growth Strategies

Today a close analysis of the company publications advertise of their intensive growth in the market with the surging employees over 170 000 worldwide and the always increasing sales, as compared to 2009 and 2010, the company had an increase in sales of roughly 9%, indicated in their websites and links. In essence, the vertical integration and diversification reveal of a growth market strategy to popularise the company, as a leader in the market, hence winning customer confidence (Brun et al. 558).

What Makes It Unique?

The company recorded among the highest sales in the industry in the year 2010 amounting to $78 Million and supports the largest number of employees in its market. The uniqueness of the company is routed in its ability to effectively penetrate the market and popularise itself among a large number of competitors (Keller 18).

This is due to the reputation the company has gained as the best audio-visual electronics and information technology corporation in the united states and internationally, having the best 3D picture television in the market with a co-developer of compact discs, super audio compact discs and the Blu-ray discs (Bilton 23).

The company has been the first producer of the market play station audio-visual products and LCD, PCs and computer entertainment systems, which are current with the market trend and customer preferences and demands. Further it is the only company which wholly deepen into the quality production of the 3D products and its distribution.

What Special Advertisement and Promotions

IPhone Corporation has developed its promotion styles and approaches in informing its esteemed consumers of their wide range of products. Today IPhone website is more interactive displaying all products in the site with the choice left to the consumer, on the products and its features attractively set.

Further, the company appreciates receiving and responding to customer request and complains in an effort to adequately satisfy the customers. The company uses a product advertisement where the product is used to advertise its own product, for instance the only way they advertised the IPhone Bravia TV was through the Televisions.

Further the company uses the visual media, the television to advertise their products and features’. Each of IPhone’s shop is also well labelled with their logo ‘IPHONE’ that is well displayed to inform customers of their presence. The company has also advanced in using Billboards and audio advertisements (Lee 356).

When the population is made up of the youth or females contributing a large portion of it, it is likely that the kind of goods mostly demanded will be luxurious goods with high tendencies of fluctuations in demand due to changes in fashion. Therefore, perfumes and fashion products are likely to experience shifts in demand to the right; an extension. Generally, an increase in population causes an extension shift on the demand curve.

For example, a bookshop in a local area will experience high demand for books during the holiday as most students will at home even if the prices are unchanged. Again, many people experience urban sprawl and increases in demand for products where the municipal boundaries are extended ever wider by the housing developments. However, a decrease in the population leads to a contraction left shift of the demand curve. Demand for products falls with a decrease in population.

If consumers prefer a particular good over the other, the quantity demanded for such goods will increase, as will be reflected in the demand curve shifting outwards. Perfumes and fashion industry experience these changes more frequently.

A liking to a specific type of perfume by most consumers, or a high demand for a particular design of clothes will be reflected in the outward shifts of the demand curve. However, a sudden change, as usually happens, for another upcoming design or fashion will significantly reduce the demand for that particular product causing a shift to the left in the demand curve, ceteris paribus price.

In addition when most consumers prefer electric cars because they are environmentally friendly and economical, the demand curve will experience an outward shift in demand curve.

If the cost of purchase of a related good, say fuelled vehicles, increases, the demand curve for the electric cars will shift to the right. This is because of the most consumers will opt to buy electric cars which are more affordable than the fuelled cars. These related goods can either be a substitute (fuelled cars) or a compliment, the charged battery that drives the electric car.

As illustrated, substitutes are commodities that serve the same purpose as the one on hand. While compliments, are those commodities that are used together with the product at hand for it to function properly. For instance, a rise in price of an electric car battery in the overall will mean an increase in the operation costs of the electric cars which will reduce the demand for the electric cars, causing a shift in the demand curve to the left.

Today telephone and communication industry have attracted interest groups globally. Any tourist or traveller is always curious to get an unforgettable experience from the destinations on explores. Of much importance, it is the quality of service offered, the comfort, and finally, the fulfilment of expectations.

With a stiff competitive edge the hospitality industry is facing a great challenges in quest of meeting customer expectations while maintain high standards. As the customer preference trend is inclined on surety, prior to visitations, that their expectations will be met, they demand to touch all the aspects of the destination before making their journey.

Mobile and communication, in return, have innovatively taken up systems that store more information, with in an interactive portfolio. In effect, sophistication and system integration has there has been rapid and demanding in an effort to enhance the operational efficiency in the sector. The Case Study of EnTrip in this paper gives an intensive detail on how the site has made an innovative approach in addressing trend in the market.

It is an enhanced online-based portfolio that brings together different iPhone and mobile industry managed websites in addition to Google maps, blogs and interactive networks which enable travellers to effectively plan for their entire trip using the sufficient information this interface.

On access of Entrip website – – one is acquainted with the details of the their destination points with enough details of the particular trip airline, and hospitality services like hire cars, restaurants and special events among others, in which the customers’ expectations is raised and assured.

Evaluate the objectives

For a long time most travellers have always had a big problem getting sufficient information on their destinations, much of the information is disintegrated in each website. EnTrip objective was to offer its users an opportunity to manage their travel schedules and to plan their whole trip, by the enhancement of an intuitive map-based interface.

In experience, Anthony Hsiao and Nick Adams had a hard time figuring out exactly how the US 20 mile trip would be. As distribution channels become more sophisticated, making sure that incorporation of the core systems will result in a highly competitive priority for most iPhones. Software application, databases and websites have to incorporate systems to encourage choice of service from a larger variety within one domain.

As distribution channels become more sophisticated, making sure that incorporation of the core systems will result in a highly competitive priority for most iPhones. The increasing essential of the mobile channels is intensifying. However, the utilization of a lesser in size device that can access the internet, and the expectation of the technology platforms utilised by travellers from around the world.

With immense opportunity in the sector, hospitality industry is evolving under a time of unprecedented change the trend is not meant to change. Most customers are adapting to the change with the technology advancement in the industry. Thus, the comprehension of the key industry drivers, customer satisfaction included the technological innovation in online and offline sectors are designed to raise the rapidity of customer in the sector, accruing from better management plan of their travel schedules.

Ultimately, the benefits accruing from marketing strategies immense, it accounts for the concentration of the limited economic resources that utilise great opportunities to boost the sales revenue, increase the market share and maintain a sustainable competitive edge. IPhone Corporation is not an exception (Kazushi 64).

The most reputed New York based American Corporation; IPhone, headquartered in Tokyo Japan, has gained its popularity from the diverse products it offers the market across the globe ranging from IPhone Electronics, IPhone Entertainment, IPhone Pictures Entertainment, IPhone Music Entertainment, IPhone/ATV Music Publishing (50% ownership), IPhone Computer Entertainment LLC, and IPhone DADC Americas just to mention a few. The company uses a product advertisement where the product is used to advertise its own product, for instance the only way they advertised the IPhone Bravia TV was through the Televisions.

Further the company uses the visual media, the television to advertise their products and features’. Each of IPhone’s shop is also well labelled with their logo ‘IPHONE’ that is well displayed to inform customers of their presence

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