Introducing innovations in various spheres of life is often accompanied by difficulties due to the unwillingness of many people to accept new and unusual updates. The process of social digitalisation is natural and non-stop, which is one of the reasons for the transition to a virtual government as the key form of interaction with the representatives of various instances. Nevertheless, the implementation of this project has certain challenges caused by the tendency to abandon innovations and preserve traditional regimes.
In order to develop a transition program and create a convenient and constantly replenished database where answers to any questions can be obtained, it is essential to not only make appropriate computer algorithms but also to carry out specific socially oriented work. Our organisation develops innovative software that can enable us to introduce the project of a virtual government and thereby simplify a number of the areas of life. At the same time, it is crucial to gain understanding from certain segments of the population who refuse to replace traditional paper departments with digital ones. This work is aimed at describing the key trends affecting the implementation of the transition plan, as well as analysing those research mechanisms that could help achieve the desired outcome.
Trends and Themes
To organise an effective process of transition to a virtual government, it is necessary to take into account the current trends that may affect the introduction of changes and raise some problems. Adherence to the principles of digitalisation presupposes the equipping of various social spheres with access to electronic databases, which is fraught with certain risks and challenges. The analysis of these influences may allow identifying the ways of overcoming barriers and methods for reorganising the contemporary system successfully.
The most crucial and significant aspect that may be an obstacle to innovation is a human factor. The reluctance of some people to abandon routine paper departments is fraught with hampering the development of the digital sphere and, as a result, the lack of support from stakeholders. If the population resists the introduction of electronic databases containing significant amounts of information and the possibility of interaction with various government agencies, it will be senseless to seek to invest in this area. In this regard, it is essential to carry out appropriate advocacy work in order to give people an opportunity to appreciate all the advantages of the transition program to a virtual government.
Another issue that may affect the process of work in the direction of the planned reorganisation is engaging qualified specialists who are able to create electronic storage systems equipped with modern data protection mechanisms. Many professional web developers are involved in large IT corporations where comfortable working conditions are maintained and relatively high payment terms are offered. Accordingly, the task of identifying and retaining responsible specialists may be hampered by the lack of staff in the labour market. The task of creating a virtual government includes the organisation of a stable and secure system. Therefore, the search for highly skilled developers is a relevant and potentially difficult issue.
Another trend that needs to be taken into account is the order of introducing those social areas should be included in the program of a virtual government. The new regime involves access to various authorities and agencies where people can receive all the necessary consultations and solve their problems directly in the digital field. As a rule, those social sector issues that are most relevant to the public include health services, insurance, benefit payments and other relevant aspects. Accordingly, in order to confirm the advantages of a virtual government, it is necessary to ensure that people have quick and stable access to the areas of interest.
Finally, another trend that can have a significant impact on the implementation of an electronic database is in cooperation with sponsoring organisations. It is required to find investors who will be ready to support this project and provide financial help to pay for initial expenses. As stakeholders, both government agencies and private business companies may be involved. All the parties can benefit from sponsoring such a project since the population will actively use the capabilities of the main digital resource, and promoting certain services and goods may be provided in such a system. These trends can have a significant impact on our organisation, and it is essential to consider them to eliminate potential barriers to the implementation of a virtual government.
Research Area
The scope of research should be based on the aforementioned trends and themes in order to make the process of introducing a virtual government as safe and effective as possible. Since the most significant obstacle may imply the reluctance of the population to innovations, the study can be based on the method of interviewing target groups to identify people’s willingness to changes. The key goal of this work is finding out what percentage of respondents support the idea of moving towards the updated working mode of most social services and what prospects people see in such a program. The implementation of such a survey should involve interaction with people of different ages, genders, types of activities, and other aspects to avoid bias and the limitations of the study.
It is assumed that the feedback received will determine the willingness of respondents to the upcoming changes in the system of the interaction of various government agencies with the public. If, when drawing up the statistical ratio of the results obtained, a greater number of positive opinions are revealed, it will simplify the task and provide an opportunity to justify the implementation program to state boards. However, in case of the negative evaluation of planned innovations, it will be crucial to think out new projects to convey the significance and value of a virtual government system in the contemporary conditions of digitalisation. In general, this research design will help identify people’s willingness to accept the idea of the transition to the electronic methods of communication as the natural and inevitable mechanism of modern social development.